News and Opinion from Non-Corporate Media Sources

James Bovard ( Truth Has No Chance on Capitol Hill

John Whitehead ( Rule by Criminals: When Dissidents Become Enemies of the State

Kym Robinson ( Collateral Murder 2.0

Jonathan Cook ( Assange’s ‘Reprieve’ Is Another Lie, Hiding the Real Goal of Keeping Him Endlessly Locked Up

Ryan McMaken ( Federal Judges Co-Opted America’s State Constitutions

Gary Barnett ( The Heinous Constitution: An Abominable Curse on the Liberty of All

Paul Craig Roberts ( The Most Astounding Feature of the Assange Case

William Astore ( The Pentagon Ate Our Government: Looking at the New Federal Budget

Ariel Gold ( Israel’s Conscientious Objectors Stand on the Shoulders of Giants

Activist Post ( The Most Censored Subjects on Earth: The Trilateral Commission, Technocracy & Transhumanism

Republicans Agree with Democrats: “Let’s Destroy America”

This is more of a rant than a “formal” article. You have been warned.

Apparently former RNC chair Ronna Romney McDaniel was hired by MSNBC. Who knows why? But when the regime apparatchik propagandists there heard about that, they would have none of it. 

Yes, the sniveling brats including Rachel Maddouch and former Meet the Press host Chuck Tard complained to the NBC bosses who then fired Romney McDaniel immediately.

Romney McDaniel is supposedly suing the low-ratings “news” outlet for “defamation,” although breach of contract is probably more appropriate.

The MSNBC crew were accusing Romney McDaniel of being a Trump “election denier,” even though it is they, the sniveling pinkos who have been election steal deniers and liars, either knowingly or out of ignorance. They are brainwashed by their own propaganda, it seems.

Even George Snuffleupagus, who isn’t on MSNBC but a regime apparatchik nevertheless, repeated a big lie just recently, that Trump “lost all the court cases” (paraphrasing) in Trump’s election-related court cases in 2021. The truth is that most of the judges dismissed those cases without even hearing any of the hundreds of witnesses, who had signed sworn affidavits, that then-RNC chair Ronna Romney McDaniel prepared for those court cases.

The MSNBC Democrat groupies accused Trump and Romney McDaniel of lying and the “Big Lie” that 2020 election was rigged and stolen, which it was.

Those same MSNBC people lied like a rug for years regarding the “Trump-Russia collusions” hoax, thoroughly debunked by the Mueller report and again by the Durham report. They lied about Covid. They lied about the Covid mRNA “vaccine” the clot-shot being “safe and effective,” which was neither safe nor effective.

But that’s not what I wanted to discuss and rant about here.

The problem at hand lies with the Republican Party, which continues to live up to its moniker … the “Stupid Party.” That is what they are.

For example, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Goon is now warning the speaker Mikey Johnson to be more loyal to the “MAGA” movement or she’ll begin the process of ousting him as speaker of the House. Johnson pushed the latest spending heist supposedly to prevent a “government shutdown,” but the 1000+ page bill contained a lot of social cause spending crapola that Goon objects to.

Mikey Johnson isn’t like Mikey on the cereal commercial, “He hates everything!” because when it comes to Big Government spending bills, tax-funded largess for everyone and everything, he is like Mikey in the commercial, “He likes it! Hey, Mikey!”

Is there a Marjorie in those commercials? Last year Marjorie Taylor Goon voted for a bill with then-speaker McCarthy and Democrats to raise the debt ceiling, a move for which ultra'”MAGA” conservative Steve Bannon called for her to be primaried. So, a bit of a hypocrite there, Marge.

But she’s hysterical with the catfights with fellow congresswomanperson Lauren Bimboebert. 

And when Marge calls for a “national divorce,” and “Not Another Penny” for Ukraine. Good.

But any principled statesman or statesperson should oppose ALL foreign aid, don’t you think? Why is it a legitimate thing to steal money from the workers and producers to redistribute it over to any foreigner or foreign interest? 

Actually, doing that is illegitimate, but so is stealing money from the workers and producers to redistribute the loot over to anyone, because it involves stealing, which is what taxation is.

And given the involuntary, contract-less nature of taxation, especially the income tax, then any kind of forced, coerced redistribution of income is illegitimate, and criminal, in fact. No different from a robber pointing a gun at you and demanding your money that way. 

