More News and Commentary

Tho Bishop: The American Right is the New Target of Washington’s “War on Terror”

Paul Joseph Watson: UK: Christian Pastor Arrested For Saying Marriage is Between a Man and a Woman.

James Bovard: FISA and the Still Too Secret Police.

James Ketler: Local Nullification: A Way to Fight Both State and Federal Despots.

Robert Wenzel: The Uppity Blacks Behind the Menthol Cigarette Ban

Tom Engelhardt: American-Style War ’til the End of Time?

Stansfield Smith: World Police: Washington Seeks to Imprison Foreign Businesspeople for Violating Illegal U.S. Sanctions.

And Michael Rectenwald: Vengeance and Sacrifice: Whiteness as Scapegoat in Critical Race Theory and Critical Whiteness Studies.

News and Commentary

Jacob Hornberger: Reform versus Freedom.

Megan Redshaw: Pfizer Vaccine May Cause Heart Inflammation in People Under 30, Leaked Study Suggests.

Robert Wenzel: A Final Report: 12-Months of Not Wearing a Mask in San Francisco

Thomas Knapp: Menthol Cigarette Ban: At Least This Time, Biden’s Racism Won’t Put His Victims in Cages

Drug Laws and the Killing of Andrew Brown, Jr.

Doug Casey: The Ascendance of Sociopaths in U.S. Governance

And Jon Rappoport: Vaccine Hustlers Can’t Keep Their Story Straight; Evangelicals, Black People, Trumpers; Who’s “Hesitating?”

News and Commentary

Christian Elliot: Why I Won’t Be Getting the Covid Vaccine (Must Read)

Glenn Greenwald: CNN’s New “Reporter,” Natasha Bertrand, is a Deranged Conspiracy Theorist and Scandal-Plagued CIA Propagandist.

Jon Rappoport: The Pandemic on Television.

Laurence Vance: The Present Libertarian Priority (Priority in regards to Covid-19, that is. In the article, Laurence Vance also links to his page on Covid-19 insanity with many links to articles giving you all the factual information you need that you’re not getting from the government media.)

Doug Bandow: The Philippines: America’s Perpetually Useless Ally.

Reason: The Cops Trashed Her House. She Says She Was Targeted for Retaliation.

Joseph Mercola: U.S. Citizens Have a New Weapon in Their Fight for Freedom

And The Federalist: Far From Immune To The Never-Ending Covid Regime, Red States Are A Ripe Target — Unless Their Governors Act Now

More News and Commentary

Jim Davies: Society, Divided.

Herbert Spencer: Patriotism.

Ron Paul: Police Problems? Embrace Liberty!

Adam Dick: Guinea Pigs on Campus

Robert Higgs: 12 Myths Fueling Government Overreach in Times of Crisis

William Engdahl: Coronavirus and the Gates Foundation

Robert Wenzel: COVID-19 Vaccine Cronyism/Propaganda on Steroids

William Anderson: Why Empowering Organized Labor Will Definitely Not Help the Economy.

Dale Steinreich: Professor Zvi Ish-Shalom Got His First COVID Vaccine, Now He Has a Permanent Headache

Glenn Greenwald: ACLU Again Cowardly Abstains From an Online Censorship Controversy: This Time Over BLM.

Whitney Webb: The Military Origins of Facebook.

Jacob Hornberger: Why the Embargo Against Cuba?

Joseph Mercola: Influenza Vaccination Linked to Higher COVID Death Rates

Life Site: Covid Nurse Explains Becoming a Whistleblower: ‘I Recorded Them Murdering Patients’

Caitlin Johnstone: The Rising Threat Of Nuclear War Is The Most Urgent Matter In The World.

And Rick Rozoff: US Central Command Downgrades Former War on Terrorism To Confront China, Russia, and Iran.

News and Commentary

John Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead: Comply or Die: The Only Truly Compliant Person in a Police State Is a Dead One.

James Bovard: Steel Follies and the Perils of Politically-Controlled Trade.

Michelle Malkin: Astroturfing Covid Agitprop.

Big League Politics: YouTube and Twitter Censor Michelle Malkin Interview With Women Who Support Religious and Philosophical Exemptions From Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates.

J.D. Tuccille: Myanmar Protests Show an AR-15 Will Protect a Lot More Freedom than a Slingshot.

Life Site: French Drug Assessment Center Demands Removal of All Four Widely Used Covid Vaccines.

