The Covid Scam Really Is a Scam, And a Hoax, And It Has to Stop

Are you as sick of the ongoing scamdemic as I am? Sorry to be spending so much time on that rather than writing about all the other important issues.

But now that the CDC is issuing more inconsistent and irrational guidelines and advisories regarding vaccines, masks, and other crapola, the scam is being exposed for what it is, a scam, and a hoax.

And I use the word “hoax” accurately here. We know that the “public health” officials, doctors and hospitals are turning up those PCR cycle threshold numbers at certain times, for the purpose of getting false positive test results.

Dr. Fauci himself said that false positives would happen if cycle threshold numbers were too high.

The familiar motive to artificially raise the numbers of “Covid cases,” in my view, seems very likely to do with Donald Trump’s recently resuming his campaign-style rallies.

The high PCR test cycle threshold numbers were used all last year to justify a “pandemic” hysteria based on false positives and a “casedemic,” and based on all the predicted “overwhelmed hospitals” that never happened, to justify calls for mail-in voting to better enable the ballot stuffers and cheaters to do their cheating. The reason many people don’t believe there was cheating and vote fraud is that our “news”casters told us repeatedly there was “no evidence,” which there is. And also, the Swamp didn’t like the effect that those 2016 Trump rallies had, so they prevented a repeat of that in 2020.

We saw the “case” numbers drop dramatically this whole year of 2021 after the W.H.O. advised, just after Biden was inaugurated on January 20th, that the Covid test cycle threshold numbers be lowered to weed out false positives. But now, when Trump returns to campaign rallies, it’s time to return to the higher numbers. Yes, TDS is now to a psychopathic degree. (And I’m not a Trump supporter, by the way, just a truth supporter.)

The second part of our further evidence that it is a made-up hoax is the CDC’s changing its guidelines in March 2020 as to what constitutes a “Covid death” to include non-Covid deaths on the list of “Covid deaths.” That list has included people who died of heart disease, heart attacks, kidney disease, cancer, gunshots, motorcycle accidents, and so on. But the deceased supposedly tested “positive” for Covid-19.

Last year, Dr. Deborah Birx addressed that aspect of this entire fraud:

So, the “600,000” deaths number is totally bogus. On the CDC’s own “provisional death counts” weekly updates page, the CDC states, “For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death.”

That same passage previously referred to more specifically “6%,” not “over 5%.” Before the recent change on that same page, according to this Wayback Machine snapshot, the CDC stated, “For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.”

So they changed “6%” to “over 5%,” but they increased the average number of “additional conditions or causes per death” from 2.6 to 4.0! That means that the CDC revised upward the number of comorbidities that most of the people who died had.

Another aspect why this whole panic-incitement caused by psychopath bureaucrats and their media enablers is a hoax is the primary reason for lockdowns, business closures, masks and hysteria: that people who are “carriers” of the virus but have no symptoms are still spreading the virus. Not true.

Remember the mantra: “Stop the Spread”? The whole thing has been a lie.

Jon Rappoport pointed out that Dr. Fauci himself claimed, “In all the history of respiratory borne viruses of any type, asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks.”

And don’t forget that Johns Hopkins published an article in which the writer noted that on average 2020 saw no real significant rise in deaths for the year, and that the reported deaths for the usual top causes such as heart disease dropped for the year. The explanation being that many of those usual heart and kidney disease and cancer deaths were being marked as “Covid deaths.” That article was then taken down by Johns Hopkins because it revealed too much of this criminal fraud and panic-incitement scheme we have been suffering for over a year and a half.

And so what else is happening besides the revival in Covid hysteria?

On a radio show yesterday morning a caller stated that he frequently donates blood to the Red Cross. Supposedly they test blood for Covid antibodies and tell donors if they tested positive for the Covid antibodies. But now, the caller says, the Red Cross let him know that they will no longer be doing that. The Red Cross will no longer test blood for Covid antibodies. Now, why would the Red Cross not test donated blood for Covid antibodies? Something doesn’t sound right there.