That means that those who are in the employ of the racket that steals from the people, the gubmint of which Marjorie Taylor Goon is an active agent, are merely criminals like any other robber.

And I’m picking on Goon because she’s criticizing the speaker Mike Johnson for passing another outrageous spending bill, when she votes for many spending tax-theft-funded bills herself.

Another hint that Marjorie Taylor Goon is just another regime swamp creature was that after she called for the release of all the 40,000+ hours of January 6th surveillance videos, she then retreated and joined the police state in its withholding of video evidence that will expose the Fedsurrection for what it was.

And she’s politically clueless, calling for another House speaker ouster, causing more chaos in the GOP. The problem is, they all suck. 

And now after they got rid of TV character actor George Santos, another Republican is leaving before the next elections, Mikey Gallagher, but not soon enough to get a special election to replace him, which it appears he is doing deliberately as though to help Democrats regain the majority.

Are Goon and Gallagher being threatened to do those things? Blackmailed?

I think that the Democrats/FBI gestapo/criminal class have been threatening these clowns to self-destruct to get them to lose the majority in the House, because otherwise a lot of stuff now just doesn’t make any sense.

Another policy that never made any sense but which many Americans stupidly support is the “war on drugs.” Very short-sighted Americans still support the same failed policy for decades and decades.

One of the biggest idiots in this regard is — yup, you guessed it — Marjorie Taylor Goon, who wants to “declare war on the Mexican drug cartels,” and the U.S. military to “strategically strike” and take them out.

Riiiight. I’m sure the Americans on the Texas southern border want an actual military war right where they live. Bombs away, Marge.

Sadly, short-sighted Americans do not understand that government-imposed prohibitions cause the black market to occur, like with drugs. And the black market is what incentivizes the low-lifes to create cartels, and what creates drug traffickers, and drug pushers, and so on.

So repealing ALL drug laws and ending prohibition altogether will eliminate the black market, and when the incentive disappears, the cartels, traffickers and pushers also disappear. Duh.

Anyway, Marjorie Taylor Goon was heckling Biden at the State of the Union, referring to the American who was killed by an “illegal,” and saying, “Say her name,” like the Antifa crowd were doing regarding the victims of police brutality.

As I referenced in an article a few years ago, the U.S. regime in Washington has murdered plenty of innocent civilians overseas, in drone strikes and otherwise, does Marge insist on people saying the names of those victims?

Such as in these articles I linked to:

U.S. airstrike kills family of eight, U.S. drone strike kills three civilians and four “suspects,” US admits Syria airstrike that killed 46 but denies targeting mosque, Panic spreads in Iraq, Syria as record numbers of civilians are reported killed in U.S. strikesU.S. airstrikes kill at least 43 civilians in Syria’s RaqqaU.S. military airstrikes kill many more civilians in just 48 hours, and U.S. military battles Syrian rebels armed by CIA…Western government violence and drones target weddings, funerals, rescuers, and civilian hospitals.

Does Marjorie Taylor Goon ever insist that people say the names of those victims? Probably not.

And Donald Trump is continuing his socialist/fascist trade war crap like he’s been doing for decades. He wants to impose tariffs i.e. taxes i.e. thefts on American consumers for their purchasing decisions. Trump hates China and wants to punish Americans by having the government steal money from Americans for that! That’s how dumb some nationalist-minded politicians are now.

And frankly, that obsession with an “illegal” harming an American as being more bad than Americans being harmed by other Americans or by their own government is another nationalist pathology, in my view. Very narcissistic.

Narcissistic Americans are opposed to the Golden Rule, and big on moral relativism. They approve of their government invading other countries like Iraq and Afghanistan and bombing and murdering innocents overseas, but condemn other countries for doing the same thing, like Russia.

And those conservatives, like the Ditto-Heads on talk radio, they support the Israeli bombing and near-total destruction of the entire Gaza region and slaughtering tens of thousands of innocent civilians there. They support all that!

And what is the point of all this? We know that civilized society in America has been decaying for decades and seems to be collapsing. For whatever reason, Republicans are enabling the collapse. They can’t let go of their love of the enabling income tax-thefts, the welfare-warfare state, and government tax-funded living high off the hog.

And the brainwashed cultist Democrats want the collapse. Democrats and Republicans are the ones who have caused the whole situation in the first place. 

The American Revolutionaries and founders never would have wanted a tax-thieving criminal enterprise in Washington ruling over the people. It needs to be ended, not reformed, to save the civilized society.