National File: Pfizer Vaccine Confirmed To Cause Neurodegenerative Diseases – Study

Joseph Mercola: State Attorneys General Threaten to Silence Dr. Mercola

Brian Shilhavy: LA County Sheriff Going Home to Home Forcibly Injecting Handicapped Adults and Children with Covid-19 Shots Against Their Will.

Caitlin Johnstone: Why The Main Argument Against Withdrawing US Troops Is Bogus.

Glenn Greenwald: Journalists, Learning They Spread a CIA Fraud About Russia, Instantly Embrace a New One.

David Gordon: You Won’t Learn Much about Fascism in this Book on “Fascism”

And Alexandra Bruce: Monopoly: An overview of the Great Reset – Follow the Money

Peggy Hall: “I Will Not Comply”

This first lady isn’t Peggy Hall, but she is speaking before some government committee or council, apparently, in Georgia. The lady is trying to speak truth to power, by telling the facts about Covid and kids, and the kids generally aren’t affected by Covid (and unless they are sick with symptoms they cannot spread it either). The kids should not be wearing the masks, especially when there’s no reason for it!

And the lady is telling the bureaucrats to take the masks off the kids, meaning end the mask mandates in schools. Well lady, why don’t YOU take the masks off your kids. It’s really time that people, especially parents of young kids who need to breathe and who need adequate supplies of oxygen, exercise some civil disobedience. If some school bureaucrat brings in the police or some fascist thing then you really need to sue the school. Especially when there is no science-based reason to mandate masks, no evidence that actually proves that masks prevent transmission of viruses.

So here is that lady. I can’t believe the number of stasi “Karens” on the comments of that Twitter post. A bunch of ignorant morons.

And here is Peggy Hall saying, “I will not comply,” and that she has never worn a self-suffocation device. She says that it’s time that people stop complying with these mandates. Here is the BitChute page for comments (no stasi “Karens” there).

Like the Vaccine Cult with the cultists’ superstitious blind faith in these Covid “vaccines” that aren’t vaccines and whose purpose is not to prevent infection or transmission but to reduce symptoms in those who have the virus, the Mask Cult is clearly a cult. As Peggy says, this is definitely a “twilight zone,” that’s for sure.

BLM Agitators Targeting Innocent White People Again

Well, there they go again, as Ronald Reagan would say.

The “Black Lives Matter” agitators and harassers of innocent people are at it again with their ganging up on diners at restaurants, this time in New York City, telling them to leave the city, mainly the white ones and telling the white restaurant owners to leave the city as well.

“We don’t want your money! We don’t want your f**king taquerias owned by white men!” chant these brainwashed ignoramuses, according to Paul Joseph Watson of Summit News.

I guess these people don’t know or understand that those white restaurant owners, as well as the black business owners, are employing many people including black people who need the job. Don’t the agitators care about black people losing their jobs?

Apparently not, because as we saw all last year with the “protests,” i.e. riots with looting, damage and arsonists burning down many businesses and causing a $billion or more in damage in several different cities, the “protesters” i.e. rioters destroyed hundreds maybe thousands of businesses. Some of those businesses were owned by black people and other minorities who employed other black people.

In fact, those “protests” i.e. riots mainly took place in the cities where there are higher minority populations and many of the people there rely on those businesses to provide them with jobs so the workers can provide for themselves and their families.

So, obviously “Black Lives Don’t Really Matter” to these angry, brainwashed loudmouths harassing innocent diners or passersby and demanding the businesses close down and put black people out of work and cause even further impoverishment.

Some of these people say that the Minneapolis cop Chauvin shouldn’t even have gotten a trial, according to Gateway Pundit. “Burn the witch,” as they say on Monty Python. Just convict him and lock him up, or just kill him is what the angry mob seems to want.

And some of the anti-white racists among these agitators actually just want to kill white people — just because they are white. Hmm, I guess they don’t believe in the Golden Rule. Obviously, if people shouldn’t kill black people just because they are black, then… well, duh. Some people are just angry, brainwashed morons, and yes they are brainwashed.

Besides the robots of government schools, the media are also complicit in the brainwashing, with their inflammatory racial exaggerations of these incidents. (See Jeff Deist’s recent article on generalized justice.) Many people now believe that thousands of unarmed black people are killed by police every year, even though the real number is about 15 or 20, and the number of unarmed white people killed by police is much higher than that, each year. So a lot of “protesters” and agitators are ignorant, thanks to the dishonest agenda-driven media.

