On the Choice Between Two Anti-Freedom Fascist/Socialists

Many conservatives, Republicans and libertarians are saying that we had better vote for Donald Trump or the whole country is going to be a third-world hell-hole, and many liberals, Democrats and progressives are saying that we had better vote for Joe Biden or the whole place will be ruled by white supremacists, racists, nazis, etc.

Well, they’re all wrong, and I wrote this post in February 2014 that I will repost today, and thought you might find it of interest. (The one video included is no longer there, and there might be one or two links that don’t work.)

Hmmm. Which Lying Shyster Should I Vote For This Time?

February 2, 2014

Some people seem to think that I’m a real drag when it comes to my criticisms of society, America’s decline and elections. There are those who look forward to the next election so they can go to the polls really believing they will make a difference.

Uh-uh. You’re just wasting your time. And if you want to continue living in a fantasy world, that’s up to you.

Liberty activist Judy Morris has this blog post titled, “Voting Doesn’t Matter Because All Elections Are Controlled by R and D Big Money, Big Banksters, Big Corporations and Big Defense Contractors.” And she goes on explaining just how these elections don’t matter, how democracy is a majority voting to make use of the State’s police powers to take other people’s stuff, how the two major parties in control shut out challengers to the status quo, and how the corporations and fat cats are really buying the elections. But then she goes on to make suggestions on changing campaign funding laws and encouraging support for third parties. So she’s being very realistic until the very last three or four paragraphs, which just didn’t make sense to me.

I especially liked Ms. Morris’s comparing Dinesh D’Souza to the billionaires the Koch Brothers and Sheldon Adelson, George Soros et al. D’Souza has recently been attacked by the fascist Obama DOJ for campaign finance violations because of a mere amount of $20,000. Yet, the Kochs and Adelson and their hack organizations threw tens of millions of dollars down the drain to fund the loser, Willard Romney. Obviously, the only reason Obama’s corrupt and criminal DOJ is going after D’Souza is because of D’Souza’s film 2016 on Obama.

Morris writes:

By law, an individual can only contribute $2,500 to a candidate. Even if ordinary folks could afford a $2,500 campaign contribution to a candidate, which they can’t, the lion’s share of political money comes from PAC’s, special interests, banksters, defense contractors etc. and these are the folks who own and control the RNC and DNC machines.

While the Huffington Post reported that the 2012 presidential election cost $2 billion,Politico reported that the cost of the 2012 presidential and congressional elections was $6 billion, here. Open Secrets, an organization that specifically tracks political money, also reported that the 2012 presidential and congressional elections cost $6 billion, here.

It’s clearly evident that the rich and powerful hijacked and now own our election system. The RNC and DNC machines are nothing but money laundering machines for special interests.

If an individual voter can only contribute a maximum of $2,500 to a candidate and if Denesh D’Souza is being prosecuted for his role in a puny $20,000 campaign finance fiasco, how is it that the Koch Brothers can legally pony up a staggering $400 million and casino magnet Adelson can pony up $100 million to influence election outcomes?

Most recently, this corporate financial influence in elections can be seen in the ObamaCare and anti-gun rights propaganda being pushed by the Soviet NFL for the upcoming Super Bowl. Here is Alex Jones on that:

But for elections, one of Judy Morris’s solutions is to “ban all fund raising by anybody except the candidates and they should only be allowed to raise money from individual voters.” But all that has some First Amendment problems, because really individuals and groups have a right to spend or waste their money on whatever they want.

But Ms. Morris’s suggestion to vote for third parties is not practical, as those parties or candidates who are anti-State and pro-freedom do not seem to get the attention they deserve or are silenced by the ones in control of the process. The ones in control are those members of the U.S. CONgress and all their minions all across America who love power and are NOT going to give it up voluntarily. They will not vote to loosen election laws to make life easier for third parties or anti-Establishment candidates.

And the Rulers in control, such as “Speaker” Boehner and Mitch McConjob and others will not vote or support policies which advance freedom. Sooner or later, people are really going to have to accept the truth of the matter.

And regarding the idea of using elections to reverse the trend of ever-growing government intrusiveness and criminality, I wrote in my March, 2010 article, November, 2010: More Rearranging of Deck Chairs (with a follow up just recently here),

When Ronald Reagan was elected president in 1980, the “conservative” president not only didn’t cut entire cabinet-level departments as promised, he added three new cabinet-level departments. After cutting taxes, a year later Reagan signed what was then to be America’s biggest tax increase. Reagan also signed one deficit-laden budget after another, and during Reagan’s presidency, the National Debt skyrocketed along with all the regulations and bureaucracy he promised to cut.