More News and Opinion Not from Corporate Media (Regime Media)

Jacob Hornberger ( Serfdom under the TSA

Jim Davies ( Savage Judges

James Bovard ( The Never-Ending Federal Surveillance Crime Spree

Robyn Dolgin ( Outsquatting the Squatters

Revolver News ( Good Samaritan Group Starts Forcibly Removing Squatters from U.S. Homes

Jonathan Turley ( Free Speech Trifecta: How the Court Could Fundamentally Alter Free Speech in Three Pending Cases

Jonathan Cook ( How the Western Media Helped Build the Case for Genocide in Gaza

Sputnik ( ‘This Is Not ISIS’: Rossiya Segodnya Editor-in-Chief on Moscow Concert Hall Attack

Chris Melore ( Heart Surgeons Find 58% of Patients Have Plastic Clogging Arteries

News and Opinion (Not from Regime Media)

John Whitehead ( The Language of Force: How the Police State Muzzles Our Right to Speak Truth to Power

Andrew Napolitano ( Can Congress Ban TikTok?

Jacob Hornberger ( CIA Secrecy on JFK Points to Criminal Culpability

David Brady, Jr ( A Tale of Two Bureaucracies

Norman Solomon ( Apologists for Israel’s Mass Murder in Gaza Fall Back on ‘Antisemitism’ Claims

James Howard Kunstler ( Wake-up Call

Pierre Kory ( The FDA Settled With Us Because They Knew They Were Going to Lose

Emerald Robinson ( Could the Clot Shots Unleash Prion Disease?

Alex Berenson ( Leukemia Deaths Jumped in Japan in 2022 after the mRNA Jabs, Reversing Years of Declines

Wanjiru Njoya ( Self-Ownership and the Right to Self-Defense

Laurence Vance ( Army Values

Michael Snyder ( Why Is the National Guard Being Deployed During the Great American Eclipse on April 8th?

Joseph Mercola ( Goodbye Google

Jeremy Hammond ( U.S. Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Is a Cynical PR Ploy

4th Anniversary of the Covid Hoax. Yay!

It’s the fourth year of the Covid Hoax, the scamdemic that many people still believe and bureaucrats and corporate “news” media still lie about.

Many of the people over these years who acted as whistleblowers, disseminators of actual facts not propaganda, were censored, stifled, canceled, called “Misinformation Spreaders,” deplatformed, fired from their jobs. 

Even the feds were colluding with Big Tech and social media to censor those who contradicted the official government-approved narrative.

They lied about asymptomatic carriers spreading the virus.

They lied about the fatality rates, which by April of 2020 we knew were only about .1 to .2%, about the same as seasonal flu death rates. That translated to about 99.9% of the people who supposedly had “The Virus” did not die from it.

Doctors and hospitals and the CDC also lied about Covid cases, redefining a “case” as anyone who tested positive for Covid regardless of having any symptoms. The testing regime and material has been bogus from the beginning, not being able to distinguish between the Covid virus and seasonal flu virus.

Doctors and hospitals lied about Covid cases and death counts, putting “Covid” on the charts, mostly based on the federal government’s financial incentive to do so.

Doctors and hospitals have also been testing for Covid people who are already in the hospital for other reasons not Covid, and labeling anyone who tests positive for Covid as “Covid patients” and “Covid hospitalizations.” They are still doing this.

Many of the Covid deaths were really those who died of what they were already dying of, such as cancer, kidney disease, heart disease, etc. But CDC’s changed guidelines were to mark a “Covid death” anyone who died of whatever their actual cause of death was but happened to test positive for Covid.

Hospitals killed many more people with their hospital protocol, Remdesivir, and ventilators than those who actually died of Covid.

Many coroners and funeral home directors put “Covid” on death certificates based on financial incentive.

They lied about masks, which are useless in preventing the spread of virus because the virus particles are too small to be blocked. The masks are in fact harmful to people, from oxygen deprivation to bacterial contamination, bacterial pneumonia, lung disorders, etc. Just look at what an analysis of the masks found. Yech.

Several studies showed the ineffectiveness and harmfulness of the damn face masks, many studies. Not even N95 masks stop the spread of Covid. The N95 masks reduce oxygen intake. But there are still True Believers out there.

And they have been lying about the vaccine that’s not a vaccine. But Pfraudzer and Murderna are still laughing all the way to the bank.

