Ron Paul on Trump’s Dangerous Pre-Crime Plans

Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams discuss the authoritarian Trump and AG Barr’s proposals to implement pre-crime policies, in which the gubmint and police will determine who MIGHT be committing crimes in the future, based on, what, an angry Twitter rant? Someone who might have “anti-government” views?

The “Fourth Estate” Are Now Slaves of Crazed U.S. Government Psychopaths

Paul Craig Roberts says the end of accountable government is close at hand. And he’s right. Roberts observes that the CIA has so much control over the “news” media and government-approved explanations of events that most of the mainstream news media is a farce.


What is astonishing about the CIA’s destruction of Julian Assange is the silence of American law schools and bar associations, the silence of universities, the absence of student and labor union protests, the absence of any protection of Assange’s rights from courts as the last news organization willing and capable of holding governments accountable for their crimes is destroyed openly in full view of the law schools, intellectuals, bar associations, courts, and print and TV media.

The CIA’s control over explanations is as complete as the control Big Brother has in George Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984.And this doesn’t bother the citizens of the US, UK, Australia, Canada, Sweden, Europe.Only a few individuals speak out for Assange, and they, too, are demonized in turn.

In fact, I was listening to a talk radio show today, and the two co-hosts are still referring to that dreaded phone call between Donald Trump and the Ukrainian president as “Trump looking to dig up dirt on a political opponent,” Joe Biden, which is not what that phone call in question was. That was what Congressman Adam Schiffty said it was, when he read his made-up version of the phone call. The White House released a transcript of the actual phone call, and it did not show that Trump was looking for “dirt” on political opponents.

The moonstream media is a puppet of the national security state, the CIA and the military. They are not the “liberal media.” What a joke that is.

Also today Gary Barnett writes that the real news is what is not in the news. He points out that we have not been hearing anything about the Jeffrey Epstein case, or about what the U.S. government is doing to Julian Assange. He also notes the silence of non-government-approved news regarding 9/11 for the past 18 years.

I don’t know if it’s the news editors and news radio and TV producers who take direct orders from the Pentacon and the CIA, or they are so well trained by the time they get their high-up news-control jobs those editors and producers just censor based on what they have been conditioned to believe the government would approve. The control the U.S. government has over “news” (i.e. propaganda) media is amazing.

When it comes to events and issues in which people contradict the official government narrative, such as 9/11, they are called “conspiracy theorists” and so on. The same thing goes for the climate issue, in which people are labeled “deniers” by the obedient closed-minded crusaders who believe that science is “settled.” In fact, those aforementioned liberal talk radio people I heard today also frequently use the phrase, “debunked conspiracy theory” when it comes to the Russiagate or now the Ukrainegate issues. Are they that dumb? Or are they just extremely dishonest anti-truth propagandists?

And finally, Ben Norton writes about about journalist Max Blumenthal being arrested by Warshington’s anti-freedom of the press gestapo, as relates to his political reporting on Venezuela. (Kevin Gosztola has an article on that too.) Blumenthal had been exposing the Venezuelan opposition crackpots who are supported by regime-change fanatics in Warshington.

I think the “national security” (sic) state in Warshington, the moonstream media, those statists and parasites inside the beltway, they are very sick and deranged people. Liars, propagandists, and apparatchiks. They are sick.

More News and Commentary

Zero Hedge with a juicy article on how the FBI entrapped former national security advisor Mike Flynn by literally changing the FBI’s own notes on their interview of him to make it easier to falsely charge him with lying to FBI. The article also covers former director of national “intelligence” (sic) James Clapper giving a Washington Pest “reporter” a “kill shot” order on Flynn. The article also shows a tweet by Matt Taibbi quoting Claptrapper in a CNN interview as saying, “It’s frankly disconcerting to be investigated for having done… what we were told to do by the president of the United States” i.e. throwing Obama under the corruption bus.

Barbara Boland on Dick Cheney vs. whistleblowers. (Cheney says, “fry” the whistleblowers!)

Bretigne Shaffer comments on Julian Assange’s recent kangaroo court fiasco.

Kate Raines says that Google is joining the pharmaceutical industry.

Robert Wenzel on the behind the scenes work of union bosses destroying freelance work in Cronyfornia.

Jacob Hornberger on the evil of the drug war.

And Neville Raymond comments on Alfred Nobel and the vaccine apocalypse.

More Articles

Daisy Luther: 51% of Americans want to end freedom of speech, maybe even want jail time for “hate speech.”

John Pilger comments on what he witnessed in the kangaroo courtroom between Julian Assange and the biased apparatchik judge.

Whitney Webb: AG William Barr formally announces Orwellian pre-crime program.

