Libertarianism Is the Best Alternative to the Democrats and Republicans

Laurence Vance at the Future of Freedom Foundation presents the “Libertarian Brand,” clarifying some confusion about libertarianism that many people unfortunately have. Not necessarily the Libertarian Party but libertarianism in general. This terrific article also includes summaries of the Democrat and Republican parties and their brands, and why libertarianism is the way to have a free society.

Is the Covid Scamdemic (Or Dempanic) Really Going Away?

Joseph Mercola has a good rundown of how the Covid pandemic was fabricated. The article has footnotes and cites reliable sources.

But I think that most people still believe the official government-approved narrative that continues to be repeated word for word by the corporate media who act mainly as pharmaceutical shills. Still, at least we have some truth-tellers such as Mercola to give us actual facts and data based on actual science.

So the CDC changes the way it counts Covid deaths, it hides data, it changes definitions such as defining a “case” not as someone who is sick but as anyone who tests positive regardless of not having symptoms, the PCR tests are flawed and give false positives when tests run at 35 cycles or higher which is what most places have been doing for two years, and so on.

And the CDC began the scam by saying it would count non-Covid deaths as “Covid deaths,” such as someone who died of kidney disease or heart disease but happened to test positive for Covid. The government has been giving hospitals and “doctors” financial incentives to put “Covid” on patients’ records and on death certificates.

I’ve linked to so many articles so many times now that I am just sick and tired of all this. But the obedient masses still believe the absurd government-approved narrative on Covid, “vaccines” that are not vaccines, masks, oh those goddamn masks!

Jordan Schachtel discusses how we are now divided between the compliant and non-compliant citizens. “There are those who instinctively question the commands coming on down from above from authority figures (we tend not to respect their credentials as a blanket appeal to our submission), and there are those who accept the government narrative.”

Schachtel points out studies showing how those who have obediently received the experimental Covid “vaccine” tend do be those who gullibly believe the official narratives, including supporting U.S. government sanctions on Russia and sending arms and even U.S. soldiers to Ukraine. Yes, even that issue is sharply divided between “the vaccinated” versus “unvaccinated.”

And I have discussed this “vaccine” issue ad nauseam, and I’d rather not spend too much time on it. The whole thing is sickening. We know that the mRNA “vaccine” is not a vaccine, and in fact is a therapeutic, known as gene therapy, so it is a treatment, not a preventative measure. Medical officials have been lying about it. We know it doesn’t prevent infections and it doesn’t prevent transmission of the virus, as it was not intended to. More recently hospitals who have been lying about a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” base that on people being hospitalized who were previously “fully vaccinated” with two shots but because they hadn’t received a third “booster” they are … “unvaccinated” or “not fully vaccinated.” That’s what a scam all this is.

Finally, recently I mentioned that health and nutrition expert Bill Sardi died, and here is a remembrance by Lew Rockwell. Bill Sardi’s brother Wayne wrote another article and this one tells of how to survive the Fauci hospital protocol. Many of the Nurse Ratcheds and Doctors Mengele of the government-financed hospitals religiously follow Covid protocol such as the deadly remdesivir and ventilators regardless of patients requests or orders. Many people have died of “hospital overtreatment,” not Covid. And there have been many who went into hospital for non-Covid reasons but because they (bogusly) tested positive for Covid they were then put on Covid protocol and killed. Which could have been avoided by not going to the hospital. (See my post on an elaboration of many of these issues.)

Warmongers, Covidmongers, They’re All Out There

I’m still way behind on things, so I’m continuing to catch up on my bookmarked articles. And here are the next ones to post.

The Last Refuge: The Hypocrisy of Biden Speaking About Democracy vs. Autocracy in Poland Is Choking When Contrast Against Western Govt Behavior During Covid

Gateway Pundit: Scientists Currently Developing Controversial “Contagious Vaccines” That Can Spread From Vaccinated to Unvaccinated

David Stockman: Washington Is Delirious With War Fever – For No Reason of Homeland Security

Ray McGovern: Will Humans Be the Next ‘Freedom Fries’?

Dave DeCamp: Close Putin Ally Warns of Nuclear ‘Dystopia’ If U.S. Destabilizes Russia Like It Has Other Countries

Gary Barnett: When Will Americans Figure Out That They Live Under the Spectre of Communism in a Communist Run State?

Stephen Lendman: Unindicted U.S. War Criminal Passes

Chris Menahan: Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis: They “Don’t Attack Jews or Jewish Institutions”

And Norman Solomon: From Moscow to Washington, the Barbarism and Hypocrisy Don’t Justify Each Other

Grandstanding Ignorant Senators Grilled Another Future Supreme Bureaucrat: Ketanji Brown Jackson

The new Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson has been grilled by the Senate Judiciary Committee and mainly by Republicans, and here are some of my comments on that. And if readers don’t like my making fun of ignorant senators, sorry about that.