Instead of experimental death shots, taking vitamin D and zinc (among other nutritional supports via foods or supplements) help to naturally boost the immune system and prevent respiratory illnesses. Studies now (scroll down toward the end) are showing that taking vitamin D and zinc reduce Covid and respiratory disease risks and Covid mortality rates. 

But do “doctors” tell us this? Do they know anything other than what pharma companies and the corrupt CDC tell them? And the “news” media? Heh.

Happy 4th Anniversary, Covid!

Here are the latest articles on the Covid scam and mRNA inflammation-kill shots.

Alex Berenson ( New Court Ruling Effectively Bars ALL Suits over the Covid Jabs

Paul Craig Roberts ( U.S. Navy Medic Shut Down for Releasing Unclassified DOD Data Showing a 937% Increase in Heart Failure Among Vaccinated U.S. Military Personnel

Zero Hedge ( ‘Excess Mortality Skyrocketed’: Tucker Carlson and Dr. Pierre Kory Unpack ‘Criminal’ Covid Response

Life Site News ( Peter McCullough Calls Out Both Biden, Trump for ‘Willful Blindness’ on COVID-19 Vaccines

The Burning Platform ( “The Covid Experiment”

Angelo DePalma ( Covid Vaccine Trials Were Biased: How Pfizer, Moderna Exaggerated Shots’ Efficacy

Maryam Henein ( COVID-19 Caste System — Coming To A Set Near You?

Michael Nevradakis ( ‘I Can’t Stay Silent’: Basketball Legend Joins Lawsuit to Protect Free Speech After Son, Father Injured by Vaccines

More News and Opinion on Amerikan Liberty and Culture

Marina Rocha ( The Only Good One Is a Closed One: No Reform of Government Schools

Gary Barnett ( Disarm the State: You Are Now Considered Criminals While the Real Criminals Are Protected

Matt Taibbi ( Why the TikTok Ban Is So Dangerous

Roger Roots ( A Thousand Years of Prison Time Over a 6-Hour Delay of Congress

Daniel McAdams ( The TikTok Totalitarians

Jonathan Turley ( The Odor of Mendacity: 2024 Could Turn on Smell of Selective Prosecution from Georgia to New York

James Bovard ( Police Dogs Have Abolished Constitutional Due Process

Laurence Vance ( Conservatives for Communism

Murray Rothbard ( The Twilight of the Antifederalists

John Whitehead ( The Great Election Fraud: Manufactured Choices Make a Mockery of Our Republic

Jacob Hornberger ( No Emergency Powers in the Constitution

Reiho Takeuchi ( How the U.S. Military Stole Japan’s Sovereignty

Dave DeCamp ( Biden Knew Israel Was Bombing Civilian Targets in October

Naomi Wolf ( “Broken in What Way?” My Latest Letter from New York

Patty McMurray ( Justice Kentanji Brown Jackson Just Defended the U.S. Government Violating the 1st Amendment During Arguments

Sheldon Richman ( Reverse Scapegoating in the Immigration Debate

Wanjiru Njoya ( The Presumption of Innocence Is under Attack

Elizabeth Nickson ( Anatomy of the 2022 Steal, Part 2

More News and Commentary

Jeffrey Tucker ( Four Years Ago This Week, Freedom Was Torched

Ryan McMaken ( Covid Showed Us Who Really Rules America

Joseph Mercola ( State Officials Raid Amish Farmer, Seize $100K of Food

Jacob Hornberger ( Warrantless Searches Near the Border, and Is the Drug War Finally Over?

Thomas Knapp ( “Gun Control” Is a Call for Returning to the Stone Age

Connor Freeman ( Biden’s Unpopular Wars Reap Mass Death and Nuclear Brinkmanship

John Kiriakou ( CIA in Ukraine — An Ex-CIA Agent’s View

James Bovard ( Will the Ghost of Duncan Lemp Haunt Gun-Grabbing Politicians?