Aaron Dykes: Then they came for your mind, the untold story of psychosurgery. With Dr. Peter Breggin.

Larry Johnson: Understanding the intel and law enforcement plot to destroy the Trump presidency. (video)

And Steven Greenhut asks, Why do environmentalists seem determined to torment, rather than convince?

More News and Commentary

Sheldon Richman: To be or not to be a Jewish state, that is the question.

Matt Agorist: family facing $2,500 per day fine for firewood stored on property meant for the sick and elderly.

Chris Calton: All human beings, not just capitalists, are self-interested.

WND: Child abusing mother began forcing transgender lifestyle on little boy when he was 3, accused the father of child abuse for “not affirming” the boy to be a girl.

James Caspian: Why detransitioners frighten trans activists.

Activist Post: Special ed students secretly restrained, labeled “high-level threats.”

Sayer Ji: Covering up the causes of breast cancer since 1985: AstraZeneca’s BCAM.

Arjun Walia: Congressman confronts Zuckerberg about censoring information on vaccine safety.

GreenMedInfo: Major journal warns calling breastfeeding “natural” will discourage vaccine and formula use.

Veronique de Rugy: Democrat wealth tax proposals demonstrate economic ignorance.

James Devereaux: How free trade increases peaceful interactions between nations.

Aaron Kesel: The deep state is assassinating Julian Assange.

Daniel McAdams: Lindsey Graham says, “Steal Syria’s oil to pay for U.S. occupation!”

William Astore: The militarization of everything.

WND: CNN fake news vs. ABC fake news.

Marcus Weisgerber: As secret Pentacon spending rises, defense firms cash in.

Jeffrey Harding: The late great state of California.

Richard Ebeling: The NBA’s China problem due to political control over markets.

And The Last Refuge: stunning court-filing by Mike Flynn defense attorney Sydney Powell.

Is Civil War Coming to Amerika?

A Georgetown University poll indicates that 67% of the voters polled believe that civil war can break out at any time in the U.S., because, it seems, there is a lot of anger out there.

That is, a civil war like that of 1861-1865. Yeah, THAT “civil war.”

Donald Trump has been saying nasty things for years, and he elicits anger in people including his supporters and those who apparently despise him.

Now, I can see how after 8 years of Obama and seeing the hostility from the braindead media with their constant lies and propaganda as well as the irrationality on the college campuses, that conservatives can be easily manipulated by Trump’s vitriolic rhetoric.

And because of the mass media propaganda against Trump and the rise in violent groups such as Antifa and the “Democratic Socialists” who believe in violence and coercion and government guns to carry out their schemes, we see a lot of social conflicts out there.

And I can see how some people don’t like being “deplatformed” by snowflake fascists who are intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them, the hunger of various sadists to go after the non-“woke” and get them fired from their jobs or banished entirely from “woke” society, or hearing Mark Zuckerberg attempt to defend freedom of speech and diversity of views on Fakebook while at the same time promoting only government-approved propaganda as being non-fake news.

But civil war?I don’t know about that.

Actually, the ones who would probably start a “war” and start shooting and bombing would be the ones whose views show that they believe in aggression, force and coercion as a means to an end.

For example, the Bush wars (on foreigners, not domestic) were wars of aggression started by the elder President Bush in 1991 and then the junior George W. Bush in 2001 and 2003.

And more recently Donald Trump believes in aggression, force and coercion in carrying out the drug war, his tribalistic war on immigrants and his trade war.

And then there are the people on the left who want to impose their socialist and communist policies with government guns. They may be even worse, given that they are feverishly working on disarming all law-abiding civilians and making them defenseless while at the same time promoting only government police and military (and non-government criminals) to have firearms.

But I still don’t think that Amerika is headed toward actual civil war. Unfortunately, a lot of people now are addicted to their stupid little gadgets, their iPhones and smartphones, and they can’t put it down and stop staring at the thing for two seconds. So many people now are addicted to the idiocy on social media, which is a place of extreme hostility, ignorance and anger on both sides.

So, it’s really this social media phenomenon that is causing the social conflicts to be exaggerated and why 67% of the voters polled think that civil war (not just civil unrest, but civil war) is coming.

Unlike an actual “civil war,” civil unrest is when we see Antifa gathering at a “Straight Pride” event and throwing urine bottles at police, and so on. But that’s not a “war.” A war is when various people in some area are armed with guns, semiautomatic rifles, bazookas, cannons and bombs firing all those things at other people in some other area, and vice versa, and it goes on for a while, with masses of dead people on the streets and so on. That’s a “war.”