And then yesterday on, we read:

Writes my friend:

Hi Lew,

I donated blood to the Red Cross a few weeks ago.  Today I got an email from someone at the Red Cross inviting me to take a survey on Covid-19.  When I followed the link for the survey I was shocked to see the following:

We are contacting you because you tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies (i.e. we did not detect SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in your blood). Antibodies generally are detectable if one has been infected with the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 in the past or received a COVID-19 vaccine.

This bothers me on several points.  First, is this an initial step towards using the Red Cross to persuade me to take the vaccine?  Second, this seems to be an invasion of privacy.  Third, it makes me wonder who else they have shared this information with.

I didn’t go any further with the survey.  I will no longer donate blood to the Red Cross.

And then yesterday on the Glenn Beck radio show Dave Rubin was talking about the California recall election/ballot initiative. So, my own conclusion is now, as far as another reason why the revival in Covid “cases” or “casedemic,” the California recall is in just two months. That means the activists have to ramp up the Covid hysteria and panic, just like last year, to get California voters to insist on mail-in balloting, just like last year as mentioned above.

Unless people rise up and get our government officials to cut it out and stop lying about this scamdemic, and unless the people make the “public health” officials stop fabricating “cases” and inciting panic and hysteria, then all this crap, this criminal Orwellian crapola is just going to continue, the kids are going to continue to be even more screwed up than they already are, and we’re going to have fascist requirements to make life miserable for everyone for no good reason and employers and schools or colleges with more “vaccine” mandates to make people worse off and put more people in worse health!

This will continue to 2022 elections, and 2024 elections, and it will go beyond just elections, as it already has. The society is literally going crazy now, and I hope people put a stop to it.

More News and Commentary

Jon Rappoport: CDC/FDA Confess: They Had No Virus When They Concocted the Test for the Virus.

Jörg Guido Hülsmann: Secession and the Production of Defense

Tucker Carlson: CDC Mask Guidelines – This Isn’t about the Science, Here’s Proof.

Hans-Hermann Hoppe: Economy, Society, and History

Becky Akers: The Dangerous and Irrevocable Jab, Bloody Catastrophe, and Relentless Idiots

Tom Woods: And Now They’re Hoping For My Death

Townhall: This Epic Tucker Dig at a Mask & Face Shield-Wearing Lloyd Austin Is One for the Ages

Brian Shilhavy: More CDC Insanity: Fully Vaccinated Spreading Delta Variant – So Everyone Needs to Get Vaccinated and Wear Masks

The Gray Zone: Drone Whistleblower Daniel Hale’s Letter to Judge Why He “Came to Violate the Espionage Act.”

Brett Wilkins: 27 Groups Urge Congress To Close FBI ‘Backdoor Search’ Loophole.

Suzy Weiss and Patrick Wack: Bearing Witness to China’s ‘Orwellian Dystopia’

And Katie Herzog: Med Schools Are Now Denying Biological Sex

How Much Longer Do We Have to Deal with This Covid Fraud Inflicted on Us?

As of today, Provincetown, Maskachusetts has identified a “cluster” of 833 Covid “cases,” that is, people who have tested positive for Covid regardless of whether they are actually sick. Out of 833 “cases” there are 7 hospitalizations. And, according to that article, NO DEATHS!

And that is why the hysterical morons of the Provincetown Board of Selectmen have reimposed their fascist mask mandate. (As though this is like the seasonal flu, in which the hospitals really are flooded by people!)

This whole Covid narrative is a crock. And it was from the very beginning.

So now Biden and his political operatives in the federal apparatus are saying that federal workers need to be “vaccinated.”

Other government bureaus and private businesses are saying their workers must get “vaccinated.” And there are other who want to mandate vaccinations, but you still have to wear a mask. What kooks.

And people are saying now, the “unvaccinated” are responsible for outbreaks everywhere. You mean, the outbreaks that are being made up by people using Covid testing procedures using too high a cycle threshold number to guarantee false positives? Those outbreaks? (Especially in the “red states,” and don’t we know why.)

The “unvaccinated” are “killing people.” No, the government and medical crackpots are killing people. Duh. How many deaths now caused by the “vaccines”? And other injuries, paralyses, and other adverse reactions?