First of all, the “Supreme” Court shouldn’t even exist and issues and conflicts should be resolved at the state level, at the very least.

The sheeple are pathetically dependent on this group of 9 bureaucrats to decide their fate, which is ridiculous. The 9 robed fascists rubber-stamp the police state, the war on drugs, the national security state, the CIA, FBI, NSA, and all the evil institutions of government. They are no good.

We have something called the 10th Amendment, which protects the right of the people to ignore “Supreme” Court decisions, in my view.

So anyway, I’m going to write this based on my memory of what I heard on the radio that several “news” outlets and talk show personalities have repeated several times. I didn’t exactly take notes.

To begin, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (a.k.a. “Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!”) asked Judge Jackson to define “woman,” to which Jackson replied that she couldn’t define “woman” because she’s “not a biologist.”

Oh, Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!

What a stupid question. I’m assuming Sen. Blackburn is referring to the LGBT stuff. Perhaps she should ask if the judge thinks there are more than two genders. You either do or you don’t, Judge.

Maybe Sen. Blackburn is referring to the transgenderism craze going on these days. Recently a male college competitive swimmer who was not very good in competing against other males decided to “identify” as a female and allowed by idiots to compete along with females and against females, so he can cheat and win the competitions (and possibly receive financial rewards).

Perhaps Sen. Blackburn should have asked the judge if she thinks that male athletes should be allowed to compete in women’s teams?

Sen. Ted Cruz grilled and roasted Judge Jackson on cases in which she gave convicted child porn viewers overly light sentences. A little too zealous in his questioning, Sen. Cruz (R-McDonald’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, etc.) sounded like a Perry Mason wannabe, and even went over his allotted time while the chairman was yelling at him and cutting him off.

Sen. Jock Hawkey quoted Judge Jackson’s expressing sympathy toward the convicted child porn perv in court, but I didn’t hear her being quoted as having expressed sympathy toward child victims of molestation and abuse. Did she do that?

And by the way, regarding that bill in Florida that Gov. Ron DeSantis will sign into law banning the discussion of sexual issues in schools in kindergarten through 3rd grade, it’s not a “Don’t Say Gay” bill. All it says is that discussions of sexual matters are NOT APPROPRIATE for little kids up to age 8.

I know, there are a lot of “liberal” people who are brainwashed to believe that such matters are appropriate to discuss with little kids, but NO, they are NOT, you morons.

What is it with the people on the left pushing sexuality onto little kids? See the American Dream Blog with this article from a few years ago: 21 Signs That U.S. Public Schools Have Become Training Centers for Sexual Deviancy.

Our society has been allowing the sexualization of childhood which messes up the kids emotionally. See my post on the cult of the State and the sexualization of everything.

Hmm, I wonder if Senators Ted Scruz, Jock Howley, or Marsha, Marsha, Marsha have ever gone after the CPS child sex trafficking racket, or are they too aware of what happened to Nancy Schaefer?

Or how about going after their beloved FBI or CIA goons looking at child porn? See: The Federalist on CIA employees sexually molesting very young children but not prosecuting them, and the Boston Globe reporting on the hundreds of federal and military employees viewing child porn in which “only a handful resulted in prosecutions.”

Speaking of the child porn cases, many people including these senators and conservative talk radio personalities can’t seem to distinguish between people possessing child porn, in print or on a computer, versus actual child abusers.

So, it’s really the people who are actually exploiting the children to make the images who are the criminals. I think that anyone who actually harms a child or acts invasively against any child is a real criminal and should be thrown in jail, possibly for life.

I searched the Internet and wasn’t able to determine if Judge Jackson sentenced any people who actually, directly abused a child. So I have a feeling that Senators Ted Scruz, Jock Hawkey, and Tom Polyester concentrated on “child porn” cases to appeal to their “Moral Majority” base. Has Jackson given light sentences to actual child abusers?

Now, on the senators’ questioning of Jackson in her work as a public defender, Sen. Limpy Graham was frothing over her defending Gitmo detainees. Sen. Graham (R-Warmonger) displayed his ignorance of the rights of the accused. He believes apparently that the accused have no rights. He believes that a “war” changes things and if there’s a “war,” we all lose our right to due process. He also reiterated his support of indefinite detention. (See my article on the senators who love the government but hate America on this “War on Terrorism” thing and due process.)

But Graham like many others just doesn’t seem to understand that everyone has a right to due process, the right of the accused to require that the accuser present evidence against the accused, and that there be an actual public trial which provides the accused the opportunity to present his own evidence and witness testimony or to refute the prosecutors’ case.

That is because anyone can accuse anyone else of anything. Doesn’t Graham see that?

Has the indefinite detention and solitary confinement of January 6th “suspects” without evidence or charges not convinced Graham otherwise? Apparently not. Sadly, he’s still a fascist through and through.