But are we seeing any indication of that? Occasionally there are Antifa and white supremacists maybe getting into fights. And are there even any more of those kinds of events than there were say 10 or 20 years ago? 40 years ago we had groups such as “Weather Underground” bombing and shooting people. There are isolated incidents here and there over the years. (However, what we have had over the past 20 years have been Americans joining the largest criminal gang in the world and going over to Iraq and Afghanistan and murdering thousands, hundreds of thousands of innocent people in those areas, as the aforementioned George W. Bush did start two wars of aggression against the people of those countries and he’s still walking free. But obviously that hasn’t been a “civil” war.)

When I go outside into the center of town or into the stores, etc., I don’t see hostility, anger or hatefulness. Just regular people going about their business, and store clerks being their usual nice and friendly selves. On the public transportation there are people talking to others they are with, just regular conversations, or what I see are most people by themselves and mostly staring down into their stupid little electronic gadgets, totally oblivious to their surroundings. Now, it is possible that they are on social media getting a dose of vitriol, anger and hate in the stupid little Twitter and Fakebook things they look at — but otherwise, I am not seeing any signs of an actual “civil war” brewing. Are you seeing otherwise?

However, when the 2020 election comes around and if the ignorant fascist Trump wins despite the propaganda campaign against him, or if the shrieking bitter old hag Elizabeth Warren wins then we probably will see some trouble after 2020. But I still don’t think it will be an actual civil war. The conditions in society are not anything like they were in 1860. And also, many people now are too Xanaxized, hypnotized and subdued by their addictions to stupid electronic gadgets and social media.

So, everybody just cool it.

Willard Romney Had Shown His True Colors Long Ago

Oh, listen to all the people who are acting surprised that Willard Mitt Romney is such a buffoon, extremely dishonest and corrupt and sleazy, with the latest news about him regarding his fake Twitter account, in which Romney defends himself and criticizes Donald Trump.

No, it’s not “Carlos Danger,” or “Reinhold Niebuhr” — it’s “Pierre Delecto“!

Really, Willard? Really?

I’m hearing those talk radio ditto-heads saying that had they known the things we now know about Romney they wouldn’t have voted for him in the 2012 primaries. Doh!

Well, I tried to warn people.

Even as early as June, 2009, in a post on Sonia Sotomayor I had to stick some anti-Romney in there:

Then we had Gov. Willard Mitt Romney, himself busy running for president [in 2006-08], and because he had so much empathy for people without health insurance, he had to push through his Mandatory Health Insurance Law–”You must, MUST have health insurance,” he said in his bill-signing speech that day, with his detectable Locust Valley Lockjaw accent. (He repeated the word, “must.”) His empathy certainly wasn’t available for the many residents and businesses who wanted to opt out of the program, and many of whom had fled or will flee the state. What business is it of the government whether someone has health insurance? How will it be enforced? If someone doesn’t participate, fine them. What if they don’t pay the fine? Jail them. With more and more police. Wait, they’re still busy collecting taxes on the highways.

And in July, 2010 in my article on “Politics or Principle,” I wrote:

Perhaps Romney’s worst deed was RomneyCare, the health care bureaucracy and mandates he installed in his last year as governor. Given his expertise as an entrepreneur and capital investor, and his knowledge of how markets work, one would think that Romney would instinctively know that more government intrusions are the cause of our medical system’s dysfunction and not the cure.

Or perhaps he did know. Politicians oftentimes compromise principle for the sake of political strategy. At the time of his signing RomneyCare into law, mid-2006, it was widely speculated that then-U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton would be running for president in 2008, as well as Romney. Clinton’s own 1993 proposals for nationalized health care would be quite useful to compare to a Republican’s own proposals or policies.

For perhaps a better explanation of his record of government expansion and apparent attraction to the power of the State, it needs to be noted that Mitt Romney grew up in a very political family. His mother Lenore Romney had been a candidate for public office, and his father George Romney was a lobbyist in Washington for the aluminum industry and the automobile industry, and, as governor of Michigan for 8 years, George was credited (or blamed) for his instituting the state’s first state income tax, and greatly expanding state government. George Romney bitterly opposed Barry Goldwater for the Republican nomination for president in 1964. Mitt Romney seemed to follow in his father’s footsteps in advocating more government interventions and intrusions, not fewer, into private economic affairs.

During his last 365 days as governor until January 2007, Romney spent over 200 of those days traveling outside of Massachusetts, “testing the waters” for a 2008 presidential bid. During that last year of Romney’s gubernatorial tenure, many of the duties of governor were taken up by Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey, who was running her own failed campaign for governor. You would think that Romney would resign as governor to run his presidential campaign, but this is politics, after all. The political “public sector” inherently discourages its employees from maintaining a consistent job attendance.