And are they beginning to acknowledge that the mRNA drug injections are not preventing infections or the transmission of infections? Such preventions are not the actual intention of those “vaccines,” because their actual purpose is to reduce symptoms. Except, the government and retards otherwise known as “news” media “journalists” have been leading people to believe that if people accept the “vaccine” they will be prevented from acquiring the Covid virus and prevented form being an unwitting “asymptomatic carrier spreading it to others” (even though asymptomatic carriers don’t spread the Covid virus — the myth that asymptomatic carriers are spreaders is another major lie that this whole regime of fascist restrictions is based on).

Regarding the “Delta” variant that supposedly is much more transmissible than the original virus or other variants, it is much less deadly. This new panic and hysteria is being intentionally inflamed by political strategists who moonlight as sociopaths. They are so driven by power-grabbing, they are only thinking about 2022 and 2024, and they don’t care whose lives they ruin on their rampages.

Besides the feds and their leader Biden threatening mandatory “vaccines” or else, many businesses are now doing the same. And for what? To protect others from a virus spreading? We know the “vaccines” don’t do that. What’s the reason for mandating an experimental drug injection then?

And now some sports teams and others want to publicly identify the “unvaccinated” by making them wear some sort of visible bracelet or some such thing! Why, how Nazi of you.

In Nazi Germany the persecuted Jews were made to wear an armband with the Star of David and the word “Jude” on it, to identify them openly as Jews. Why do some of today’s morons emulate Nazis?

By the way, we already have the face mask, which some people are attempting to use as a symbol that the wearer is “unvaccinated,” as in, “if you are unvaccinated you still have to wear a mask,” as it says at the grocery store.

So, what is the point of identifying the “unvaccinated” when it doesn’t matter whether people have the experimental drug injection or not? The idiots in control are saying that even if you had the “vaccine” you still have to wear a mask!

But what’s the point, when it doesn’t matter if someone has had the experimental drug injection, because it doesn’t work as has been implied? And what’s the point of wearing the mask, when the masks don’t work in preventing the transmission of the virus?

In other words, this whole thing is a scam to make the pharmaceutical industry a lot more money than they are already making with their other scam snake oil treatments, as well as all the government bureaucrats like Fauci and “doctors” who get lots of extra money in government handouts as well as handouts form the pharmaceutical industry.

And really it’s another part of the scheme to collapse the entire society with Twilight Zone, Orwellian loony-tunes policies and turning businesses and neighbors against others and only for irrational crazy reasons.

The best things we can do are to just take the goddamn masks off, and if you haven’t taken the experimental drug injection, don’t. As they are doing in Europe people are going to have to get off their butts and engage in peaceful protests at the state capitols, at the U.S. capitol, and people calling their legislators and telling them to CUT IT OUT!

I think that people are going to have to take some risks and just don’t wear the mask and just don’t get the “vaccine” even if they are mandated in whatever area. Don’t answer any questions, such as “have you been vaccinated,” because you have a right to your medical privacy.

People may have to go into the grocery store or wherever unmasked and/or unvaccinated anyway. They may have to sue the store, or sue an employer who fires them for not getting “vaccinated,” for an unjust firing. They may have to risk getting arrested and charged with trespassing. People may have to plead not guilty and force a trial and bring actual scientific evidence into trials showing what a farce the whole scamdemic is. Otherwise, I think all this is just going to continue indefinitely. Government nazis and other brainwashed sheeple are causing ME a lot of stress with all this crap!

And if you already have taken the “vaccine,” try not to worry about whatever possible harmful future reactions you could have from it. Take care of yourself. Don’t be overweight. 78% of hospitalized Covid patients have been obese. Don’t drink, don’t smoke. If you smoke, quit. Don’t do drugs. Don’t eat junk food and processed foods with horrible synthetic chemicals. (I know, for some people it’s easier said than done. But try.)

Take vitamin D and zinc every day, at the very least. I take a 1000 i.u. vitamin D and a 25 mg zinc every day, among other vitamins and supplements. And keeping inflammation as low as possible is also good. I eat sardines for the high omega 3 content, and I consume extra virgin olive oil. Very important.