Ben Kew ( Trudeau’s Canada Will Imprison Anyone It Thinks ‘Might’ Commit a Hate Crime, Could Punish Them With Life Sentences

Walter Gelles ( Canadian Government Plans ‘Stalinist Show Trial’ of Heroic Doctor— Legal Trickery Would Silence Dr. Charles Hoffe

Connor O’keeffe ( Banning TikTok Will Not Make Americans Safer

Dave DeCamp ( U.S. Sending Ukraine More Cluster Bombs as Part of New $300 Million Arms Package

Andrew Napolitano ( The Torturers’ Poor Memories

Wendy McElroy ( Unheralded Resisters in Nazi Germany: The Edelweiss Pirates, Part 3

David Stockman ( Wake Up Conservatives! Donald Trump Is Not the Second Coming of Grover Cleveland

Ted Galen Carpenter ( How Washington Killed the Nuclear Arms Control System

Kyle Anzalone ( Air-Dropped Aid Crushes 5 Palestinians to Death in Gaza

Jim Hoft ( Liz Cheney, Sham January 6 Committee Allegedly Hid Exonerating Evidence of Trump’s Authorization for National Guard During Capitol Protest

Daniel McAdams ( Did ‘Toria’ Jump…Or Was She Pushed?

Daniel Larison ( Victoria Nuland Never Shook the Mantle of Ideological Meddler

Donald Jeffries ( Laken Riley, Open Borders, and the Epstein List

Richard Ebeling ( Ludwig von Mises and the Austrian Theory of Money, Banking, and the Business Cycle, Part 1

Michael Snyder ( You Have Got To Be Kidding Me

Paul Pillar ( Why Netanyahu Is Laughing All the Way to the Bank

New York Post ( Boeing Whistleblower’s Lawyers Question Whether He Committed Suicide, Call for Thorough Probe: ‘No One Can Believe It’

Edward Hasbrouck ( California Selective Service Bill Set for Hearing in Sacramento April 9th

Thomas DiLorenzo ( Grover Cleveland: The Last Good Democrat

Why Did Accused Document Leaker Teixeira Change His Plea to Guilty?

22-year-old Massachusetts Air National Guardsman Jack Teixeira has changed his initial plea of not guilty to guilty in the leaking of “classified” military documents to the social website “Discord.” He will now serve 11 to 16 years in prison for disclosing to the American people that U.S. government has been lying about the Russia-Ukraine war.

The “classified” documents show that the bureaucrats of the U.S. regime in Washington believe that Ukraine will not win the war with Russia, but the Biden Pentagon nevertheless continues with supporting the war. 

Once again, as with the leaks by Julian Assange, Bradley Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden, the Washington apparatchiks are embarrassed by someone exposing their corruption, criminality, lies and buffoonery, so they will imprison the messenger, Jack Teixeira.

The fact that Washington warmongers are supporting a foreign war they know cannot be won and are lying to the American people, is similar to the late Daniel Ellsberg’s leaks of the “Pentagon Papers.” Those documents told the American people that military bureaucrats knew the U.S. invaders would not win the war in Vietnam but the Washington regime continued with it anyway, causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in Vietnam and 58,000 American soldiers.

More recently with Ukraine, the neocon interventionist warmongers have squandered billions of U.S. tax dollars on the failing effort in Ukraine, and the current legislation being passed around calls for more squandering. (So, how many of the pushers for U.S. involvement in the Ukraine war have stock shares in Raytheon, Boeing, Northrop Grumman etc.? Hmmm?)

Anyway, the leaker in this current case, Jack Teixeira, was outed as the leaker by the New York Times, whose loyalty as we all know is to the regime in Washington, certainly not to the American people. The Times is a regime media outlet.

One of the leaked documents also “confirmed there were NATO special operations forces inside Ukraine. As of March 2023, 97 NATO soldiers, including 14 Americans, were in the country,” according to, and that the “documents also revealed the U.S. was spying on the UN secretary-general and some close U.S. allies.”

However, some people have seen this whole matter, especially given the NYT’s and Washington Post’s direct involvement (see the links below), as a set-up, and the info that was leaked might be bogus. But who knows.

Teixeira’s initial plea was not guilty. Now, he is changing that to guilty. So, I am wondering why. Did military officials pressure or intimidate Teixeira to change his plea? In other words, if he kept his plea to not guilty there would have to be a trial. 

And a trial would mean that some of the information that was released would come out at trial. Or should come out. Or, if the whole matter was an intentional set-up by the apparatchiks of the national security state, that could have come up as well, just as “there were more FBI in the Proud Boys than Proud Boys” that was revealed at trial in the case of a January 6th Fedsurrection defendant.

So the leaked documents could have been used as evidence at a hypothetical trial of Jack Teixeira, unless that trial would be overseen by a corrupt kangaroo regime judge who wouldn’t allow such evidence to be heard. 