And what does it say about someone such as Romney who spends $40 million of his own wealth on a presidential campaign, only to lose to the competition? It is doubtful that he or anyone would spend so much money to be hired as a CEO of even the most prestigious private firm. But that just shows the extent to which some people will go to achieve political power.

And in December, 2011 I criticized Laura Ingraham and Rush Limbaugh for their early support for Willard. I wrote, among other things:

I heard a little of Laura Ingraham and then some of Rush Limbaugh today. From what little I heard of both of them, it is obvious they are both pushing Romney now for the Republican nomination for President. Limbaugh was complaining that the conservatives seem to be dumping on Romney. If these so-called “conservative” talk show hosts really believe that Romney represents the “business” side of things, and that he’s going to have a “business-like” approach to the federal budget, dealing with the deficit or the National Debt, they are either on drugs, or they suffer from severe delusions, or both.

And another thing, as far as these supposedly intelligent (“with half my brain tied behind my back,” etc.) radio personalities’ actually believing that the one candidate who can definitely beat Barry and Evita in the 2012 elections is Willard Romney, it is actually the opposite. A Romney nomination will guarantee an Obama victory. Why? Because they are two sides of the same coin, and most of America’s true conservatives know this.

And then in January, 2012 I wrote my article asking whether the people of New Hampshire would pick the Orwellian “conservative” Willard Romney.

In February 2012 in my post on “CPAC: Crazy Political Action Conference,” I wrote:

These so-called “conservatives” are really nuts now. They really are crazy. We have three socialists (i.e. communists) — Santorum, Gingrich and Romney — appearing at the Orwellian-named “Conservative” Political Action Conference, while the one actual conservative, who really IS conservative, Ron Paul, was cordially excluded. Only in Orwellian Amerika do we have this situation.

Romney referred to himself as “severely conservative,” in his one moment of true honesty in revealing how his destructive socialism is truly a mental illness. We know from actual historical fact that Romney/Kennedy/Obama/Bush socialism has always had destructive consequences. They are literally ruining America with their State intrusions, their confiscations, and their wars of aggression.

And, when Romney said that he was a “severely conservative governor,” even THAT’S not true! He raised taxes on businesses and implemented this failed government-managed healthcare-insurance scheme. No real capitalist would force a government-managed scheme like that on anyone! Talk about Orwellian! He’s nuts!

And I compared Romney to Ron Paul in a May, 2012 article. And then in August of 2012 I wrote that “Obama will win, thanks to the clueless banana Republicans.” And I was right.

I don’t know how many times I’ve posted this video, but here it is at this link, showing Romney snubbing a medical patient who says that medical marijuana can help him. Romney says he doesn’t support legalizing marijuana and walks away. Oh, what a caring, concerned gentleman, that Willard.

In other words, Romney is just another power-lusting politician who used sleazy tactics in his business career and has been a clueless, gutless wonder who has no real understanding of the free market as well as having no sense of decency as a human being.

So now in his hysterical rants against Trump it seems apparent to me that Willard Romney is again going to run for President. (Perhaps consider running in some other country, Willard?) Doh!

More News and Commentary

Jacob Hornberger discusses Max Boot and vicarious courage in Syria, and says that politicians live in a parallel universe.

Craig Murray on what he saw when Julian Assange appeared in court in the U.K.

Caitlin Johnstone says that only cowards and sadists support the persecution of Assange.

Zero Hedge with an article on CIA analysts lawyering up as Brennan, Clapper ensnared in Russiagate probe.

Jon Rappoport on Apple kneeling before China.

Health Impact News with an article on an Arizona senator threatened by fellow lawmaker for stating that foster kids are being sold into sexual slavery, and an article on CPS medical kidnappings and sex trafficking in Philadelphia.

John Walsh on paternalistic noninterventionism, Venezuela and Hong Kong.

Jonathan Cook says that Democrats helped cultivate the barbarism of ISIS.

Laurence Vance on religious discrimination.

WND with an article on court ruling that a mother can force her son into transgender life.

Richard Ebeling on collectivist revivalism and the new attack on liberty.

Robert Bridge says that the American “deep state” would sooner sacrifice the republic than lose again to Donald Trump.

Michael Snyder on civil unrest all over the world.

Matt Taibbi on Hillary accusing Tulsi Gabbard of being a Russian asset.

And Zero Hedge with an article on Greta Thunberg sailing toward public criticism.

It’s Like an Orwell Novel in 2019 Amerika

Well, it’s been a tough couple of weeks, and I’m trying to get my brain working again. I’ll try to make some comments here on some of the recent annoying events in USSA Amerika. The Democrats are a joke. But the Republicans are also a joke. Let’s call the whole thing off. Can we cancel the 2020 election? Can we dismiss Trump because he really is a fascist, and dismiss those crooks and psychopaths in CONgress because they also are fascists and communists? I still like Lew Rockwell’s 30-day plan. It’s from 1991 but still applies today, and always.