Following the 1994 “Republican Revolution,” the federal government continued to grow out of control, and, after 2000, the younger President George W. Bush’s “compassionate conservatism” – i.e. more socialist redistribution of wealth schemes – and expanding the military industrial complex only fed Leviathan much more.

Then, in November of 2010, mainly because of the passage of ObamaCare the voters elected many new Republicans to Congress. Some of the candidates pledged to repeal the Affordable (sic) Care Act, a.k.a. ObamaCare.

Well, it’s 2014 now, and have they repealed ObamaCare?

However, we do have a proposal now by three U.S. senators to “repeal and replace” ObamaCare.

Ooooh, another Republican plan to replace socialism and fascism with fascism and socialism.

Senators Richard Burr, Orrin Hatch and Tom Coburn present several aspects of their own version of government-controlled medical care. But it is not a free market health care plan. It just changes a few aspects to make it a little less intrusive, a little less socialist on the surface but the government still controls things by telling individuals and businesses what they may or may not do.

You see, with the unrealistic conservatives, Republicans and “libertarians,” political compromise is the solution. Not the solution to better medical care, just the solution to help politicians get themselves reelected. Sadly, the naive and the gullible just can’t seem able to get that.

So, as far as this new Republican plan to replace ObamaCare with the same thing but with the deck chairs rearranged, many conservative and Republican sheeple are all for it. For example, the clueless conservatives of the New York Post editorial board conclude, “GOP candidates heading into their campaigns this fall now have a genuine alternative that would offer universal ­coverage.”

“Universal coverage”? Is that even possible? Who the hell but socialists and communists talks about “universal coverage”? (Is there even universal coverage in Cuba? In Venezuela? England? Was there in the old Soviet Union?)

Avik Roy of Forbes says this is the “most credible plan yet,” when no, it is NOT the “most credible plan.” The most credible plan is to get the government out of medical care completely! Roy also says that this new Republican plan raises taxes, and “that’s a good thing.” Doh!

And there’s a congressman from Georgia who is running for the U.S. Senate, and he says that his background as a physician gives him credibility in going on to help to repeal ObamaCare. Yeah, that attitude sure helped with Sen. Bill Frist, MD. And what has Rand Paul, MD done? Nuttin’!

Laurence Vance explains the Republicans’ history of support for government-controlled medical care. Vance concludes by noting that the real constitutional alternative to government health care is medical freedom. And that’s it.

And Jacob Hornberger explains even more specifically what a genuine free market in medical care would be. That means repealing ALL the socialist and fascist governmental intrusions into the lives of the people. (And such repeals would apply in every other area in which these greedy, corrupt government bureaucrats intrude themselves. Everything!)

But worse, and more depressing is that this new RepublicanCare is dependent on 2014 elections, or more likely dependent on 2016 elections. By that time, America will already be a full third world country. Get rid of damn ObamaCare NOW, for crying out loud!

So, as we saw from the 2010 elections, elections don’t matter. And legislation doesn’t matter. It’s all a scam.

Hmmm. By the way, let’s take a look at the aforementioned U.S. Senators Burr, Hatch and Coburn campaign finances for 2009-2014 as given by OpenSecrets.org:

For Richard Burr:

Top 5 Industries, 2009-2014, Campaign Cmte

Industry Total Indivs PACs
Retired $560,356 $560,356 $0
Health Professionals $469,649 $272,949 $196,700
Insurance $398,251 $175,251 $223,000
Lawyers/Law Firms $395,898 $279,648 $116,250
Pharmaceuticals/Health Products $386,621 $98,550 $288,071


And for Orrin Hatch:

Top 5 Contributors, 2009-2014, Campaign Cmte

Contributor Total Indivs PACs
OC Tanner Inc $72,010 $72,010 $0
Cancer Treatment Centers of America $65,000 $65,000 $0
Cerberus Capital Management $65,000 $65,000 $0
Blue Cross/Blue Shield $56,500 $21,000 $35,500
Fresenius Medical Care $55,500 $45,500 $10,000