The only reason to not allow evidence to be heard would be to protect precious U.S. regime hooligans from embarrassment and protect bureaucrats from culpability in continuing to squander U.S. tax dollars being redistributed over to corruptocrats in Ukraine, and knowing that the war will not be won by Ukraine.

The truth when allowed to be revealed pokes holes in official narratives, like with Ukraine, including other past narratives that were shot down by revelations, such as with “Trump-Russia collusions” and January 6th.

And speaking of the January 6th Fedsurrection, by the way, when Mike Johnson or whoever is in charge finally decides to release the 40,000-plus hours of surveillance video, put it all out there on YouTube etc., most of the January 6th prisoners will be exonerated and released, just as video already has exonerated the “Shaman” Jacob Chansley who was released from prison after that video release.

But I am afraid that Johnson and the feds will not release the video, citing “national security” reasons, because the videos will out the many feds who took part in the “insurrection” they instigated and incited in order to entrap innocent Trump supporters. But I digress.

Here are some earlier articles on the Jack Teixeira case:

Prosecution Unable to Locate Key Evidence in Teixeira’s Case, Judge Orders Alleged Discord Leaker Remain in Jail

Truth Is the Biggest Threat to Democracy in DC

Former CIA Officer Larry Johnson: This Is A Controlled Leak To Prepare The Public For “Crash Landing” Of U.S. Foreign Policy

Jack Teixeira, the Deep State, and ‘Captured Media’

Snowden and Teixeira: Ten Years of Disaster

More Unanswered Red Flags Regarding Jack Texeira

More Discussion About the Leaked Intelligence Documents

About that New York Times Story Concerning the “Online Leak” of U.S. Ukraine and Geopolitical Plans

NYT Shares Story of How Journalists Found Ukraine Leaker Before the Deep State – Leads to More Questions than Answers

More News and Opinion Not from Corporate Regime Media

Jeffrey St. Clair ( The Last Child of My Lai

Peter McCullough ( Twenty Eight Mechanisms of Kidney Injury with COVID-19 Vaccination

Jonathan Turley ( The Curious Case of Steven Baker: Advocate, Journalist, or Advocacy Journalist?

Richard Abelson ( DING DONG: Victoria Nuland Steps Down After Gateway Pundit FOIA Request

Jacob Hornberger ( The Tyranny of Domestic Highway Checkpoints

Ted Snider ( The Stories You’re Not Hearing About the Russo-Ukrainian War…

Joseph Mercola ( Shocking Finding: Life Expectancy Continues to Plummet

Michael Nevradakis ( Childhood Vaccine Schedule Led to ‘Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History’

Ted Galen Carpenter ( NATO’s Undeniably Corrupt Ukrainian Client

Alicia Powe ( Ear-Piercing Noise Blares Through DC Gulag Torturing Sleep Deprived J6 Political Prisoners for Weeks

The Blaze ( Reps. Loudermilk and Johnson Announce Release of 5,000 Hours of Jan. 6 Footage Following Arrest of Blaze Media’s Steve Baker

Ron Paul ( Federal Reserve Responsibility for Consumer and Government Debt Crises

Jeffrey Tucker ( Life After Lockdown: Introduction

Why Are “Doctors” Giving Kids and Teenagers Psychiatric Drugs?

Before I start this post, as I have written before, if someone wanted to stop taking antidepressants or other psychiatric drugs, to prevent dangerous withdrawal symptoms see Dr. Peter Breggin’s book on psychiatric drug withdrawal, Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and Their Families.

Now, on with my post:

Apparently, fights among students and assaults against teachers are out of control at Brockton High School in Maskachusetts. And so some school committee members want Gov. Maura Healey to call in the National Guard to stop the fights. I guess their own local police goons are not enough to handle teenagers.

But what is causing all this agitation, distress and violence among kids? I’m sure that some of the Covid era house arrest of innocents (a.k.a. quarantines of healthy people) had something to do with the kids developing some added insecurities beyond what adolescents already have to deal with.

And shoving face masks on them to give the youths oxygen deprivation and bacterial-related illnesses. Good. Very smart people we have in the “public health” sector, for sure. 

The deadly mRNA heart-inflammation shots may also have had some negative effects.

But I wonder how many of these kids who are getting into fights are already being given horrible, life-destroying psychiatric drugs, like SSRI antidepressants, anti-anxiety meds and anti-psychotics?