The Covid Cult Continues, Based on Lies and Fear

The Twilight Zone of Covid-1984 continues and continues, a never-ending nightmare of fascism, lunacy, irrationality, stasi Karens, and threats against people like me to ruin my somewhat good health with drug injections that would no doubt make me less healthy, more unsafe physically, as well as threats against us to lock us in or banish us from the grocery store, the symphony or from being employed. And for NO GOOD REASON!

In this Covid and “vaccine” cult, the cultists are calling for the arrests and jailing of those who won’t get an experimental, untested drug injection for no good reason. You people out there among that crowd are definitely a cult. The Branch Covidians. You need to be deprogrammed.

“You must be vaccinated,” the cultists declare. Even if you’ve been vaccinated, you must still wear a mask! We must test healthy people with tests that give mostly false positives, by shoving stick things up their noses that could give them brain damage or otherwise health problems. Cult much?

So, Life Site has published an article by epidemiologist Paul Alexander who goes over the many Covid lies by government officials and their media groupies, and gives the more accurate information to counter the lies.

He begins with the original lie:

1) This COVID-19 pandemic was never the “emergency” that governments, technocrats and the medical community and task forces told you it was. COVID-19 was not as severe as SARS-1 (2002-2003) or MERS (2012). It was not the bubonic plague, it was never what authorities made it out to be, and they have lied repeatedly to their populations. The infection fatality rate at most is 0.15% (at most 0.2%) and less than 0.05% when you look at ages 70 years old and below. CDC data showed that the risk of survival for persons 0-19 is 99.997%. Near 100%. Everything that our governments and the media told us and did were pure lies.

Only for the first three weeks at most in February and March 2020 did we need some pause or restriction to gain an understanding of the pathogen….

People needlessly died in the U.S. and children died due to these failed, specious lockdown policies put out by government “task forces.”

These “task forces,” including in the U.S., have lied to the people and driven damaging fear.

Economies were crushed, businesses were closed forever. We very early on understood the parameters and yet governments and their inept “task forces” did not care. They enacted unscientific, unsound polices that did nothing other than kill people through the lockdowns, not the virus. History will record that the pandemic response – what was done to populations by their governments – was the greatest public health disaster in history. The vaccines will match this and I will state openly: you should not take these vaccines. It is likely you are already immune. A vaccine was never needed for this virus.

This was akin to a bad flu season. It could have been dealt with via early therapeutics and proper securing of the elderly high-risk populations, combined with improved hand hygiene, vitamin D supplements, weight control, and allowing the low-risk “healthy” and well in the population to live largely normal lives taking reasonable safety precautions. There was no need to lock down society or close schools, ever.

No doubt, this virus is deadly to the elderly with underlying risks as well as very obese persons, or some younger persons who are ill, etc. But this is a segment of the population and not the vast majority. The vast majority were never at risk from COVID as governments claimed they were – a pure lie. It is akin to the falsehood about coronavirus deaths in children: close examination of all the deaths in children found that in all of them, there was a serious underlying medical condition. Even Dr. Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins states that to date (July 2021), we are unable to be definitive as to whether these deaths were causal or incidental.

After addressing the many other lies by bureaucrats, “experts” and medical professionals, Alexander concludes with this:

I close by saying how disappointed and dismayed I am – and I know many share this view – by the abhorrent, distasteful, and shameful behavior of doctors in the U.S. and elsewhere. Most have stood by and have been silent.

Silent so that they will not lose their research grants and positions. Silent because they fear their university leadership. Silent because they are academically sloppy and lazy and refuse to do the work to read the science and are just not informed optimally. Silent because they are hiding behind the pure garbage trickled down to them from their colleges and regulatory bodies. Silent because they are politicized and corrupted, and bring their biases to the table when they should have checked them at the door. Shame on them. Their silence cost thousands of lives. They know and knew that early drug treatment works via the use of anti-virals very early on in the disease sequelae. They know it. They use empiric treatment all the time to help their patients, but not for COVID.

