Rand Paul Has Hope for the Hopeless Judge Brett Kavanaugh

Rand Paul has hope for Donald Trump’s hopeless nominee for U.S. Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh. And Rand Paul says that he will vote for the latest swamp creature to join the other monsters on the “High” Court.

Judge Kavanaugh was born in Washington. He is not someone who wants to dismantle the bureaucracy apparatus as it stands now. He seems to love ObamaCare, and will rubber-stamp much of the rest of the rotten Bureaucratic State.

Kavanaugh has already shown that he will rubber-stamp the surveillance state.

He is a war statist and a police statist.

Kavanaugh might even be a CIA flunky.

Please, I have hope that Rand Paul will come to his senses, change his mind, and vote NO on Judge Kavanaugh.

No more swamp creatures. No more rubber-stampers for the police state and the Bureaucracy.

Trump Wants a $100 Billion Tax Cut for “the Rich”

The Trump administration is considering a $100 billion tax cut for “the wealthy,” and some people such as Chuck Schumer are complaining, you know, the usual panic from the people on the left who don’t believe that the people have a right to do whatever they want with their own money or earnings.

And what do you think the “rich people” are going to do with the extra money they will have when the government steals less of what is theirs to begin with? Stuff it in their mattress?

No, they’re going to invest it, such as investing in businesses which means greater growth, more jobs available, and so on.

And they will spend it, yes, spend it on a second (or third) home, a new luxury car, a boat, a yacht, more technological gadgets, TVs, computers, etc.

In other words, the more “the rich” will spend in the economy, the more work there will be for home builders and renovators, more work and jobs available for those who design and manufacture all those luxury items and TVs, etc., and maybe even more pay raises and bonuses for workers at Walmart, Amazon, General Motors and Ford, and so on.

People, especially those who want the government to steal more and more from the people, need to overcome their envy and covetousness and their fixation in short-term panic and short-sightedness. The people on the left would be free-market advocates and anti-tax-theft advocates if they knew exactly what happens when people have more freedom (the freedom to do what you want with your own money and income), as opposed to what happens when the rulers steal from the people and live high off the hog in Washington off the labor of the workers and producers of society.

What Can Help the Black Community?

Walter Block writes: Want to Help the Black Community?

1. Legalize all drugs. The result will be fewer blacks in jail, less black on black murder, fighting over drug turf. None, at least not from that cause. We ended alcohol prohibition: no more murders over alcohol turf.

2. Eliminate the minimum wage law; less black unemployment. Right now the unemployment rate for black teens (the subgroup most in need of help), is QUADRUPLE (LET ME REPEAT THAT: QUADRUPLE) that of white adults. Before the advent of this evil law, there was no difference in the unemployment rates of the two groups

3. Get rid of the welfare system. It didn’t break up the black family, it caused it not to form in the first place. 75% of black kids don’t have a mother and a father in their home. Before welfare, the black and white families were in a virtual tie for intactness. Read on this Charles Murray’s magnificent book, Losing Ground.

4. Get rid of affirmative action. It’s like putting me in the ring with Mike Tyson after I’ve had a few boxing lessons. It is unfair to black students to place them in universities where the average SAT score is several hundred points above theirs. It steers them into majoring in whining studies instead of STEM.

Those are my moderate proposals.

My radical one? Severely punish, with jail sentences, the people, politicians, bureaucrats, responsible for harming the black community with these policies in the first place.

I especially agree with the last paragraph.

Is the Tea Party Dead?

Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams interview Matt Kibbe, formerly of Freedom Works, who considers himself a “community organizer” for the libertarian movement. Kibbe asserts that the Tea Party is officially dead. I think this is the Reason article that was mentioned. And they discuss the question of who killed the Tea Party. (I have addressed that question here and here, among other places. Disregard my incorrect prediction of a 2016 Hillary win in the 2nd link, the rest of the post makes my important points.)

Early in the discussion, and then later on, they mention their mutual mentor, Hans Sennholz (1922-2007), a Grove City College professor and promoter of Austrian economics. Ron Paul says that an important part of the Tea Party movement should be an emphasis on the Federal Reserve. Here is Ron Paul’s book, End the Fed.

The Ruling Elites and the National Security State’s Criminality

CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou makes a case for stripping former government officials of their security clearances. (I love the personal details about former CIA boss John Brennan. Heh.)

Jacob Hornberger explains how the Pentacon, the CIA, and the NSA (and FBI) are in charge (and not the President).