We know that the evil medical and psychiatric industries hand out the psychiatric drugs like candy. And we know that many mass shooters and other violent perpetrators of crime had been on such pharmaceutical drugs.

More recently, a study has shown that not only are the youths being given the pharma psychiatric drugs, but multiple drugs at one time!

According to U.S. News and World Report,

A study of mental health care in Maryland finds an increasing number of children and teens covered by Medicaid are taking multiple psychiatric meds.

This trend towards “polypharmacy” might be happening elsewhere, prior research suggests.

In the new study, Maryland kids ages 17 or younger experienced “a 4% increased odds of psychotropic polypharmacy per year from 2015 to 2020,” reported a team led by Yueh-Yi Chiang. She’s a graduate student at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy.

Chiang’s group tracked prescription data for nearly 127,000 Medicaid enrollees under the age of 18 between 2015 and 2020. Those receiving multiple psychiatric drugs during that time rose from 4.2% in 2015 to 4.6% five years later.

“Individuals who were disabled or in foster care were significantly more likely than individuals with low income to receive three or more psychotropic classes overlapping for 90 days or more,” Chiang’s group noted.

Polypharmacy among kids in foster care rose from 10.8% in 2015 to 11.3% in 2020, the study found.

The reasons behind the steady increase in polypharmacy aren’t clear, although “factors such as complex medical conditions, early-life trauma and fragmented care may have contributed to these findings,” the team said.

Chiang’s group believes the findings “emphasize the importance of monitoring the use of psychotropic combinations, particularly among vulnerable populations, such as youths enrolled in Medicaid who have a disability or are in foster care.”

The study was published Feb. 16 in the journal JAMA Network Open.

As reported in the New York Times, numerous prior studies have suggested that similar trends are going on nationwide. For example, one paper found that in 2015, 40.7% of people in the United States between the ages of 2 and 24 who were getting an ADHD medication were also taking a second psychiatric drug.

[Read more from the article at U.S. News and World Report.]

So, why the hell are little kids and teenagers being given those kinds of strong psychiatric drugs? The kinds of effects those drugs have on people’s brain, their neurotransmitters, obviously will cause imbalances in their natural brain function and development. (Frankly, adults shouldn’t be given these meds, either.)

As I wrote in this post on the coincidence of violence and psychiatric drugs,

… I wrote in this post about Anthony Bourdain’s and Kate Spade’s suicides, Dr. Peter Breggin has stated that “antidepressants often cause a worsening of the individual’s condition, with ‘crashing’ into depression and suicide.”

As Dr. Breggin notes,

“Antidepressants are neurotoxic, that is, they harm the brain and disrupt its functions. As a result, they cause innumerable kinds of abnormal thinking and behaviors, including mania, suicide and violence. In the process, they cause detectable damage to the brain of the child or adult, and also to the fetus of pregnant mothers who take the drug (See Scientific Section 9).

“The antidepressant drugs have no specific impact on depression and instead are used off label to treat everything imaginable from physical pain to anxiety and ADHD. People often experience euphoria after starting an antidepressant, but it is short-lived, leaving the individual to try one and then another antidepressant in the hope of re-experiencing this artificial, chemically induced ‘happiness.’ This initial ‘feeling great’ is in reality a danger sign, often signaling the start of an antidepressant-induced manic episode that can ruin lives. Antidepressant-induced mania is largely indistinguishable from spontaneous mania, and varies in intensity from mild to psychotic. It can include bizarre destructive behaviors, impulsivity, sexual acting out, callousness, grandiosity, and very bad judgment. Antisocial behavior is common. Extreme irritability can lead otherwise loving people to become hateful and violent. Loss of judgment can cause ethical people to act like criminals (See Scientific Sections 1-7).”

There are many examples now in which notorious killers had been found to be taking psychiatric drugs.

As I have written several times previously, Columbine High School shooter Eric Harris had been on Luvox, an SSRI anti-depressant. And the other Columbine shooter Dylan Kliebold had been taking the antidepressants Zoloft and Paxil. The two committed suicide after their shooting spree. A major study showed that antidepressants can increase the risk of suicide.

And as I also noted in an earlier post, it was not officially confirmed that Sandy Hook School shooter Adam Lanza had been on psychiatric drugs, a parents rights organization sued the state of Connecticut to release Lanza’s medical records, but the request was denied “because ‘it would cause a lot of people to stop taking their medications’.”

A large number of school shootings had been linked to the shooters having been taking psychiatric drugs, according to this article on WND.