“But those are just Trump supporters, conservatives, MAGA hat wearers and deplorables. In contrast, the Gitmo detainees are TERRORISTS! That’s different!”

Well, no, actually they are not “terrorists,” because they are accused terrorists. Just as the January 6th detainees are accused … “insurrectionists,” or whatever it is the Democrat-FBI goons are making up about them.

As I wrote here,

According to these numbers, the number of Gitmo prisoners since 2002 is 779, the number of those released is 670. They were released because there was no evidence against them, because they were innocent. But here are some more interesting numbers: The percentage of Gitmo prisoners captured by U.S. troops: 5%, and the percentage of prisoners who were paid bounties by CIA and coalition forces: 86%. Our government paid Afghan villagers and others to hand people over to our military and CIA, without charges, without suspicion. No wonder most who were taken to Gitmo were innocent, weren’t involved in any terrorism or criminality. They were tortured by criminals at Gitmo for no good reason, however. But the neanderthals who are fed propaganda day after day by the government and its media lapdogs believe that the detainees at Gitmo are “terrorists.”

So as I said, everyone who is accused of something has a right to due process, regardless of the government propaganda against them.

But now conservatives et al. are learning that the hard way (but not Sen. Limpy Graham, apparently.) Trump supporters, conservatives, MAGA believers, flag-wavers, are being accused of “domestic terrorism,” for attending a Trump rally and wandering around the Capitol in a daze, or speaking up at a school committee meeting.

(See my post on the honest, well-meaning FBI. We should not be surprised that they are going after Trump supporters, conservatives, MAGA true believers, and parents speaking up at a school committee meeting.)

And Graham was triggered by Judge Jackson, while she was a Gitmo detainee defender, having apparently referred to George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld as “war criminals.” Although, she referred to the torture of her clients as being in the category of war crimes.

But the truth is, of course Bush is a war criminal. He started wars of aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq, neither of which were involved in 9/11 or had attacked or threatened Americans. Many propagandized and bamboozled sheeple believe otherwise, obviously.

The Nuremberg Tribunal after World War II determined that starting a war of aggression is in and of itself a war crime.

A lot of people in America believe the post-9/11 propaganda and fear-mongering, just as many people have believed the more recent Covid propaganda and fear-mongering. So, when those of us who value the truth about the crimes of our government actually do tell the truth about it, the propagandized sheeple don’t like that. But whatever.

And I wonder what any of the senators who are outraged at Judge Jackson’s defending accused terrorists might think of the U.S. soldiers who shot, dropped bombs on and murdered innocents over there in Iraq, or who went door to door to seize firearms from families in direct violation of their right to keep and bear arms. (“Why, they are heroes, of course they are!”)

Such senators probably wouldn’t like it if a foreign military invaded U.S. cities and towns and bombed homes and businesses, schools and churches and shot and murdered innocent Americans and stole their means of self-defense. (Oh wait, that’s right. American militarists and the State-worshiping sheeple are moral relativists who reject the Golden Rule, oh, well.)

I’m sure that Limpy Graham, Ted Scruz, Tom Polyester and Jock Howley would rather hear the government’s lies and propaganda about 9/11 than know the truth about it.

To conclude, as we saw most recently, the “Supreme” Court are useless. Even the liberals rubber-stamp the CIA-torture national security state and the domestic police state, while the “conservatives” rubber-stamp socialized medicine. They really, really suck.

We need to have a free society, and the “Supreme” Bureaucrats are not a part of that.

Catching Up on Things

This has been a very busy week. Now I have been working on a post in response to the Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson hearings, and I’ve been going through all of my bookmarked articles. Here are the first few articles that I think are informative and enlightening. I’ll get to the rest of them at some point.

Bernardo Decoster: Thomas Szasz’s Campaign against Psychiatric Coercion and the “Therapeutic State”

Jack Shafer: Why Journalists Love War

Project Veritas: Microsoft Corporation Legal Documents Show Biden DOJ Spying on Project Veritas Journalists; Hides It from Federal Court Judge

Emerald Robinson: The DOJ Is Hiring Tort Lawyers To Defend HHS From Vaccine Injury Cases

Charles Burris: The CIA and the Nazis: A Retrospective History

And Ted Galen Carpenter: The U.S. Press Again Becomes a Conduit for Pro-War Propaganda

Truthful News and Commentary (i.e. Not CNN, New York Times, Etc.)

Gilbert Berdine: Real Scientific Inquiry Requires Dissent. But That’s Not What the CDC and JAMA Want.

Joseph Mercola: Documentary Shows How Covid Restrictions Imposed ‘Fear,’ Increased ‘Control’ Over People

Ray McGovern: Is Chuck Todd a Chemical Agent? (Yes, he is toxic.)

Kyle Anzalone: Zelensky Bans Political Opposition, Nationalizes Media to Create ‘Unified’ Information (Sure we should take sides with this fascist moron.)