Paul Craig Roberts on the CIA/FBI/DOJ plot to overthrow the President. (And Roberts links to this article about Hillary Rotten-Clinton and her Uranium One and how she is also getting away with treason.)

And Martin Armstrong has this article on yet another reason to get rid of the income tax (besides the fact that the theft-redistribution is what funds the national security state — see above).

Thanks But No Thanks, “Conservatives”

Laurence Vance titles his post, “We Need A Republican President to Nominate Conservatives to the Supreme Court.”

And he writes:

This is the cry of conservatives before every presidential election. Yet, the results are sometimes disappointing. Most recently, the case of South Dakota v. Wayfair in which the Court ruled that states may force online retailers to collect sales taxes. The vote was 5-4 against the American people who will now have to pay billions more in sales taxes. Justices Kennedy, Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch—all nominated by Republican presidents—voted with the majority.

Unfortunately, I don’t think the dissenters mentioned in their dissents that the majority’s endorsement of taxation was an endorsement of theft and robbery. Oh, well. (On the bright side, we have now gotten rid of Kennedy! Yay!)

The Socialists’ Police State

In my earlier post about social do-gooders imposing their iron fist rule in California, socialists imposing their police state, that reminded me of another post from 2016 in which I further explained how the police state is really imposed by socialists and leftists. I will just quote the relevant section from that post:

Now, Bernie Sanders. He’s got a lot of Peter Pan-like followers, just like Obama has had, with all the little Puer Aeternus cheering Bernie on, who want free stuff, free college tuition, free health care — but not freedom. They want “cradle to grave” dependence, to remain imprisoned children all their lives and never grow up to provide for themselves and live in a free society.

The Sanders crowd knows the system is rigged — and it is in fact inherently flawed — yet they support a power-grabber who wants to expand the size and power of the federal government by trillions more than it already is! So with their dependence on the government to give them free stuff taken from their neighbors, they are also giving up their liberty, their civil liberties, thus their security and well-being.

How do you think Bernie is going to enforce all the further government empowerments and expanded tax-thefts and even more intrusive regulations?

With law enforcement! The police! The regulatory state is a police state. But we already have a police state! That means Bernie Sanders is going to further empower the IRS with all their high powered machine guns and S.W.A.T. teams, and further empower the FBI with all their high powered machine guns and S.W.A.T. teams, and further empower all the other agencies who will be strengthened even more to “protect” us from the “billionaires” (who start businesses and provide jobs and create wealth and produce all the goods and services we need to prosper, shame on them!).

But who will protect us from the IRS and FBI and all their high powered machine guns and S.W.A.T. teams? Especially when they constantly go to the wrong address? Especially when they are criminally enforcing unjust legislation against the people? It sure won’t be the Second Amendment, because the progressives want to disarm the civilian population and keep the government class armed to the teeth!

So economically Bernie Sanders is someone who is also clueless about the good and actual wealth that freedom and free markets create. All government does is stifle the wealth, suppress innovation, distort prices and markets, and cause impoverishment. But the historically ignorant and economically ignorant masses cheer on the communist who wants even more control over your life, and wants to steal even more from the workers and producers of society, and further enslave the sheeple.

And one thing that Trump said last night to the people of New Hampshire was that as President he will get rid of the drugs, the heroin there. And how will he do that? Step up the drug war? What about acting as a bully pulpit (he’s already a bully) and strongly advising the “doctors” to cut it out with their prescribing those strong pain killers which many times is causing pain killer addicts to turn to street drugs? Most patients do not need those pain killers as I wrote here. How about telling the CIA to cut it out with their heroin drug trade from Afghanistan? Ya think?

And Trump will get ISIS. Yeah, right. And how the hell will he do that? Increase even more the bombings, invasions, and murders of innocents overseas that the Bushes, Clintons and Obama have been perpetrating? All that crap does nothing but provoke foreigners even more and elicit even more of their retaliating. “Ban Muslims from entering the U.S.”? That’s really smart. That’ll do it.

You see, the solutions for statists is for the government to crack down on the people and foreigners harder with this or that prohibition, mandate, military invasion or occupation, or otherwise intrusion.

And let’s build a government wall to keep the people in. Sure, tell the people it’s for “immigration enforcement.” This wall stuff really will be used to keep the people in, because the more and more the federal government continues to expand the more and more difficult the bureaucrats will make it for people to leave the country. They want your money! That’s the bottom line for power-grabbing, greedy, government parasite criminals. This “illegal immigration” concept is a ruse, and it preys on the nationalistic emotions and fears of the masses for the sake of furthering less obvious agendas.