Again, something other than science has been at play for COVID. Was it only “anti-Trump”? They know natural immunity is way better and robust than the “narrow” immunity conferred from this sub-optimally developed vaccine. These medical experts have tried to bend reality. They also know that the vaccine is showing troubling safety signals with nearly 10,000 deaths temporally linked to the vaccine in the U.S. as of July 12, 2021 (CDC VAERS database). It cannot be safe, if it was developed in months versus the decade typically needed. They know the vaccine does not prevent transmission or infection, or death or hospitalization. They know children in no way require this vaccine and they know it is potentially very dangerous for pregnant women. Shame on them. They are placing thousands in harm’s way by their silence. Their silence has garnered them a significant loss in credibility and I wonder if it can ever return.

Are you a doctor? Have you been repeating the lies, and knowing they are lies? Then shame on you. Medical doctors who have been participating in the lies need to be exposed, shunned, shamed, and excluded from our social gatherings, expelled from our businesses, etc. They are the ones who should be banned, not children from school who haven’t been “vaccinated” or who don’t have a mask on, or such “unvaccinated” or maskless adults banned from businesses or the grocery store.

But most of all, our rulers and experts are lying to us about these Covid “vaccines” that are not vaccines. They are merely drugs being injected into the person, no different from the pharmaceutical companies’ other drugs. These mRNA drug injections don’t “provide immunity,” they don’t prevent infections or transmission of infections as they aren’t intended to.

No, the Covid mRNA “vaccines” intention is to reduce symptoms in people who are having symptoms. Even Fauci has said this early on. You can hear in the news “vaccinated people still getting Covid,” such as those New York Yankees players.

There is no need to mass-inject the population with a drug whose purpose is to reduce symptoms. Most people who have the virus have “mild cold or flu-like symptoms,” or in many cases they have no symptoms at all! Why do you want to force drugs onto or into people who have no symptoms? THAT MAKES NO SENSE!! Doh!

Doctors, bureaucrats, “experts” and media stenographers who are saying that the “vaccines” are to “protect others” are either ignorant or they are lying. These drugs do not prevent the spread of infections!

So the “vaccines” are really being injected into the person with the intention of protecting just that person and no one else. But how is the injectee being protected from the heart inflammation or blood clots from these drugs that have not been tested and remain experimental?

Yet, the Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines” are being pushed and sold to the public as immunity-providing, contagion-preventing vaccines which is an outright lie. They are calling their mRNA Covid drugs “vaccines” to protect themselves from liability from the deaths and injuries caused by these drugs. The U.S. CONgress legislated these pharma companies immunity from liability with their vaccines in 1986-87 but not immunity from liability from their other drugs. The mRNA drugs do not qualify legally as vaccines and the exemption from liability in this case is a total fraud and they need to be charged criminally with fraud.

Where is Rand Paul on this? Why is he promoting these drugs as vaccines? I heard him on Sean Hannity radio regarding these “vaccines” and he wasn’t telling the truth about them. Does Rand Paul know the truth about these drugs?

By the way, besides the above article on all the Covid lies that are contributing to destroying our society, another article on Revolver discusses Joe Biden spreading vaccine misinformation on CNN to millions of Americans.

And more on Life Site with an article on 47 studies confirming the ineffectiveness of masks for Covid and 32 more studies confirming the masks’ negative health effects. You people in charge out there, why do you want to continue making people wear oxygen-depriving, unhealthy masks for no good reason? Why do you endorse child abuse? Why are you so anti-science?

This cult of the Branch Covidians and the “vaccine” push are all part of a scam, as Paul Craig Roberts writes, a scamdemic I have never witnessed until now in my getting-close-to-60 years now. Doh!

Another January 6th Update

Glenn Greenwald details the FBI’s dominant role in the plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Wretchen Witless, the FBI’s long history in concocting “terrorist plots” to entrap its hapless patsies, and why it’s only logical to conclude the FBI played a major role in the January 6th trespass and riot erroneously referred to as an “insurrection” that wasn’t. Even the moonbats on the left worship the national security state just as much as the conservatives and neocons. Those people on the left can’t imagine that the FBI could possibly be involved in the fake “insurrection” on January 6th.