Jim Davies: The First Casualty

Rhoda Wilson: Biolabs in Ukraine: Who Are Metabiota’s Investors?

Jon Rappoport: U.S. Funding Biowar Research — An Absurd Claim, Right?

Ron Paul: End the Fed and Get More Doritos

And Jacob Hornberger: An Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story

Secession, Withdrawing Consent, Restoring Freedom

Southern Catholic Mom has this article urging people to uncleave. That is, to uncleave from:

those who worship the Covid religion, the “mandate” religions, the face masking and face covering religions, the jab-or-job religions. the BLM religion, the blood-libel-against-White-people religions, the snuffing in assisted living and hospitals religions, the kinky and degenerate religions (LGBTQ?, drag-queen story hour librarians, child-sex propagandists everywhere),  the gardening and self-sufficient hating religions, the government schools loving religions, the war-loving religions, the cop and soldier worshipping religions, the government and government employees worshipping religions, and all other human-hating religions

And she goes on about the government schools, although private schools as well. And other aspects of how our society has been corrupted by government and the collectivist mindset. “Let us begin our secession, withdraw our consent…” Yep.

And for several years there has been this movement to get liberty lovers to move to New Hampshire. Although sadly there have been “liberal” refugees from Massachusetts and other blue states who have moved to NH and bringing with them the same policies from which they have been fleeing in their blue states. The current U.S. senators from NH, for instance, are the awful Maggie Hassan and Jeanne Shaheen, both Democrats. Who would vote for them?

But there is hope for New Hampshire. The twitter user “Move to NH,” @NHpilled, has this thread on some of the pro-freedom bills that have been passed in the NH House and headed on to the Senate. If passed in the upper chamber, let’s hope that Gov. Chris Sununu signs them all into law.

I’ll post the initial tweet and if you want to look at all the subsequent tweets which list all the accomplishments you can click on the tweet and do that. But I will quote some of them here.

If the tweet doesn’t show up here, this is the link to it.

Here are just some of @NHpilled’s examples of House-passed pro-freedom bills:

“HB1178 prohibits state and local law enforcement from enforcing certain federal firearms laws.”

“HB1636 extends constitutional carry to OHRVs, the main area that was overlooked in the historic CC bill passed in 2017!”

“HB1668 was defeated which would have required background checks for all gun sales including private sales between individuals and noncommercial sales (i.e. gifts). Background checks continue to be optional in the Live Free or Die state!”

“HB1431 creates a “Parental bill of rights” which allows parents to opt out of sexual and gender curriculum in schools, direct the moral and religious upbringing of their children, the right to access and review all school records of their child, and much more!” (I’ll bet that Southern Catholic Mom would especially like this one!)

“HB1280 bans a parent’s refusal to vaccinate a child as a reason to terminate parental rights.”

“HB1131 Prohibits mask mandates in government (public) schools.”

“HB1455- state nullification of federal vaccine mandates. In other words, the state will not assist or collaborate with the federal government to enforce federal vaccine mandates.”

“HB1022 legalizes the sale of Ivermectin by pharmacies.”

“HB1330 eliminates licensing requirements for medical technicians.”

“HB 1495-explicitly prohibits the state from requiring businesses to require vaccine documentation or documentation related to vaccination or immunity status.”

“HB 1606 making the state vaccine registry an opt-in program.” (Why does a “state vaccine registry” even exist?)

“HB1097 provides that all income received by NH residents physically performed in NH shall not be subject to taxation as earned income in any other state. Making this a tax sanctuary state for those that work virtually.”

“HB 1425 expands the protections for the taking of real property by eminent domain.”

“HB1221 reduces the Business Profits Tax rate, effectively reducing taxes by $8 million annually.”

“HB 1171 exempts niche beauty services (such as hair braiding) from occupational and shop license requirements.”

And “HB1282 requires law enforcement to obtain a warrant before receiving customer information from common carriers.”


The Latest Realistic Commentary on the Russia-Ukraine Issue

There are many people now who are ignorantly and stupidly just repeating propaganda and the anti-Russia talking points of the warmongers who want to continue expanding U.S. government and military overseas, and apparently want World War III. I am just here and watching all this unfold. The mindless crap is unbelievable.

Meanwhile, Laurence Vance discusses what Americans should do if they are concerned about Ukraine.

Jonathan Turley has a great post about the politicians and commentators labeling war opponents as “traitors.” And the artistic venues like the Metropolitan opera kicking long-time opera stars off the stage because they will not sufficiently denounce Vlad Putin. Really, Peter Gelb? You take after Joseph McCarthy, apparently? And it seems that Claire McCaskill, Alyssa Farah, Ana Navarro, and Whoopi Goldberg, of MSNBC, CNN and “The View” all must have a cumulative IQ of about 75, if that much.
David Stockman has this historical summary of the Russia-Ukraine situation, with his own usual witty commentary mixed in. And Joseph Solis-Mullen has some unpleasant facts that we’re not supposed to say about the war in Ukraine.