What’s been going on? Libertarians and conservatives seem to be promoting Tulsi Gabbard, maybe for her allegedly antiwar views, even though she’s for “Medicare for All,” she’s an hysterical climate alarmist, she’s for a government-mandated minimum wage, she’s for reparations, i.e. she’s a left-wing kook. Plus, she criticizes the “endless wars” that are in the name of serving Raytheon and other merchants of death, yet she continually adulates her “brothers and sisters” in the military and praises their perpetrating those “endless wars”! She also says that the U.S. military should be to fight al Qaeda, who “attacked us on 9/11,” but she never says what led to that attack, i.e. what the U.S. military had been doing to the Middle East in the decades prior to that time. I think libertarians and conservatives just like Tulsi for her looks, quite frankly.

The Democrats, led by Hillary Rotten Clinton, have been going after Gabbard for some reason, calling her a “Russian asset,” just as they are calling The Donald a “Russian asset.” What Democrats really didn’t like was that Trump criticized the endless wars that Obama continued to make endless, and Trump criticized the national security state during the 2016 election, and the Obomber apparatchiks such as James Clapper, Comey and John Brennan didn’t like that. So they schemed and connived to make up a dossier against Trump to use as a reason to illegally spy on his campaign. And the national security establishment in and out of power have been trying to derail Trump’s presidency and 2020 campaign. And Lindsey Graham and his fellow national security state worshipers are now stalling in their duty to investigate the illegal origins of the Russia-collusions probe. They’re ALL criminals!

So, the “Democrats” really oppose the basic premise of “democracy.” If an election doesn’t go their way, they make things up and if they don’t want to actually assassinate him they will attempt to impeach him. So now while the “Russia-Russia-Russia” stuff takes a temporary recess, it’s Ukraine-Ukraine-Ukraine. We have the corrupt Adam Schiffty conducting hearings behind closed doors, in secret, banning Rethugs from the hearings, because obviously he has something to hide. And House Spooker Nancy Lugosi knows that there is no real evidence from a phone call between Trump and the Ukrainian president to prove anything criminal, especially when the White House released a transcript soon after the accusations arose. I think members of the House Freedom Carcass are trying to censure Adam Schiff for his naughtiness. Especially when he reads aloud a made-up and slanderous conversation supposedly between Trump and Ukraine president. I can’t believe he actually did that. Schiff should be impeached, not just censured.

And the Democrats are pro-war now? During the 2000s the Democrats and their media and show-biz cohorts were constantly protesting George W. Bush’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Harry Reid and Pelosi had that all-nighter pajama party, remember that? But, as soon as Obama became President and continued the wars, the occupations and the bombings and drone strikes, so much for Democrats protesting. Crickets.

So, they really weren’t antiwar during the Bush years, they were just anti-Bush, just as they are now anti-Trump. No principles involved at all with these political hacks. They just hated Bush because he “stole the 2000 election in Florida.”

But the hypocritical, partisan Democrats  are no different from the Republicans and CONservatives who protest Democrats’ tax-n-spend welfare statism but are nevertheless welfare statists themselves.

And this thing with Sean Hannity’s criticism of the “deep state,” that is sometimes referred to by those people as the bureaucratic or administrative state, which is sort of true. But the “deep state” is really the national security state, the CIA-FBI-DOJ-NSA-military-industrial complex. Hannity LOVES the national security state. And as I’ve said before, if it was the Bush DOJ and FBI going after the Obama campaign with fraudulent FISA warrants to spy, Hannity would be on the side of suppressing any investigation of all that and would probably be on the side of the Bush apparatchiks, in my view.

And now we have Willard back in the news! Willard Mitt Romney, calling for Trump to be impeached and going by some secret Twitter account to give himself “likes” or whatever the hell he’s doing. Typical sleazebag, FOS Willard. Yes, that Willard Romney, the one who as governor of Massachusetts raised taxes and fees by hundreds of millions of dollars, and in his 2012 presidential run said regarding taxes that “everything is on the table,” including raising taxes on the wealthy, and who supported the Wall Street bailout while receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign donations from Bank of America, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, received government subsidies for his Bain Capital, the one who colluded with Ted Kennedy to concoct a mandatory health insurance scheme for Massachusetts that was the model for the whole USSA Amerika, the one who said he supports the 2nd Amendment while at the same time opposes the 2nd Amendment, and Willard the fascist drug warrior, yes, that Willard Romney.