Top 5 Industries, 2009-2014, Campaign Cmte

Industry Total Indivs PACs
Securities & Investment $1,185,346 $982,275 $203,071
Pharmaceuticals/Health Products $811,401 $263,960 $547,441
Lobbyists $499,461 $485,307 $14,154
Insurance $483,788 $123,614 $360,174
Lawyers/Law Firms $478,121 $257,990 $220,131


And for Tom Coburn:

Top 5 Industries, 2009-2014, Campaign Cmte

Industry Total Indivs PACs
Health Professionals $196,072 $83,072 $113,000
Oil & Gas $171,550 $67,800 $103,750
Leadership PACs $123,908 $200 $123,708
Insurance $106,650 $8,150 $98,500
Pharmaceuticals/Health Products $102,601 $2,601 $100,000


Not that any of that means anything. So people need to face it that these elections really are meaningless.

As Murray Rothbard observed,

…first, left-liberals, in power, make a Great Leap Forward toward collectivism; then, when, in the course of the political cycle, four or eight years later, conservatives come to power, they of course are horrified at the very idea of repealing anything; they simply slow down the rate of growth of statism, consolidating the previous gains of the Left, and providing a bit of R&R for the next liberal Great Leap Forward….

And these elections are meaningless because when we can dig up one or two “good” people who mean well, when they get in there to “repeal” stuff, they will not really repeal anything. They get addicted to the power that such governmental authority gives them. They now get to tell people what to do, and have their orders enforced by armed goons, and they love it. Better than drugs.

I hope that soon people will really see what a sham central planning and federalism are. The whole scheme is really a criminal scheme in which some people use the armed power of the State to take from others, and that’s it! And it is an apparatus with which the psychopaths amongst us satisfy their cravings for power and control over others. If you want to believe otherwise, then I guess you prefer to be gullible.

Are You Reading This? You Go to Gulag!

James Corbett: COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity (Important point: “The ‘terrorist’ label is replaced by the ‘asymptomatic carrier’ label and all the machinery of the police state is wielded against everyone who opposes the biosecurity takeover.”)

Ron Paul: Question ‘The Science’? Go To Gulag!

Becky Akers: More Evidence That the USSA Has Become China

Caitlin Johnstone: On Vote Shaming: 21 Ways Supporting The US Establishment Is Worse Than Voting Third Party.

Jim Davies: Anti-Fascist Fascists.

Paul Craig Roberts: The COVID Deception.

Eric Boehm: Rand Paul, Tulsi Gabbard, Thomas Massie, Ron Wyden Join Forces To Unplug the President’s ‘Internet Kill Switch’

Kevin Gosztola: Prosecutors’ Password-Cracking Conspiracy Theory Against Julian Assange Unravels at Extradition Trial.

Robert Wenzel: On Recruiting Politicians to the Libertarian Cause

Jason Ditz: TikTok Isn’t A Threat To Our Privacy And Security, But The NSA Is

Jon Rappoport: Could the COVID Vaccine Be Canceled Before the First Injection?

Joseph Mercola: What You Need To Know About the Act of 1986

Laurence Vance: Time To End Ridiculous Prostitution Laws

Jacob Hornberger: So Much for Income Tax Privacy.

Richard Ebeling: Stakeholder Fascism Means More Loss of Liberty

Jefferson Morley: ‘Last Narc’: Did the CIA Do Business With Drug Traffickers?

And Charles Burris: Sunrise Exposed — More Evidence of the Planned Chaos and Strategy of Tension Leading to the November Color Revolution Aimed at Destroying the American Republic

Ron Paul Video Censored by YouTube: “Covid Whistleblowers Expose Narrative As ‘Total Fraud’”

YouTube has taken down a discussion by Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams, titled, “Covid Whistleblowers Expose Narrative As ‘Total Fraud’.” Luckily, someone has uploaded the discussion to BitChute. YouTube is in the tank for Big Pharma and the fascists at YouTube can go “F” themselves, as far as I’m concerned. They suck.

Robert Wenzel at Target Liberty wrote:

YouTube censored Wednesday’s “Ron Paul Liberty Report “discussion of two former insiders challenging parts of the coronavirus narrative.

The episode featured a discussion of comments by former Chief Science Officer at pharma giant Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, and a former official at the CDC, William Crews.

You will be astounded that it was censored by YouTube.

And be sure to listen to the end where Dr. Paul explains why we are heading in the direction of fascism rather than the old Soviet-style socialism.