And many people believe the Chauvin trial was a race-related trial, even though apparently race was not even brought up. The ignoramuses really believe that Chauvin was convicted of specifically a race-motivated murder, even though there is no evidence Chauvin had any racist motivation. Another media-fabricated false narrative.

There is a lot of ignorance and irrationality now, especially in regards to race relations in USSA. Now people are demanding “reparations” for past naughtiness inflicted onto black people by white people. So, because past black people were harmed, from slavery or Jim Crow laws or lynching, then current white people must pay current black people a price. As the late Walter Williams wrote, that’s utter nonsense. (Do the agitators and reparations advocates know that Kommie-La Harris’s own father’s ancestors owned slaves?)

Well, I personally have not harmed anyone, whether it be black or white or Asian or Hispanic, etc., so leave ME alone.

So perhaps I, a current Jewish person who was not harmed in any way by the Nazi concentration camps and the Holocaust from many decades ago, should demand that current German people pay me “reparations” because past Jewish victims were harmed by past Germans. That’s absurd. And I would never demand such a “tax” from modern innocent Germans (although if they want to send me a few bucks I’d be happy to take it).

More News and Commentary

Life Site: Thousands of Reports of Menstrual Irregularities, Reproductive Dysfunction Following Covid Vaccines.

Gateway Pundit: Stanford Study Results: Facemasks are Ineffective to Block Transmission of COVID-19 and Actually Can Cause Health Deterioration and Premature Death.

Jeffrey Tucker: The Lockdown Paradigm Is Collapsing.

Matt Agorist: Most Police Killings in 2020 Involved Calls That Had No Crime or Over Non-Violent Offenses.

Sheldon Richman: Are Organizations Unlibertarian?

The Last Refuge: U.S. Postal Service Running Covert Surveillance Operation to Monitor Social Media Posts, The Program Sounds Identical to DHS Surveillance Program.

Andrew Napolitano: Big Tech and Free Speech

And Vasko Kohlmayer: Straight From the Horse’s Mouth: The Vaccines Are Ineffective

More News and Commentary

Laurence Vance: There Is Only One Option on Afghanistan

Jacob Hornberger: The Terrorist Haven Fallacy on Afghanistan.

Ron Paul: Why Can’t We ‘Just March Out’ Of Afghanistan?

Rivera Sun: Ditch the Draft, Once and for All.

Chris Hedges: The Unraveling of the American Empire.

Rosanne Lindsay: U.S. Constitution Expired. California Exemptions Revoked. Natural Law Stands.

Robert Wenzel: An Open Letter to American Patrolmen in the Wake of the Guilty Murder Verdict Against Patrolman Derek Chauvin

Joseph Mercola: Vaccine Makers Destroy COVID Vaccine Safety Studies

Martin Armstrong: Public Corporate Political Activism is Fraud & Should Be Delisted from Exchanges.

Richard Ebeling: Armed Self-Defense Is Essential in a Free Society.

Jefferson Morley and Rex Bradford: Federal Agencies Face April Deadline on Secret JFK Files

And Jeffrey Singer: Are Prohibitionists About to Revisit the Law of Unintended Consequences–This Time With Tobacco?

Instead of “Packing the Supreme Court,” Let’s UNpack the Supreme Court

OMG, Schumer, Nadler and Markey want to “pack the Supreme Court,” by adding 4 more Democrat “Justices” to the existing 9 Supreme Bureaucrats. They want to do this because they really believe that the current Court has a 6-3 “conservative” majority! Yes, they really believe that.

The reason that the Sheeplecrats want to “pack the Supreme Court” is because they are too impatient to wait for a “Justice” to retire (or die) and be replaced by one that’s more to their liking.

So they impatiently drool to ram their dictatorial mandates and tax-thefts down the throats of the people more quickly by getting a faux “Supreme” Court to rubber-stamp their agenda. And with HR 1 all future elections will belong to them, these thieves, cheaters, fraudsters, hooligans, barbarians and shysters.

And it isn’t just Democrats who are the criminals and thieves and extortionists, the Republicans are bad, too. (See Laurence Vance’s articles exposing the conservatives and Republicans‘ corruption, ignorance and hypocrisy, for example, when it comes to their proclaiming to promote “limited government,” “free markets” and “liberty.” i.e. they’re FOS just as much as the Democrats and “liberals.”)