So, while Romney Willard has been critical of Trump for “Russia collusions” that never happened, and now wants Trump impeached for non-crimes with Ukraine, I’d like to know why there was never an investigation over why, as he was leaving as governor of Massachusetts, Romney had his staff remove computers and destroy hard drives from their office computers? What was he hiding and covering up? Was it the detailed information and emails regarding their concocting RomneyCare to impose on the people of Massachusetts? So, in my view Romney is just another criminal government scumbag, and when in March of 2016 he was criticizing Trump in that big speech as a “phony,” a “fraud,” a “fake,” and a “con man,” Willard was really talking about himself!

And would those talk radio sheeple please stop saying that while Romney is a “RINO,” a “Republican in Name Only,” he is nevertheless a “decent” guy, NO, he is NOT a “decent” guy, he is INdecent, a sleazy, corrupt, dishonest, BAD guy! Romney is the one who should be impeached!

You see, it’s the existence of that Leviathan apparatus in Warshington that attracts the worst of the worst to get that kind of illicit power and that enables the criminality and empowers the criminal element of society to “legally” steal from their neighbors and otherwise tyrannize innocent people. Again, decentralization is the real solution, and Rockwell’s 30-day plan is still a good idea. But it can be done in fewer than 30 days. Rothbard explains how and how not to decentralize. And that is what we need, so we can stop having to call this place, “USSA, Amerika.”

Repeal Democrats and Republicans

Laurence Vance writes about ObamaCare taxes and other taxes and bills to repeal taxes but replace them with other taxes. Republicans and conservatives are just as much in favor of tax-thefts as liberals and Democrats. (Hence, “Rethuglicans,” in my view.)

Veronique de Rugy describes “Medicare for All” as a plot to pillage us. ($35 trillion? They’re nuts!)

And Robert Wenzel explains Elizabeth Warren’s top economic advisors’ ignorance and hatred of wealth and free markets.

More News and Commentary

Lee Friday asks, What if the majority voted for “None of the Above”?

Jim Davies on voting, the Libertarian Party, and Adam Kokesh.

Jeff Deist says that politics drops its pretenses.

Brendan O’Neill on the Spanish rulers and Britain’s Remainer elite’s contempt for democracy, treating voters like criminals.

Richard Ebeling says that progressivism is an imposter.

Robert Wenzel on Mark Zuckerberg’s defense of Fakebook censorship while defending freedom of speech.

Andrew Kern on why the State can’t claim our “implied consent.”

Kerry McDonald comments on education “equity.”

Veronique de Rugy says that on trade, both Trump and Warren get a fail.

Zero Hedge with an article on corrupt apparatchik Adam Schiffty kicking a Republican congressman out of a congressional hearing.

Jonathan Turley discusses Joe Biden’s attempt to silence news media reports on Biden family corruption.

Zero Hedge with an article on CIA “whistleblower” being assisted by James Clapper associate.

Charles Burris on the deep state and the anti-Trump coup.

Thomas Luongo on the plan for Hong Kong.

Dr. Mercola discusses psychiatric drugs and violence.

Jon Rappoport on the basics of a staged bioterror attack.

And Neville Raymond questions the official purpose for vaccination programs.

Democrats and Republicans (i.e. the “Government Party”) vs. the Libertarian Party

The Democrats had another debate this week. Here is a summary:

  • We want to steal more of your money.
  • We want to impose more regulations, restrictions, prohibitions, confiscations, mandates, requirements and intrusions into your lives, enforced at government gunpoint.

And that’s it. In other words, they are no different from the Republicans. Both the Rethugs and Demtards are just two parts of the one Government Party, in Warshington and all the smaller territories within good ol’ USA.

It’s the same thing election after election, year after year, with the Establishment parties, the one Government Party. It will never get better, only worse.

I know, a lot of conservatives and libertarians are fooled by the con man in the White House. His individual tax cuts expire in just a few years and he did that just to give you enough crumbs so you will vote for him next year. And Trump’s trade idiocy is causing uncertainty. The problem at the border, the drug addiction crisis and other societal problems have their roots in government interventionism, which Trump loves. He’s a central planning-loving kind of guy.

And the Republicans and Democrats are entrenched and enmeshed with the government. They make laws that protect their power and restrict other parties from competing and getting their foot in the door. The “news” media are all with that. So this is really a racket, and I mean a genuinely well-organized “legal” protection racket, a literally criminal organization, which is why the leaders of both Establishment parties need to be forced, maybe by a court and a decent judge if there are any in good ol’ USA, to change the laws to remove any and all restrictions on third parties’ rights to get names and candidates on ballots. If they don’t make such changes then those in control should be charged with racketeering, just like the organized crimesters they are.