Is a House Impeachment in the Works?

U.S. Reps. Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan, members of the House Freedom Caucus, want to impeach deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein for Rosenstein’s refusal to hand over documents related to the Hillary email investigation and the “Russia collusions” investigation. I am not sure if actual impeachment is the way to go. And it looks like Meadows is now changing his mind on that. Perhaps the House Freedom Carcass can just have Rosenstein charged with obstruction of justice, or contempt of Congress. When someone is committing contempt of Congress, especially a government official, that’s really someone showing contempt for the people via their representatives. (Which is mainly how most government employees view the people who employ them, anyway.)

Iron Fist Rule in Commiefornia

If you consider yourself a “socialist,” especially in today’s Bernie Sanders-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez world, then you are all in with the police state. In contrast to the control freaks of dictatorial central planning, you won’t see free traders arresting and throwing into a cage peaceful people. Yet, that is what we get from socialists.

In California, for instance, the government bullies run the whole state. In Santa Barbara now, the city will impose a “fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), imprisonment for a term not exceeding six (6) months” for the 2nd offense if workers at restaurants and bars give customers plastic straws, according to Fox News.

You see, these bureaucrats are just schnooks who like to boss people around and exercise power over others. In contrast, if someone is using a straw for a drink, that itself is a peaceful activity. Peaceful activities should not even be addressed by government or government’s enforcers.

What is the problem with plastic straws? The problem isn’t that the straw or the plastic is harmful to the environment. The problem is littering. And that is a problem whether it is people throwing straws around, shopping bags, wrappers, etc. Why don’t these nudniks go after the litterbugs? (I’ll bet that if we followed the nudniks around we would find out that they themselves are litterbugs. That’s why. Just like the Al Gore hypocrites flying around in their polluting private jets.)

More iron fist dictators: In San Francisco the bureaucrats want to ban companies from providing free lunches to their workers with on-site cafeterias. Huh? Why should these stupid hacks care if a company has a cafeteria?

One “Supervisor” said to the San Francisco Chronicle, “We don’t want employees biking or driving into their office, staying there all day long and going home. This is about getting people out of their office, interacting with the community and adding to the vibrancy of the community,” according to Reason. (“Supervisor”? I think these bureaucrats are the ones who need supervision, quite frankly.)

And what are they going to do with the disobedient businesspeople who ignore these diktats? Arrest them?

These people are just plain nuts, in my view. They remind me of the crazies at Google, who are probably all in with this nutty idea.

But this kind of control freak nuttiness, with bureaucrats ordering around peaceful people, is a part of the police state mentality. Freedom is not on their radar, unfortunately.

New Jersey Senate Candidate Murray Sabrin on the 2nd Amendment

Ramapo College finance professor Murray Sabrin is running for U.S. Senate from New Jersey as the Libertarian Party candidate. I included him in my discussion of the New Jersey 2018 Senate race. If you live in New Joisey, and Bob Menendez is terrible but Republican Bob Hugin is a Big Pharma crony and a lefty SJW, then please consider voting for Murray Sabrin. (If you vote. And I don’t blame you if you don’t.) Dr. Sabrin is one of the only, or one of the very few, pro-liberty candidates in this year’s elections.

Here is Dr. Sabrin in a recent Q&A on the 2nd Amendment that I think you’ll find of interest.

Ben Shapiro Is on the Left? Who Knew?

Jack Kerwick has an article discussing Ben Shapiro. I hadn’t been that familiar with Shapiro, except that I think he sounds like Sean Spicer, who sounds like a cartoon character (but don’t tell him I said that). And I thought that Shapiro was a part of the “alt-right,” but Kerwick says here that Shapiro’s views are more “left-leaning,” so maybe he’s of the “alt-left”? What I have known so far is that Shapiro is a bloodthirsty warmonger, or at least he was with Iraq and Afghanistan. He has been a “Never Trumper,” but now, says Kerwick, Shapiro is a “Sometime Trumper.” Maybe, sometime, sorta, kinda.

More “National Security” Fiascos

Ray McGovern has some important information on Peter Strzok and Lisa Page’s texts, not good news for the Russia-gate True Believers.

Peter van Buren on John Brennan melting down and covering up.

Jack Cashill says the Strzok farce shows obstacles to opening the TWA 800 case.

Sheldon Richman asks, Trump and Putin – how about getting rid of your nukes?

Gary Kohls with a short list of the most lethal interventions in Latin America.

And Jeffrey Kaye with an article on a Korean War commanding U.S. general possibly admitting to war crimes.

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