And Jacob Hornberger reminds us of JFK’s rejection of the national security state’s anti-Russia animus.

More Real News and Commentary

Gateway Pundit: Additional Data Corroborates Excess Deaths Among Millennials Since the Experimental Vaccines Were Mandated – Confirms Covid is Not the Cause

Steve Kirsch: More Data Showing the Covid Vaccines Make People More Vulnerable to Infection

William Jacobson: Conservative Speaker Targeted at Yale Law School: “This wasn’t a protest. This was physical intimidation”

And Brian Wang: Simple Counting Shows China Cannot Successfully Invade Taiwan

Talk about the War Criminal Pot Calling the Kettle Black

March 18, 2022

In the propagandized spirit of the sheeple’s faithfulness to the State, many now including Joe Biden and Sen. Limpy Graham, and many Americans in general, are calling Vlad Putin a war criminal in Putin’s invasion and attack on cities and civilians in Ukraine. But what about Americans’ own government’s crimes?

Sadly, many Americans are very much self-centered narcissists in their denial and rationalization of the war crimes their own government and military have been committing for a century. That’s “American Exceptionalism” in a nutshell: When foreigners bomb and murder innocent people they are “war criminals,” but when our government murders innocents that’s perfectly acceptable.

Our government and military attacked and bombed and murdered millions of innocent civilians over the past century, in Germany, Japan, Iraq and Afghanistan, and other areas. In recent years, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden have earned the title, “War Criminal.”

I wish I had more time to write about this now, so here is an article I wrote in 2017 on Activist Post regarding some of the more recent U.S. government/military war crimes, and the blowback they cause.

U.S. Government Interventionism and Wars Provoke More Violence: NYC Bombing

December 12, 2017

Another terrorist bombing, an “amateurish” pipe bombing/attempted suicide bombing, in New York City on Monday morning, in which no deaths occurred but three were injured as well as the suspect.

So, will this latest Islamic extremist turn out to be yet another FBI patsy? The FBI finds some mentally deficient young Muslim male, radicalizes him and motivates him to want to commit jihad, provides him with weapons and materials and then sets him up in the FBI’s own concocted entrapment scheme. (See Glenn Greenwald and Trevor Aaronson on this. And Matt Agorist’s essay on recordings that reveal FBI urging a Muslim patsy to carry out a mass shooting to “defend Islam.”)

Or perhaps the latest NYC bomber’s being influenced by ISIS propaganda on the Internet will be used as a new excuse for the control freaks in Washington to impose further intrusions and spying on the Internet? Who knows?

But once again, this week’s New York City terrorist bomber has said just about the same thing that most of the past terrorists have said. According to the New York Post:

Akayed Ullah, 27, who is from Bangladesh and was living in Brooklyn, told authorities he was trying to exact vengeance for decades of violence against Muslims in Gaza, Syria and Iraq, saying in sum and substance from his hospital bed: “They’ve been bombing [my people] and I wanted to do damage here,” sources said.

The truth is, most of the terrorists have been on record stating that their motivation for violence is retaliatory.

As Sheldon Richman pointed out in 2011,

The Pentagon’s own Defense Science Board Task Force came to this conclusion in 2004 when Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld asked it to evaluate the Bush administration’s war policies. The report is worth quoting at length:

“American efforts have not only failed [to separate the vast majority of nonviolent Muslims from the radical-militant Islamist-Jihadists]: they may also have achieved the opposite of what they intended.

“American direct intervention in the Muslim World has paradoxically elevated the stature of and support for radical Islamists, while diminishing support for the United States to single-digits in some Arab societies.

“Muslims do not ‘hate our freedom,’ but rather, they hate our policies. The overwhelming majority voice their objections to what they see as one-sided support in favor of Israel and against Palestinian rights, and the longstanding, even increasing support for what Muslims collectively see as tyrannies, most notably Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Pakistan, and the Gulf states….

“[Since 9/11] American actions and the flow of events have elevated the authority of the Jihadi insurgents and tended to ratify their legitimacy among Muslims….”

Richard Reid, the would-be shoe-bomber, told his sentencing judge, “Your government has killed two million children in Iraq…. Your government has sponsored the rape and torture of Muslims in the prisons of Egypt and Turkey and Syria and Jordan with their money and with their weapons.”

Glenn Greenwald wrote further in 2016:

Beyond such studies, those who have sought to bring violence to Western cities have made explicitly clear that they were doing so out of fury and a sense of helplessness over Western violence that continuously kills innocent Muslims. “The drone hits in Afghanistan and Iraq, they don’t see children, they don’t see anybody. They kill women, children, they kill everybody,” Faisal Shahzad, the attempted Times Square bomber, told his sentencing judge when she expressed bafflement over how he could try to kill innocent people. And then there’s just common sense about human nature: If you spend years bombing, invading, occupying, and imposing tyranny on other people, some of them will want to bring violence back to you.