No, rather than packing the Supreme Commissars, I say, let’s UNpack them, by just getting rid of the whole thing. They really suck, when you get right down to it.

The 9 robed goons are unreliable, unsupportive of the Constitution, incapable of defending liberty, and they are just all around nothing more than Soviet-like apparatchiks, quite frankly.

The truth is, what we have at the top of the U.S. so-called judicial system is a Supreme Swamp, because that is exactly what those “Justices” are, just another part of the Swamp in Washington.

The Supreme Court rarely comes to the side of the rights of the individual and private property against the threats and aggressions of the government and police.

For example, while some of the current “Justices” were not there 10 years ago, at that time the High Swamp high-fived the jailing and strip searching of arrestees who were abducted for non-arrestable offenses, such as walking a dog sans leash or for unpaid parking tickets.

The Republican appointees were the ones who voted to approve such criminal treatment of presumably innocent folks. Hence, “Rethuglicans.”

But “liberals” are also useless when it comes to civil liberties. Also around that time the Court rubber-stamped the government’s drug gestapo breaking into people’s home, terrorizing them and abducting them because police smelled marijuana and heard a toilet flushing, implying people were “destroying evidence,” even though such evidence was not that of an actual crime with an actual victim.

And obviously with an 8-1 decision, several of the “liberals” on the High Swamp agreed with the usual conservative authoritarian neanderthals, that the drug war police state is so important that we must allow government police to criminally and violently break into a home and terrorize and abduct innocent people for ingesting non-approved drugs. “Liberals” Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Stephen Breyer joined the “conservative” neanderthals in this one, with Ruth Bader Ginsburg actually citing that dusty ol’ Fourth Amendment in her lone dissent.

Sorry, morons, the real and only legitimate ruling to that case is to rule the entire drug war unconstitutional, because the government involving itself in drugs is not authorized by the U.S. Constitution. And, does the individual own one’s own life and body or does the government own one’s life and body? Duh, Elena, Sonia, Clarence, et al.

The 9 robed Swamp Supremes are loathsome and corrupt, and are the lap dogs for the fascists in the White House and the communists in CONgress, and they are useless. Bought and paid for, or otherwise bribed to do the fascists bidding as well as being obedient State-worshiping ignoramuses, that is what these people are.

Chief “Justice” (sic) John Roberts suddenly switched his vote of ruling the ObamaCare law unconstitutional to his joining the Obama apparatchiks to approve the ObamaCare law and the individual mandate. Was Roberts threatened, or blackmailed? NSA whistleblower Russ Tice told how NSA abuses made high public officials susceptible to blackmail, and other NSA whistleblowers including Edward Snowden and William Binney backed those assertions.

They will be even worse now when they see government officials and juries deciding cases out of fear of being attacked by social activist thugs engaged in “peaceful” protests, and out of fear of their homes being burned to the ground.

And the Supreme Sheeple then approved ObamaCare a second time in 2015, and its subsidies, further empowering the criminal IRS. “The Affordable Care Act is here to stay,” said Barack Obomber, reinforced later by traitor John McCain who voted against repealing it.

The High Supreme Swamp also ruled against the Fifth Amendment in its Kelo decision to allow local governments to steal private property away from the owner and redistribute it over to other private citizens for financial profits. That was a no-brainer, but John Paul Stevens, Anthony Kennedy, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, David Souter, and the only remaining one of them left now Stephen Breyer thought otherwise.

And Scalia? An “Originalist”? Heh. Scalia of course sided with the drug war police state in the aforementioned decision, is questionable on the 2nd Amendment, rejected private property rights and self-ownership in favor of collectivist moral legislating, and obediently accepted the government’s bogus war on terror to justify violating the due process rights of detainees. (And, while he wasn’t endorsing internment camps, he even pointed out that internment camps à la World War II could return again in good ol’ USS of A.)

And Amy Coney Barrett? What a disappointment, even before she crawled up to the High Slimy Bench. In a lower court decision, Barrett sided with the other two fascists in her three-judge panel of the 7th Circus approving Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D-McDonald’s) unconstitutional Covid lockdown orders and limits on gatherings.

As I pointed out in an earlier blog, constitutionalist pastor Chuck Baldwin noted that based on her previous opinions Barrett will probably rubber-stamp the COVID police state and forced vaccines, and probably the surveillance state as well.