There are further examples besides school shootings. For instance, the South Carolina church shooter, Dylan Storm Roof, was on the anti-anxiety drug Xanax and the pain killer Suboxone.

The Santa Barbara college shooter, Elliot Rodger, was on Xanax and the pain killer Vicodin.

The Aurora Colorado theater shooter James Holmes was taking the SSRI antidepressant Zoloft and the anti-anxiety drug Clonazepam.

The Germanwings Airlines co-pilot Andreas Lubitz who took down his plane and mass-murdered 144 people had been on Lorazepam, an anti-anxiety drug, as well as an antidepressant.

According to the aforementioned psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin, antidepressants have been shown to cause long-term depression and other side effects.

Based on what I have read so far, those horrible drugs such as the antidepressants, anti-psychotics and anti-anxiety meds can affect an individual’s judgments as well as one’s ability to empathize with others. And they can cause other disabling emotional issues, such as aggression, delusional thoughts and paranoid behaviors.

And we’ve had several mass shootings since the last time I wrote a post in response to those kinds of tragic events. For example, Audrey Hale the mass killer of little kids in Tennessee. Had she been taking some of those terrible mind-altering psychiatric drugs?

Now, I’m not saying that a mass shooting has occurred at Brockton High School in the People’s Republic of Maskachusetts. But there are many fights going on, and it could get worse. These issues are happening at schools all across the country. How many of the kids getting into terrible fights and committing assaults are taking those psychiatric drugs?

One of these days, the medical cartel and the psychiatric racket will have to come to terms as far as what their snake oil poison is doing to people.

And once again, I will conclude by reiterating that if people want to get off psychiatric drugs, they would have to deal with that in a measured, planned way. Suddenly stopping those kinds of drugs can cause very serious withdrawal symptoms. Such people might want to consult Dr. Breggin’s book on psychiatric drug withdrawal, Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and Their Families.

Recent Articles on the Medical Racket, Freedom, Civil Liberties, Etc.

Donald Jeffries ( A Population on Life Support: Chronically Ill America 2.0

Ryan McMaken ( Want Less Immigration? Embrace Free Trade

James Bovard ( Inside the Latest Biden Showdown With Second Amendment Devotees

The Rutherford Institute ( Supreme Court Fails to Hold Police Accountable for Firing Tear Gas at Legal Observers Who Filmed Interaction Between Cops and Protesters, and Supreme Court Gives Government the Green Light to Obstruct Citizens From Voting at Polling Places Based on the Content of Speech on Clothing

Ludwig von Mises (, first published in 1927): Governments Never Give Up Power Voluntarily

Thomas DiLorenzo ( You’re Fired, Marxist Clowns!

Alex Berenson ( Ohio Study Showing Vaccinated Covid Patients Had a HIGHER Risk of Death than the Unvaccinated

John Whitehead ( Technocensorship: When Corporations Serve as a Front for Government Censors

Thomas Berry and Nathaniel Lawson ( When Property Owners Lose the Right to Exclude, the Whole Economy Suffers

Jason Montgomery ( For Socialists, It Doesn’t Matter if Socialism “Works.” What Matters Is Power.

Recent Articles on the National Security State, War, and the U.S. Empire

Dave DeCamp ( CIA Built 12 Spy Bases in Ukraine Near the Russian Border Over Past Decade

Mark Episkopos ( CIA in Ukraine: Why Is This Not Seen as Provocation?

Jacob Hornberger ( The National Security State Has Already Won in U.S. versus Assange, and Prigozhin, Navalny, and Gershkovich

William Hartung ( War Is Bad for You — And the Economy

Christian Britschgi ( The U.S. Shouldn’t Give Israel or Ukraine Any More Money

Joe Lauria ( DAY ONE: Assange Timeline Exposes U.S. Motives

Helen Jaccard and Gerry Condon ( Remembering Nuclear Victims: Commemorating 70th Anniversary of the U.S. Largest Nuclear Blast

Kyle Anzalone ( Top EU Official Says Israel Created Hamas to Divide Palestinians

Ann Wright ( Why Would Anyone Kill Themselves to Stop a War?

Caitlin Johnstone ( Aaron Bushnell Burned Himself Alive to Make You Turn Your Eyes to Gaza

Max Blumenthal ( New Israeli Report Alleging ‘Systematic and Intentional Rape’ by Hamas Relies on Debunked Western Media Reports

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