In July 2016 Greenwald also discussed another previous terrorist attack:

Eleven years ago today, three suicide bombers attacked the London subway and a bus and killed 51 people. Almost immediately, it was obvious that retaliation for Britain’s invasion and destruction of Iraq was a major motive for the attackers.

Two of them said exactly that in videotapes they left behind: The attacks “will continue and pick up strengths till you pull your soldiers from Afghanistan and Iraq. … Until we feel security, you will be targets.” Then, less than a year later, a secret report from British military and intelligence chiefs concluded that “the war in Iraq contributed to the radicalization of the July 7 London bombers and is likely to continue to provoke extremism among British Muslims.” The secret report, leaked to The Observer, added: “Iraq is likely to be an important motivating factor for some time to come in the radicalization of British Muslims and for those extremists who view attacks against the U.K. as legitimate.”

And as I wrote in July 2016, regarding attacks in France:

The blogosphere and twitterverse are exploding with reactions to the latest terror attack in France, the truck that drove through a big crowd of people attending Bastille Day festivities and killed 84 people and injured many more … It looks like such a “state of emergency” not only didn’t stop the November 2015 Paris stadium and concert hall attacks that killed 130 and injured many others, but it didn’t stop this new truck-driving attack … the November Paris attacks were in retaliation against France’s military bombings in Syria and Iraq.

The U.S. government and other Western governments’ own terror attacks on the Muslim world continue to this day.

See U.S. airstrike kills family of eight, U.S. drone strike kills three civilians and four “suspects,” US admits Syria airstrike that killed 46 but denies targeting mosque, Panic spreads in Iraq, Syria as record numbers of civilians are reported killed in U.S. strikesU.S. airstrikes kill at least 43 civilians in Syria’s RaqqaU.S. military airstrikes kill many more civilians in just 48 hours, and U.S. military battles Syrian rebels armed by CIA.

Western government violence and drones target weddings, funerals, rescuers, and civilian hospitals.

So how do the warmongers in Washington think their victims in other countries will react to their government violence?

Does President Donald Trump even know that most of the victims of the drone bombings that he continues to authorize are innocent civilians? (And President Barack Obama’s drone strikes killed innocent civilians 90% of the time, according to documents released by an intelligence source.) In less than two months as President, Trump’s CIA and military drone strikes had already gone up 432%.

“Will we ever learn?”

In 1991 President George H.W. Bush started a war of aggression on Iraq, bombed Iraq’s civilian water and sewage treatment centers and imposed sanctions to prevent them from rebuilding, which forced the Iraqis to have to use untreated water, which led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents. These acts of criminal aggression by the U.S. government against civilians, in addition to the U.S. military occupations in the Middle East, led to the 9/11 terrorist attacks which some people had warned would be such aggressions’ likely outcome.

Prior to all that, during the 1950s the CIA imposed a coup on Iran to replace the Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh with the U.S. puppet Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. The CIA propped up the Shah’s totalitarian police state, SAVAK, from the 1950s up to the Iranian Revolution of 1979 that included the extremists’ taking of American hostages.

Would we have such Islamic extremism coming out of Iran all these years had the CIA not committed such crimes and atrocities against that other country?

These interventionist foreign policies, of starting wars against other countries that were of no threat to us, imposing coups and regime change, propping up police states, and committing criminal invasions, occupations and bombings, inevitably cause blowback, including the most recent bombing in New York City.

But it seems that most people have been so propagandized especially since 9/11 to only look at mainly the Islamic extremism itself, but refuse to consider the natural outcomes of interventionist foreign policies, criminal wars of aggression, and U.S. government support for foreign totalitarian police states.

Activist Post | Creative Commons 2017

Much More News and Commentary

Jacob Hornberger: Zelenskyy”s Call for Nuclear War

Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams: Biggest Winners In Ukraine War: Military-Industrial-Complex (video)

Adam Andrzejewski: How Fact-Finding Fauci Led To My Cancellation At Forbes

NY Post: Moderna CEO Sold More Than $400 Million in Company Stock During Pandemic

Dave Lindorff: NATO Is Not a Defensive Alliance

Jacob Sullum: The TSA’s Mask Mandate Is Just As Logical As All Its Other Arbitrary Impositions

Steve Kirsch: Dr. Flavio Cadegiani Just Published a Paper Showing How Pfizer Corrupts Clinical Trials

Patrick Cockburn: Sanctions are Blunt Instruments Which Punish Entire Populations But Hurt Leaders Least

Glenn Greenwald: The NYT Now Admits the Biden Laptop — Falsely Called “Russian Disinformation” — is Authentic

Dave DeCamp: Report: 8-Year Secret CIA Training Program in Eastern Ukraine Helped Prepare for Russian Invasion

Brett Wilkins: Declassified Docs Show CIA Used Prisoner as a Torture Training Prop

Infowars: Hitler Admirer Arnold Schwarzenegger Invokes Nazi Father In Defense Of Ukrainian Nazis

Ahmed Khalifa: Egypt Is Still Haunted By Its Ghosts of Socialism

J.D. Tuccille: Kids Are Back in Schools. Cops Shouldn’t Be.