Jonathan Turley asks, Could The Arrest of FBI Agent Undermine The Whitmer Kidnapping Case?

And Ron Paul says that The January 6th Show Trials Threaten All of Us.

More News and Commentary

Jacob Hornberger: JFK’s Peace Speech.

Thomas Knapp: Don’t Expand Draft Registration. End It.

Children’s Health Defense: FDA Likely to Approve Pfizer Booster Shots — Even if They Don’t Work — Thanks to Outdated Rules Favoring Drug Companies

Don Boudreaux: On David French on Structural Racism.

Laurence Vance describes the Seven Deadly Sins of Government.

John Stossel: Speech Is Not Violence.

James Bovard: Biden’s Rescue Act Targets Americans’ Freedoms

And the American Spectator has an article on how therapy is successful at treating gender dysphoria. The anti-freedom bureaucrats and social activists (or more accurately, anti-social activists) in 24 states have banned such therapy, including “liberal” Massachusetts and “Live Free or Die” New Hampshire.

Biden Nominates a Social “Justice” (sic) Wacko for U.S. Attorney

It appears that the Alzheimer’s patient in the White House has nominated Boston’s Suffolk County DA Rachael Rollins to be U.S. Attorney for Maskachusetts.

I don’t have time to write something new about this now, so I will take an excerpt from a post I did 2 years ago that included some comments about Rachael Rollins:

Here is the post

(From July 11, 2019)

One of Ayanna Pressley’s ideological cohorts, Boston’s Suffolk County DA Rachael Rollins, is one of those prosecutors who has dropped many cases or reduced charges to prevent prison time supposedly non-violent crimes such as shoplifting, but also, according to the Boston Globe, 11 assault or assault and battery charges. That’s not exactly non-violent.

In one of those cases, a guy was accused of punching his wife in the face. In another case, a guy assaulted a lady and her dog and gave the lady fractured skull and other injuries, “traumatic brain injury, speech and vision impairments, permanent hearing loss in one ear, vertigo, and other serious medical issues.” They gave him a “two-year suspended sentence with three years probation, and (he) was ordered to stay away from the victim...”

In an op-ed, Cape and Islands District Attorney Michael O’Keefe wrote that Rollins is one of those “social justice” DAs, and “that we should exempt groups of people from having to obey the law is an insult to them and a destructive form of pandering, because it suggests that these people are lesser beings than those we expect to obey the law.”

Rollins responds by stating, “If the person presents with mental health issues, substance use disorder, homelessness, or poverty, we’re going to pause just for a moment to see who is this person in front of us … Before branding someone with a criminal record, we just want to pause if they have some of those characteristics.

No, Rachael, in a civilized society you don’t physically attack someone, or violate anyone’s person or property. “Mental health issues, substance use disorder, homelessness, or poverty” are irrelevant to someone acting on his own free will to hurt others.

If this is the way the “Justice” system is going in America, then it’s time to privatize that (as well as everything else!).

The Lying New York Slimes and Washington Pest Continue Their Covid Whoppers

Stephen Lendman is good here, in “Flu/Covid Jabs Spread Disease“.

Some excerpts:

… Suppressed is that most flu/covid outbreaks occur among jabbed people, not the other way around as falsely claimed by US/Western dark forces and their media press agents.

Representing some of the worst, NYT fake news defied reality by calling flu/covid jabs “the only answer for fighting” the viral illness (sic),” adding:

“(W)e have more than one highly-effective (jab) available (sic).”

There are none. They’re all health-destroying and deadly. And you can take that reality to the mortuary.

Saying “almost the only people getting sick enough to be hospitalized at this point are those who have yet to” be jabbed is a bald-faced Big Lie and high crime against humanity, demanding accountability.

More Big Lies followed, the Times falsely saying millions of Americans “signed onto this (mass-jabbing) social contract…as a condition of a return to normalcy (sic).”

WaPo keeps spreading fake news about the delta scariant that’s virtually no different from other flu/covid strains.