And for all those reasons we need to take another look at the Libertarian Party. (I can’t believe I’m saying that.) And I don’t mean the Gary Johnson-Bill Weld Libertarian Party, but the Ron Paul-Harry Browne Libertarian Party. The “party of principle.”

And just recently I wrote a post referring to Jacob Hornberger who is contemplating a run for President as a Libertarian Party candidate. I don’t know if he necessarily agrees with my assertions about the Democrat-Republican criminal racket, but he is someone who does promote freedom, which is what the U.S. used to be all about.

In his speeches at recent state LP conventions, Hornberger included this statement:

We are not Republicans, and we are not Democrats. We are also not Republican-lites, and we are not Democrat-lites. We are not “socially liberal and economically conservative.” We are libertarians, and we need to fight as libertarians!

We live in a dysfunctional society, one in which there are soaring suicide rates, especially among young people, massive alcoholism and drug addiction, and mass killings for unexplainable reasons.

That shouldn’t surprise anyone, given the dysfunctional welfare-warfare state way of life that Republicans and Democrats have foisted upon our land. Republicans and Democrats both need to be taken to account for what they have done to our country with their system of mandated socialist charity, massive taxation, immoral and racially bigoted drug war, forever foreign wars, undeclared wars, wars of aggression and endless occupations, war on terrorism, torture, assassination, secret mass surveillance, national-security statism, interventionism, imperialism, monetary debasement, infringements on civil liberties, intrusions on privacy, trade wars, sanctions, embargoes, alliances with dictatorial regimes, foreign aid (i.e., bribery), coups, war on immigrants, managed and regulated economy, and out-of-control federal spending and debt, all which have brought death, suffering, economic and financial harm, and destruction of liberty to our land as well as to people in other parts of the world.

If we Libertarians continue adhering to principle, we have the potential of leading America out of the statist morass into which Republicans and Democrats have plunged our nation. By adhering to principle, we have the chance to lead our nation, and indirectly the world, to the highest reaches of freedom, peace, prosperity, harmony, and morality that mankind has ever seen.

In fact, Jacob Hornberger’s latest columns on non-interventionism are very good, too. In this column, he succinctly explains why interventionists won’t help the Kurds, and today he explains empire and interventionism vs. republic and non-interventionism.

Ignorant and Brainwashed People with Power: They Suck

Ignorant and brainwashed people with power really suck. First we have a 12-year-old girl in a Kansas school arrested and taken away in handcuffs, and now threatened with a year in jail for gesturing with her hand like a gun.

Because of government school “zero tolerance” policies, education bureaucrats and “resource officers” are a major threat to innocent children and compromising the students’ futures as well.

According to court records as reported by the New York Post, the girl “unlawfully and feloniously communicated a threat to commit violence, with the intent to place another, in fear, or with the intent to cause the evacuation, lock down or disruption in regular, ongoing activities…”

No, she didn’t do that. She was just kidding around. But government employees tend to not have a grasp on reality. And government school employees generally have lower IQs and so they think that 2+2=5 and in is out and up is down, etc., as we have seen through the years.

These kinds of situations are happening all the time now in the schools, as the teachers and administration bureaucrats are terrorizing and traumatizing little kids and having them arrested and harassed by government police, for no good reason. John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute is constantly providing one example after another in his articles.

What needs to be done is parents have to turn the tables on these government criminals, by having them charged with threatening minors, child abuse and terrorism, child endangerment, for starters.

And it isn’t just the schools. In Fort Forth, Texas, a police officer is charged with murder for shooting a lady in her home while he was outside her bedroom window, without having identified himself or waiting for a response from her after he shouted at her for no good reason. You’ve probably heard about this one.

But what actually caused this incident? A “concerned” neighbor called police because he saw the lady’s front and side doors left open “for several hours,” according to the New York Times. Apparently there were lights on in the home.

Now, if the neighbor was “concerned,” why couldn’t he just go over to the open door and maybe say, “Yoohoo, hello in there, everything all right?” But nooooo, even though there was no indication that the home was broken into, or that there was any criminal activity going on in there, the “concerned” neighbor goes and call the police!

So, I don’t know if the neighbor is just dumb and has no common sense or what. But this is another behavior we have been seeing over the years now, in which neighbors call the police on some innocent people, on moms inside the house because their little one is outside playing in the yard “unsupervised,” or calling the police on 5- or 10-year-old kids who are walking alone along a street on the way to a friend’s house.

I think the answer to those problems is: Don’t call the police!!

The problem of no common sense and people compromising the lives and liberty of innocents is going on all over the U.S., and in Europe as well.