Joseph Mercola: What You Need to Know about the Transhumanist Agenda

Mark Crispin Miller: The Cashless Life Won’t Be Worth Living

And Gateway Pundit: Oregon’s Top Children’s Hospital Teaches Young Boys To ‘Tuck’ Their Genitals, Directs Boys To Sex Shop

Collectivism, Nationalism and Centralization Are Not Compatible with a Free Society

Rethuglican Sen. Willard Romney, the lone Rethug who voted to keep masking and stifling little kids as young as 2 and for no good reason, has decided to call former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard a “treasonous liar” in her discussions of U.S. funded bio labs in Ukraine. Frankly I think Romney is treasonous in his vote for government-imposed child abuse of little kids. Pierre Delecto is scum.

And why is it that so many of today’s “liberals,” really not liberal but just leftists, are the warmongers of today? They want the U.S. government and military to get involved in the Russia-Ukraine war. I think one reason for such idiocy is the long-lasting Trump Derangement Syndrome they suffer, because many of them are brainwashed to believe that Trump colluded with Russia and Putin to steal the 2016 election, regardless of how debunked all those claims have been.

But many “conservatives” are just as bad in the warmongering. Like the leftists, the “conservatives” or neocons or “hawks” don’t mind the thought of having World War III and nuclear war.

I think that much of the responsibility in the irrationality of today belongs to the government schools. Education shouldn’t be run or controlled by the government. We are suffering from the disaster of government schools, euphemistically known as “public schools.” See Murray Rothbard on the education issue. We need to de-monopolize education away from government control, as well as de-monopolize everything else.

The society is collapsing before our very eyes because the majority of the population have been indoctrinated to believe whatever the government tells them, hook, line and sinker. Generations of people are indoctrinated to be non-independent thinking robots, obedient slaves of centralized regimes, federal, state and local.

Besides the Russia-Ukraine issue, another example that I have seen recently of how people don’t think or pay attention and just react emotionally to situations is in New Hampshire. A bill to put a question on the ballot for NH to secede from the “union” sunk like a rock.

This post shows tweets by some of the NH state representatives who clearly believed the bill was a vote to secede from the “union,” when it was a bill to just put the question on the ballot. Now, some of the representatives understood what the bill was, but they really believed that it was dangerous to let the commoners, or the riffraff as some of them see us, have a say as to whether or not become independent.

Why, how dare we. Even though the American Revolutionaries became independent from the British regime. They seceded.

Democrat state senators Lou D’Allesandro and Cindy Rosenwald tweeted that the House just voted to “secede from the United States.” No, you couple of morons, they voted whether or not to put the question on the ballot to let the citizens vote on the question!

Rep. David Meuse tweeted, “When they’re not attacking public health, teachers, local control, union members, voting rights and working people—some NH Republicans think it’s a good idea to attack America instead.”

“Attack America”? Look who’s attacking America, the one who opposes letting the people vote on an issue! And Rep. Manny Espitia tweeted, “These 13 Representatives should be ashamed of themselves. Their vote to secede from the United States of America is disgraceful.”

So, Manny not only shows his ignorance of what a bill actually proposes, he calls people who believe in independence “disgraceful.”

And this is New Hampshire, everybody. The “Live Free Or Die” state.

Several others quoted in that Free State blog use words like, “traitors,” “Batsh*t insane GOPers,” “right wing crazy group,” and so on.

So this is a result of our government-run and government-monopolized education system. No wonder more informed and rational people want to secede!

These people really need to read the Declaration of Independence, which reads in part, “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.”

And the Declaration goes on to list the abuses of the King. In today’s context, it can refer to the abuses of the U.S. regime in Washington. The IRS goes after conservatives and Tea Partiers, the IRS and Congress steal from the workers yet bureaucrats live high off the hog on the stolen workers’ earnings, the CIA provokes foreigners to make Americans less safe, the NSA spies on Americans without suspicion and due process, the FBI concocts “terrorist plots” so the FBI can thwart their own plots that they concoct, the FBI makes up conspiracies to kidnap governors to frame or entrap people, the FBI instigates Capitol riots and “insurrections” and then persecute those who attended a rally and puts innocent people in solitary confinement without charges, etc., etc., etc. What’s not to like about these people?

Speaking of the FBI instigating Capitol riots, I’m sure the people opposing letting citizens vote on secession and/or opposing secession itself would approve of FBI going after people who attended a Trump rally and having the rally attendees’ own teenage kids spy on them on behalf of the FBI.