All these Supreme Court “Justices” (sic) defend the police state, the national security state, and seem to obediently believe the government’s false flags and fabrications to justify enslaving and imprisoning the population to “protect” them from the foreign bogey man, and from their own vices.

Brett Kavanaugh. Yech. Total authoritarian apparatchik police statist swamp creature. Included in lower court rulings Kavanaugh voted in favor of CIA covering up of the JFK assassination, and other national security state interests.

I wrote in an earlier blog on Kavanaugh’s deference to the national security state regarding the bulk collection of telephony metadata. This Cato article quotes Kavanaugh’s lower court opinion from 2015:

The Fourth Amendment allows governmental searches and seizures without individualized suspicion when the Government demonstrates a sufficient “special need” – that is, a need beyond the normal need for law enforcement – that outweighs the intrusion on individual liberty

The Fourth Amendment says nothing about there being a “special need” of government law enforcement that “outweighs” the right to be secure.

Does the Fourth Amendment say regarding our right to be secure, “except for a special need of law enforcement”? Nope.

Kavanaugh writes (with my comments inserted):

In my view, that critical national security need outweighs the impact on privacy occasioned by this program. The Government’s program does not capture the content of communications [Yes it does, with phone calls and emails as well!], but rather the time and duration of calls, and the numbers called.

Besides being ignorant of the feds’ ongoing criminal intrusions against innocent people, Kavanaugh also cites “drug testing of students, roadblocks to detect drunk drivers, border checkpoints, and security screening at airports” as examples of allowable violations of the Fourth Amendment.

In a different case, while the Court’s “liberals” in the majority voted to protect the right of the people and their cell phone data to not be tracked, the neanderthal “conservatives” who love the police state say, no, we think that gestapo Amerikan police goons must be permitted to track people’s cell phone data without a warrant, without reasonable suspicion, because we really don’t support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and its Fourth Amendment, as we swore an oath to do. (And that case included Neil Gorsuch with the other conservatards who love the police state. So much for that guy.)

So, the Government Supremacists cite “exigent circumstances” when they know the gubmint goons are violating someone’s Fourth Amendment rights but they don’t care, such as in the case of permitting police to draw blood from an unconscious motorist who had already parked his van and was walking about. So, the Supreme Swampers themselves are goons and thugs, in my view. The Supreme Thugs is really what they are.

But back to Supreme Thug Brett Kavanaugh, in at least 3 “national security” (sic) cases Kavanaugh rubber-stamped the holding of terrorism suspects without charge or actual suspicion or evidence at the Guantanamo prison. (al-Bihani v. Obama, Uthman v. Obama, and Omar v. McHugh.) He might as well be an employee of the CIA. So, what if Gubmint suspected you conservatives of “insurrection” or “domestic terrorism,” for example, you want their goons abducting you without evidence or warrants and to be imprisoned indefinitely? You want that? Duh, conservatives.

Conservatives defended Kavanaugh in his nomination battle, but they don’t realize that Kavanaugh is a staunch “social justice” defender of Title IX. As he stated before the Senate Judiciary Committee, “Title IX helped make girls’ and women’s sports equal. And I see that law’s legacy every night when I walk into my house, as my daughters are getting back from lacrosse or basketball or hockey practice.” So obviously he is clueless as to the abuses of Title IX to enable false accusations of hapless males especially in college. Duh, “conservatives.”

Speaking of “social justice” (sic), the Supreme Swamp also shows what unprincipled gutless wonders they are in their attempting to defend a baker who refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding, but for the wrong reasons, a decision based on anything but the private property rights they should be upholding but seem to have no clue as to what that actually is.

And why didn’t the Supreme Bureaucrats overturn the “Defense of Marriage Act,” or any of the states’ impositions or state referendums on protecting or forbidding gay marriage? Why do legislatures or CONgress get themselves involved with the people’s private matters? As I wrote in this article, you own your own life and have a right to form whatever contracts with others you want, as long as it’s voluntary. Marriage is none of the State’s damn business!

The gutless Supreme Apparatchiks also showed how they view freedom of the Press by declining to hear journalist James Risen’s case on protecting a confidential source. They obediently and pathologically defend the national security state no matter what. But, they merely reflect the Amerikan True Believers. Oh, well.

And on freedom of speech, the “Justices” (sic) all oppose free speech when the other Party is the one being opposed, with socialism-dreaming “liberal” Elena Kagan possibly being the worst of them.