In France, the fascist President Emmanuel Macron is imposing facial recognition technology for ID to use various services including bank accounts, even though a hacker took only an hour to “break into a ‘secure’ government messaging app” during the 6-month experimental phase, according to the U.K. Telegraph.

In France, no choice and no consent are required. Why does the government have anything to do with people’s private bank accounts? It’s the same thing here, by the way.

This fascism and government surveillance/tracking/intrusion/violation of lives and privacy are more reasons why decentralization is the solution to most of society’s ills, including Internet insecurity. Why do people want the government to either run or be in control over THAT? Everything the government operates or controls turns to crap. That’s true in the U.S. as well. And the more centralized the regime, the worse it is, like in Warshington, D.C.

So, France sucks. And so does the U.K., in fact. Talk about being against democracy! They had a Brexit vote over three years ago, in which the majority 52% voted to leave the EU while 48% voted to remain. They had a democratic vote, but they do not respect it.

If England really does become truly independent, then I hope the other European countries can follow. In the U.S. we need at least one state to leave the “union,” which has been a coerced and involuntary association from the very beginning, especially since the end of the mid-19th Century war by the U.S. government against the seceding states. We have an extremely dangerous and tyrannical regime in Warshington, and, as the Declaration of Independence states, it is the “Right of the People to alter or to abolish it…”

We can’t rely on the criminal parasites and gangsters of the U.S. CONgress to let go of their little power-wielding fiefdoms and their unearned extravagances, so it’s really up to the people of the states to separate and become independent. You see, the centralized U.S. government having so much power and control over 300,000,000+ innocent lives removes the ability of the people to “vote with their feet,” because there’s nowhere else to go, really.

If the people of the territory can decentralize, then they can vote with their feet. People are already doing that. For example, many of the people of New York were not able to afford all the tax-thefts imposed on them by the regime in Albany, so they left NY for other states such as Florida.

The people in Hong Kong get it. They want their independence, and their freedom. They want to separate from the authoritarian tyrants in China, but the regime in Beijing doesn’t want to leave them alone. Alas, various U.S. sports figures are openly siding with China. What’s up with that? And they call those siding with the Hong Kong protesters as “misinformed.” Humph!

Incidentally, I listen to Bloomberg Radio and in the morning they have “Daybreak Europe,” in which the news anchors are based in London and most of them are British. WHY do they insist on pronouncing “China” as “Chiner”? Is there a reason? Didn’t they go to school? Didn’t they learn how to pronounce “China”?

Anyway, in Spain, their Supreme Bureaucrats have found separatists guilty of sedition and sentenced them to 13 years in prison. So, along with Chiner, the Spanish rulers don’t get it either.

People have a right to their freedom and independence, i.e. they have a right to not be enslaved by ruling bureaucrats.

I wish the U.S. bureaucrats in Warshington would get that. (I wish that all the millions of American sheeple would get it, as well.)

And just look at how entrenched U.S. bureaucrats hate democracy so much that when they lose a presidential election they use the “national security” apparatus to go after their winning opponent, spying on his campaign and then infiltrating the White House for more spying, and making stuff up and using an entire “special counsel” to investigate nothing for 2 years.

And when that doesn’t work the entrenched apparatchiks take one presidential phone call and use it to make more stuff up, calling for impeachment based on one phone call even though their target and his office released the transcript, and then the commissar leading the charge, Adam Shiffty, deliberately lies and makes up a conversation as he’s reading it in an official Congressional hearing and making people think it was the actual phone call in question!

So the obedient robots of the moonstream media are just following along as they have been for 3 years, repeating the whole false story word for word, because they don’t know any other facts, only what bureaucrats tell them. The government’s groupies in the media don’t do any actual investigative research, they just act as government stenographers.

So, while the Adam Shifftys and the “news” media make stuff up, when Joe Biden’s actual threats and pressure of Ukrainian government officials are proven by video of Biden himself bragging to a crowd that he did that, the media ignore that!

Speaking of brainwashed people with power, why do ignorant fascists have to ban things, like plastic straws? How is banning plastic straws going to “save the environment” (or “Save the Whales,” the polar bears, or whatever)? There are plenty of terrible garbage items besides plastics in the oceans, and on land as well.

The problem is not that people are using plastic straws. The problem is that people are littering! There are already laws on the books against littering! Why don’t these hysterical environmentalist crusaders go after the litterbugs? (Oh, they ARE litterbugs! Or many of them, I’ll bet.) Perhaps Project Veritas can follow the loudest pro-straw-banning environmentalists around and see if they are the litterbugs.

Some people just like to have a lot of power and order others around and be control freaks. And Donald Trump is one of them, by the way.

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