As far as “treasonous” “traitors,” Romney should talk, given he imposed his RomneyCare on the people of Massachusetts just so he could use it as an “accomplishment” in his failed run for President.

And there are people who are brainwashed and believe that Americans must be loyal to the regime in Washington, like we have some sort of obligation as citizens. So if we criticize gubmint policies we are “traitors,” as we’re hearing from people who oppose Biden’s warmongering.

Sorry, fascists. It’s the government and its bureaucrats and senators who are obligated to be loyal to the people! The bureaucrats are the ones who swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution, which includes the Bill of Rights. It is the employees of government who are obligated to be loyal to the people, not the other way around!

Unfortunately, the trend now is toward an authoritarian reversal of the Constitutional definition of treason, to now refer to when citizens show disloyalty to the government or to its bureaucrats. If you criticize the regime you are a traitor, according to the new authoritarians.

And as far as secession and decentralization, ALL the states should secede and become separate independent “nation-states,” and that is the only way to preserve and protect the society as a free society. And then, of course, each state can further decentralize, all the cities and towns and so on. And most of the functions of society that are currently seized and usurped by government fascists can be handled locally, privately and voluntarily. No stealing, no compulsion or coercion by a monopolist fascist.

So, why exactly doesn’t our current collectivist centralization of power and dependence on Washington work if we want this to be a free society?

Because first of all the territory is just too big. Hundreds of thousands of square miles. And also too many people. The population of 330,000,000 is just too big to all be one single country or one single political unit. It’s like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

Anyway, if you haven’t already learned the hard way by now, government is crap. It just is. And bureaucrats are scum. That’s just the way they are.

So to conclude, the nationalism and collectivism that has been going on mainly by the millions of obedient products of government schools, and the way the society is structured and centralized with government-monopolized functions, are not compatible with a free society.

Real News and Commentary

John Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead: Digital Tyranny: Beware of the Government’s Push for a Digital Currency

Ludwig von Mises: Economic Calculation

Chris Hedges: Waltzing Toward Armageddon with the Merchants of Death

Jacob Hornberger: The U.S. National Security State’s Legacy of Death and Destruction

Jon Miltimore: A Holocaust Survivor Warned Americans about Blindly Supporting the War on Covid. We Didn’t Listen

Joseph Mercola: Massive Conflicts of Interest at the NIH

Richard Ebeling: Paternalists Plan a New International Political Consensus

And James Kunstler: Playing Dumb

Why Is Putin Invading Ukraine?

March 14, 2022

During this time of international crisis, the Putin-Russian invasion and attack on Ukraine and a possible World War III and nuclear holocaust, I am wondering why exactly Vladimir Putin is invading Ukraine. “WTF,” as it were.

But because of government/media censorship and propaganda people are in the dark as to the threat that Putin perceived from Ukraine’s possibly joining NATO and its being right up close to Russia.

But the whole thing just doesn’t make sense in any case. And I heard Glenn Beck on the radio recently expressing this. The Last Refuge has an article on how most people also think that things don’t add up on the Ukraine narrative.

The Last Refuge also notes the censorship that is taking place by a desperate government/media complex in its attempt to control the narrative. Yet, the American people can sense that something isn’t right, and that what we’re being told isn’t the whole story, or may not even be factual in any way.

Because of government/media propaganda and misinformation, most people believe the government’s narrative about Russia and Ukraine, and that is why most people support sanctions against Russia even if it means higher gas prices.

And because of the same government and media liars, most people still believe the “Trump-Russia collusions” narrative, despite its being debunked. Most people are probably still convinced that Covid has been a serious threat to the health and life of more than the .5% of the population that it actually does threaten, thanks to government and media liars. So we shouldn’t be surprised about the influence that the anti-Russian propaganda has on the majority of the people.

Now, even if the Ukraine regime is also a bad actor in its relationship with the Donbas, I think that Putin’s invasion into what seems like all of Ukraine and all his destruction and violence is obviously a bit overkill. Ya think.

And how to explain Putin’s invasion and overkill? My own conclusion is that he’s being coerced or threatened or blackmailed in some way by the globalists/interventionists/CIA to exploit the Donbas situation and start a whole new war, that I think the CIA just wants as an excuse to keep the military-industrial-intelligence-security complex gravy train going.

These people in Warshington love war, death and destruction, and they hate peace, Democrat and Republican. “War is the health of the State,” and all that. After all, these are the real reasons, I believe, that George H.W. Bush started his first war in 1991, imposed sanctions and no-fly zones, and provoked retaliation and blowback, including the 9/11 that would never have happened otherwise.

But now, because statist interventionists are such utter morons, bordering on retarded, this time their little schemes may very well end up as a nuclear ending to society as we know it. Oh, well.

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