Wenzel included a screenshot of the message that included telling Dr. Paul that the video violated their “Community Guidelines.” Hmm, I guess telling the truth violates YouTube’s “Community Guidelines.” Who knew?

This is the video, now on BitChute:

Always Distrust the Lying Thugs of Government, And More News and Commentary

Richard Enos: How I Obtained A Conscientious Exemption From Mask-Wearing At School For My Child.

Politico: CDC Backtracks on Warning That Coronavirus Is Airborne.

Jonathan Cook: The Guardian‘s Deceit-Riddled New Statement Betrays Both Julian Assange and Journalism.

Jacob Sullum: The Legal Response to Breonna Taylor’s Death Shows How Drug Prohibition Transforms Murder Into Self-Defense

Lew Rockwell: Self-Defense and ‘Taking the Law into Your Own Hands.’

Jeffrey Miron: Breonna Taylor Is Another Victim of the War on Drugs.

Bradley Thomas: What “Experts” Miss About Economic Inequality.

Jacob Hornberger: What is a “Libertarian-Conservative”? Part 2

David Swanson: WWII Was Not Fought To Save Anyone From Death Camps.

Mark Episkopos: Meet the Russian Oligarch Who Helped Drive Russiagate

And Eric Spitznagel: Why Silicon Valley CEOs Are Such Raging Psychopaths.

COVID Scamdemic: Was It Really Planned?

Washington Post fossil Bob Woodward is now suggesting that Donald Trump “played down” the COVID-1984 scamdemic. Trump responded that he didn’t want to cause panic, because there was no reason to panic. He was right.

NIH bureaucrat Fauci also downplayed the virus and had written this article in late February, in which he wrote that “the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza…” He was right.

Several studies reinforced that assertion, including a Stanford study concluding that COVID-1984 has “an infection fatality rate of 0.12-0.2%,” and a University of Miami study in April.

But while Trump rightfully “played down” the so-called virus to avoid panic, there WAS panic incitement, hysteria and fear-mongering promoted by government apparatchiks and their media groupies.

Besides for TV ratings and selling failing newspapers, some of the propagandists terrorized the sheeple so the masses would fear going to the polls on November 3rd to vote in person, out of fear of getting what really is a flu or bad cold for most people but made into Ebola or the Plague by the panic-inciters.

Why would they do this? Perhaps because scaring people into wanting mail-in voting in order to make it easier to cheat, so the ballot handlers can mark up Trump ballots and then have an excuse to throw them out. (The very gullible will probably think that’s far-fetched.)

Do you believe the fear porn? “Infectious,” “spreading,” ” social distancing,” “droplets.” Over and over and over and over. “More testing” (to achieve more false positives), “contact tracing” (to invade people’s private lives better). This is nuts.

The hysteria was further reinforced by Neil Ferguson‘s bogus modeling predicting 2 million deaths from COVID-1984, that was all exposed as a fraud. Yet, the media continue to keep the hysteria going.

Keep on believing, folks. Be a True Believer in the fraud and scam.

The virus, similar to the flu virus each season, affects the same groups of people that the flu affects. Already very sick elderly people, those with serious preexisting conditions and illnesses, and the obese. (Take better care of yourselves, lose weight maybe?)

Jon Rappoport linked to this article from Time a few months ago, describing the 2017-18 flu season and how the hospitals were overrun with patients, overflowing into waiting rooms, etc.

Now, we don’t act hysterically and irrationally each flu season out of fear of getting the flu, do we? Again, if you think my “downplaying” the COVID hysteria is out of line, then you are too influenced by propaganda, and need to be de-programmed. Get to it.

So, to make COVID worse than it was, to continue the hysteria and panic, the wacko governors intentionally forced COVID patients into the nursing homes without separating the COVID patients from the other residents. Those governors need to be charged criminally with murder, or at least manslaughter.

And with the panic incitement, part of what we had was terrorized sheeple reacting to having cold or flu symptoms, thinking it was the Plague or Black Death and that they 100% were going to DIE, rushing to the hospitals, and the extremely incompetent “doctors” in the hospitals putting them on ventilators even though the panic-stricken didn’t need to be put on ventilators, and it was the ventilators that made these people worse off and in some cases killed them.

Dr. Mercola wrote of a whistleblower nurse in New York hospitals who explained how the incompetent “doctors,” mainly the younger ones, the residents, tampered with ventilators and had zero bedside manner, no compassion.