I’m sure the sheeple Democrats and Republicans would go running to the Supreme Nannies to get their permission on whether the people of the states can make use of the 10th Amendment to nullify federal edicts.

But, real Americans will nullify fascist orders and intrusions whether the Supreme Bureaucrats like it or not.

Tom Woods wrote a terrific book on the history of nullification in America and how it should be used currently:  Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century. Woods addresses objections to nullification on this page. (And see this, this, and this.)

I wish I could advocate “packing the Supreme Court” with libertarians and voluntaryists who believe in the non-aggression principle, private property rights, self-ownership, freedom of contract and freedom of association, but that’s not realistic.

No, the answer is to UNpack the Supreme Court and “throw the bums out,” along with the rest of the horrible central planning apparatus in criminal Washington. You bet.

News and Commentary

Caitlin Johnstone: The CIA Used To Infiltrate The Media. Now The CIA Is The Media.

Ryan McMaken: The Problem with “Just Do What the Cops Say and You Won’t Get Hurt”

The Last Refuge: Buried Lead – Washington Post Outlines AG Barr As Key Figure Who Blocked Declassification of Spygate Documents.

Joseph Mercola: CDC Violated Law to Inflate COVID Cases and Fatalities

Becky Akers: World War III: The Gloves Have Come Off, Even If The Masks Haven’t

Joy Fritz: Systemically Flawed Mortality Statistics Should Not Be Guiding Science, Medicine, or Public Policy.

US Joins Past Empires in Afghan Graveyard.

Brandon Smith: Globalists Will Need Another Crisis In America As Their Reset Agenda Fails

Robert Higgs: The Political Economy of Fear

Vienna Talks Reveal Biden Team’s Attachment to Sanctions That Would Torpedo Iran Deal.

News and Commentary

Wendy McElroy: VAWA Balkanizes Rights, Cynically Erasing Male Indians.

David Iglesias: Politicians Concerned about Violence Should Start by Ending Their Wars and Their Police State

Paul Alexander: Vaccine Passports vs. Freedom Itself.

Thomas Knapp: Joe Biden Reaffirms Washington’s Message to the World: Never, Ever Trust Us.

Jacob Hornberger: The Big Whopper on Afghanistan, and Biden Is Doing the Pentagon’s Bidding on Afghanistan

Norman Solomon: The Fine Print on Biden’s Afghanistan Announcement.

Alan MacLeod: Support the Tropes.

Mike Whitney: Government and Medical Industry’s Lies, Vaccines, and the Eugenics Movement.

Andrew Napolitano: Joe Biden and Guns

Gateway Pundit: It Was All a Set Up: Even NYT Admits Police Ordered to Stand Down on January 6th – Yet the DOJ and FBI Are Harassing and Indicting Innocent Americans

Brian Shilhavy: CDC Admits 5,800 Fully Vaccinated People Became Infected with Covid-19 and 74 Died.

William Hartung: Biden Can Make History on Nuclear Arms Reductions.

Kieran Morrissey: Study of COVID-19 Deaths

And Donald Jeffries: Wokeless and Second Class

News and Commentary

John Whitehead: Rule by Fiat: When the Government Does Whatever It Wants.

Thomas Knapp: “Vaccine Passports” and the Holocaust: An Invalid Comparison?

Jacob Hornberger: JFK Conference Update.

Jon Rappoport: Memo to Governors: Free States vs. Slave States

James Risen: The Journalist and the Whistleblower.

Billy Binion: Overcriminalization Killed Daunte Wright.

James Bovard: Biden Re-Ignites the Waco Fire.

Thomas DiLorenzo: Why “Public Health” is the Health of the State

Glenn Greenwald: Big Corporations Now Deploying Woke Ideology the Way Intelligence Agencies Do: As a Disguise.

Robert Wenzel: Handing Out Money to Illegals: New Madness in New York State.

Rick Rozoff: Secretary of State Blinken Throws Down the Gauntlet to China and Russia… Again.

Laurence Vance: There Is No Plausible Argument for Maintaining Any More Restrictions on Normal Life

Charles Burris: Wars and Rumors of Wars

William Arkin: Why America Can’t End Its ‘Forever Wars’

And Breitbart: Biden’s Infrastructure Bill Includes Making “Diverse” Neighborhoods Across America Through Zoning Laws.