Ignoring science, it falsely claims that delta is increasing flu/covid outbreaks — a bald-faced Big Lie that’s all about pushing refusniks to self-inflict harm like their jabbed counterparts, adding:

White House officials “are growing increasingly anxious about the state of the (nonexistent) pandemic (sic) and are gravely concerned about the situation spiraling out of control in some areas of the country with low (jabbing) rates (sic).”

Suppressed by WaPo, other establishment media, and US/Western dark forces is that outbreaks are highest in areas with the greatest percent of jabbed people, not the other way around.

No evidence suggests that “hospitals are filling up in the West, another fear-mongering Big Lie.

Now, unfortunately a lot of people in Soviet Amerika are brainwashed and spend so much time staring into their TVs and little electronic gadgets, they just gullibly believe what the “news” media tell them, which is what the government bureaucrats tell the “news” media. No scientific inquiry or debate is allowed!

Bombarded with so much government and media propaganda, public “service” announcements containing total fear-mongering and panic-incitement, and really mainly just 24-7 pharmaceutical ads, people just believe it without a second thought. If others try to tell them about actual science and facts that contradict what they’ve been brainwashed with, they think they’re hearing tinfoil hat conspiracy theory stuff.

But no, the truth is the opposite of what you’re being told by media liars, and government liars. They wouldn’t know the truth if they fell over it.

In fact, there is yet another article on the real number of deaths so far from the “vaccines”. It begins:

A government related computer programmer, who works in health care data analytics, has made a declaration under penalty of perjury that according to medical claims submitted to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) there are “at least 45,000” vaccine-related deaths due to experimental COVID-19 vaccine injections…

And the whistleblower analyzed the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), and looked at the number of deaths reported to the system. The whistleblower “verified these numbers by collating all of the data from VAERS myself, not relying on a third party to report them. In tandem, I queried data from CMS [Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services] medical claims with regard to vaccines and patient deaths…” and concluded that the real number of Covid-“vaccine” deaths so far is “at least 45,000.”

And so these assertions from a whistleblower show that the reporting to VAERS is not “fake” as was suggested a week or two ago by the two schmucks “Pat and Stu” filling in for Glenn Beck on the radio. These idiots on the radio are all-in with the “vaccines.”

The other talk radio personalities I’ve heard recently are almost just as bad. What, did iHeart reach down and threaten them if they dare to criticize the pharmaceutical companies and tell the truth about these “vaccines”? So, the talk radio people might be good in their criticizing Covid-1984 in general, but they’re just as bad as the mainstream media in promoting the “vaccine” cult.

Turn off the TV, everyone, and put away your stupid little electronic gadgets. Do your own research. Don’t use Google (i.e. government controlled searches). Read.

The Revival In Covid Panic and Hysteria, and the Mask Psy-Op

I’m trying not to let this revival in hysteria and panic get to me. But the “public health” officials and governors, and sports and business people, under the direction of the ignorant and senile Biden, are stepping up their fascist authoritarian restrictions, such as mask mandates, more calls for “passports” to prove you’ve had an experimental drug injection that has already killed and injured tens of thousands and which has still not prevented many people from nevertheless getting “Covid.”

Biden and his propagandist underlings are lying when they say that the experimental drug injections are “effective,” or even “100% effective.” How can they be effective if the drug-assaults’ victims are still getting Covid? Are the people really getting Covid?

The health officials and their “news” repeaters say “cases are up,” which is still based on the “New Normal” redefinition of a “case” as being anyone who tests positive for Covid, regardless of having any symptoms.

The “Old Normal” definition of a “case” was someone who was actually sick and had symptoms of the Covid cold/flu. The “New Normal,” however, is a lie, just as the rest of this whole scam of a “pandemic,” hence scamdemic.

And also the higher number of positive “cases” is based on mostly false positives, which is based on the too-high cycle threshold numbers. Dr. Fauci himself early on said that if the testers use a cycle threshold of 35 or over then you are guaranteed false positives. Supposedly it should be lower than 28. However, the numbers they have been using throughout this scamdemic have been 40 and above.