The Brainwashed “Woke” Cult and the Racist Race Cult, and the Covid Cult

There are just too many issues and societal stresses to write about now. I’m overwhelmed. We have various cults in society including the “Woke” Cult, the Covid Cult, and others. Of course those two are very intertwined.

I can refer to either one as “the Cult,” and it could be either one. Members of both cults are brainwashed and most of these people really believe that the 2020 election was not stolen and there was no fraud involved. They also believe in Covid, and that asymptomatic carriers of the alleged virus are “spreaders” which they aren’t, that there have been over 500,000 deaths in the U.S. caused by Covid which there haven’t been, that the “vaccine” really is a vaccine which it isn’t and provides immunity which it doesn’t and it prevents infection and transmission of virus which it doesn’t. Many in the Cult are nevertheless True Believers.

They are also True Believers in the racism racket, in which many people now are brainwashed to believe that white people are “inherently racist” and should disavow the “sin of whiteness,” and they emphatically deny that this ideology of anti-white people is itself a racist ideology.

That’s quite some denial. Let’s believe in an ideology that asserts that all white people are this or that and based on their being white, but that’s not racist. You would have to be brainwashed to be one of these True Believers.

Well, the racist nazis of Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital are going to provide “preferential care based on race or ethnicity,” according to The Examiner. The brainwashed morons state that such a racist hospital policy “may elicit legal challenges from our system of colorblind law…”


So, we have a hospital, with doctors, who are providing alleged medical care to people in need of medical care, they are going to actively discriminate against white people, denying a white person urgent care because he is white.

So, are they going to go after the Jews, too? You know, in Nazi Germany they treated Jews differently too, because they were Jewish. So, that is why I referred to these clowns as “racist nazis,” because they are the ones who are brainwashed with racist hate, and they need to be deprogrammed, in my view.

These brainwashed members of the Cult mentioned above really believe that white people today are all racists and have guilt for what past white people did, whether it was owning slaves or lynching, etc., and we must act accordingly. The Cult ideology is called “Critical Race Theory,” and the ideology itself is racist, quite frankly.

Many of today’s medical “doctors” are now that far gone, sadly. I think that because of the Cult that now asserts that the “content of your character” doesn’t matter, and one’s qualifications, abilities and merit do not matter as much as one’s skin color, many of today’s “doctors” are just not that bright, and received their degrees based on those such superficial qualities, and on grade curving and affirmative action. I sure had to deal with “doctors” between 10 and 20 years ago, several of them, with 3 of them being “specialists,” and as I look back now, most of them were either ignorant and incompetent or corrupt and dishonest. And most of them were white, so please don’t accuse me of being a “racist.” In fact, the one who was the best of them was of Indian heritage.

But I’m sure these “doctors” at Brigham and Women’s hospital who want to discriminate against white people because they are white, are True Believers in the Covid scam, and they probably don’t question the assertions of “Dr.” Fraudi and the one who is turning out to be one of the worst, “Dr.” Rochelle Waloonsky of the CDC.

But we do have social media Big Tech companies censoring those who question or challenge the government’s official narrative on Covid and other propagandish issues, including race issues. The doctors are probably getting only the one side of the story, the propaganda lies and not the truth. Do they know about the harmful risks associated with those swabs up the nostrils to test for Covid? And do they understand that the “vaccines” that were rushed with “emergency use authorization” but not FDA approval are still experimental vaccines, i.e. the government and pharma companies exploiting the masses as a population of guinea pigs and lab rats?

And do those two Brigham and Women’s Hospital “doctors” ever say anything about vitamin D as important in fighting the alleged Covid virus? Several studies now have shown that a high percentage of Covid patients were shown to be deficient in vitamin D. See this study from Northwestern University, this study from Turkey, this study from Boston University, this study from University of Chicago, which all back that up. And further, given that these medical people seem to be obsessed with race and racism, do they know that black people and others of darker skin have been shown to be vitamin D deficient? See this NIH-funded study that says black and Hispanic people are at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency. The Lancet also cites studies showing that black and other darker skin people’s vitamin D deficiency explains why Covid and other respiratory diseases harm them more than they do white people.

Given all the important studies this tells us that perhaps these doctors should be advocating vitamin D, and zinc as well, (rather than possibly harmful and deadly vaccines) for black and other darker skin people for prevention of Covid-related or otherwise respiratory symptoms. That should be more important than the “doctors” agenda of discriminating against white people because they are white.

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