But most of all, in my view, this whole scamdemic is based on the lie that people who may be carriers of the Covid virus, but who have no symptoms, are still contagious and can pass it on to Grandma and kill her. Sorry, that is a lie. The reason that asymptomatic “carriers” are not contagious is that they do not have enough of a viral load to be contagious, which is a main reason why they don’t have symptoms.

And I wanted to link to this must-read article on American Thinker by Brian Joondeph, Are Masks About to Become Permanent?

He asks some very good questions regarding the surge in hysteria: “Whatever happened to the basic concept of herd immunity?…Why are we told that vaccination is the only path to herd immunity?… Why are we going backward with mask mandates by masking up again despite most of the country having some degree of immunity?…If the vaccines work as advertised, why the masks for everyone? The unvaccinated can wear masks if they are at higher risk or concerned about exposure to COVID. But the vaccinated are protected. Do we walk under an umbrella on a clear day because it might rain, and one can never be too careful?”

And he makes some further points, some of which I have been wanting to make here:

Is this about public health, protecting the LA population, most of whom already have COVID immunity? Or are there other motives at play? Given how so much of the pandemic has been politicized, it is appropriate to look at any new guidelines through a political prism.

…Election audits, nearing completion in Arizona and ramping up in other states, may reveal electoral fraud with election winners declared losers and vice versa. If this turns out to be true, how will the American people react? Especially when it was the pandemic that provided cover for last-minute changes in election law and processes that may have facilitated the fraud.

Special Counsel John Durham may be releasing not only a report but also indictments, on Spygate conspirators in the near future, with prison time for some, according to Rep. Devin Nunes…

Lastly, Trump rallies are a thing again, drawing magnitudes more than Biden or Harris could even dream of at any of their events. Trump is in campaign mode and is the GOP kingmaker ahead of both the midterms and next presidential election.

What better way to stop the Trump rallies and distract from unpleasant news than by returning to the COVID glory days of 2020, masking up and locking down. Wait until fall when seasonal influenza kicks in and the calls for masks will become deafening. Tweak the PCR test cycle threshold upward and viola, more cases, more masking and distancing, more mandates. Totalitarianism on demand….

So, if more people are getting sick now, in July of all times, and more are testing positive for Covid, then chances are the test results are false positives. And if it’s true that hospitalizations are up, and the ages of the patients are younger on average than during the 2020 scam, it seems to me that all the continued “news” 24-7 of “Covid, Covid, Covid,” and those corrupt lying government “public health” officials reviving their terrorizing the masses with “the new Delta variant and more cases and more hospitalizations,” the terrorized sheeple are panicking again.

Because of all the mask-wearing the terrorized are making themselves sick from the bacteria and germs and viruses they normally expel out their lungs but now are breathing back in along with the exhaled carbon dioxide while breathing in less oxygen than they need. Thanks to those goddamn masks!

Not just the extra stress and masks that are contributing to making people sick, but their immune systems have been weakened over the past year or more by staying inside and avoiding other people!

So, in my view, many frantic victims of government propaganda and misinformation have weakened their immune systems and are making themselves susceptible to a cold and they immediately think it’s Covid, they rush to the hospital and are given a false positive diagnosis, and then the hospital makes them more sick with the usual hospital poisons, infections, and ventilators.

The psychopath rulers are calling for more useless, counter-productive face mask mandates because the masks are a psy-op, just as this whole damn scamdemic is one big psy-op!

More News and Commentary

J.D. Tuccille: What Happens to Discredited Drug Cops? They Get Rebranded as Gun Cops.

Alexandra Bruce: Dr. Peter Mccullough – Urgent Warning About Poisonous Jabs

Michelle Malkin: Feds’ Bill for No-Fly Secrets: $4,536

Barry Brownstein: Why Good People Enable Totalitarians.

Laurence Vance: Is Libertarianism Satanism?

Sheldon Richman: Critical Race Theory and the Schools

Pat Buchanan: JFK — Accept Our Diverse World as It Is

The Last Refuge: Inspector General Outlines More Gross FBI Misconduct With Senior Officials and Media Collusion

And Daniel Larison: The Absurd Ben & Jerry’s Panic Is No Laughing Matter.

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