Besides whatever actual deaths have occurred, government bureaucrats have been cheating, making things up and intentionally exaggerating the death counts.

The corrupt CDC changed its guidelines for all the nation’s doctors and hospitals to mark as a “COVID-19” death anyone who had died of other illnesses such as heart disease or kidney disease but happened to test positive for coronavirus, even though they died of the other illness. Coronavirus “Task Force” apparatchik Dr. Deborah Birx confirmed this cheating and lying.

On their “provisional death counts” weekly updates page, the CDC admits: “For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.”

So this “200,000” deaths of COVID-19 thus far is a lie. The real number is 12,000 up to now. The rest of the people died of whatever illness they already had but happened to have tested positive for the coronavirus.

The whole thing is made up. There was never any need for illegal government-ordered lockdowns and fascists ordering businesses closed without due process, ordering people to stay inside, mask-wearing orders, “social distancing,” no need to cancel the Boston Marathon, sports events, the St. Patrick’s Day parades, Fourth of July, the symphony orchestra concerts, no need for “remote learning” in the schools, sticking long swabs up people’s nostrils only to get false positives and false negatives, invasive Orwellian contact tracing, no need for ANY of this fascist society-destroying crap!

I know, we don’t want to believe that our government rulers would intentionally lie to us, or their complicit media stenographers as well. But, that is what they have been doing.

In a subsequent post, I will attempt to tie all this in with the police killings of unarmed black men and riots, the arson and burning down businesses, and the election cheating going on now.

More News and Commentary

Laurence Vance: Attention Liberty-Loving Cops

Joseph Mercola: Prospective COVID Vaccine, the Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination.

Caitlin Johnstone: ‘Confirmed’ Has Become A Meaningless Word In Mainstream News Reporting.

Kit Knightly: Is Evidence Masks Don’t Work Being Purged from the Internet?

Kelley Vlahos: Why These Four-Star Generals Can’t Lecture Us about Morality and Truth.

Will Michele Flournoy Be the Angel of Death for the American Empire?

Jacob Hornberger: What is a “Libertarian-Conservative”?

Becky Akers: The Wheels of Justice Spin in Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania’s Spinning Wheels Generate Some Thrilling Comments!

Robert Wenzel: Will Fed Created Digital Currency Become Part of the Elitist ‘Great Reset’?

Duncan Tucker: Quarantine as Punishment: Thousands of Latin Americans are Held in “Police State” Detention Centers.

Dave DeCamp: Pentagon Gave Coronavirus Aid Money to Defense Contractors.

Max Blumenthal: Mainstream U.S. Reporters Silent about Being Spied on by Apparent CIA Contractor That Targeted Julian Assange.

Redefining Anti-Semitism on Facebook.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Has Died

To further complicate the 2020 presidential election campaign, Supreme Bureaucrat Ruth Bader Ginsburg has finally kicked the bucket, after suffering 20 years or more of cancers and other illnesses.

Trump wants to nominate a replacement “justice,” and Democrats want Trump to wait until after the election, “after the people have voted.” But the people have voted, in 2016, and the current presidential term still has 4 months to go. So there.

Now, as far as I’m concerned, Ginsburg should not be replaced, and the remaining “justices” (sic)  should all be dismissed, forthwith. They all suck. They are all rubber-stampers for the State.

Rarely does the High Court rule in favor of the individual and individual rights, private property rights, voluntary association and voluntary contract.

There was one decision that I can think of in which Ginsburg voted the right way, an 8-1 decision and she was the lone dissent. The 8 nazis voted in favor of government police violently breaking into people’s homes, terrorizing them and arresting them because of the State’s “war on drugs,” because the police “smelled marijuana” and heard “evidence being destroyed.”

Evidence of WHAT? Someone smoking marijuana in his own home? There is no crime there. There is no victim there. Sadly, the other “liberals” on the High Court agreed with the drug nazis and disagreed with Ginsburg who cited that dusty old Fourth Amendment.

But her vote in that case certainly was not a vote in favor of private property rights, as she also voted with the majority in the Kelo vs. New London case, in which the High Court allowed for private developers to steal private property, aided and abetted by local government schnooks, on behalf of private interests and not on behalf of the “public” that the Fifth Amendment demands.

So in general, Ginsburg was awful, voting to approve government fascism in other ways, such as ObamaCare’s mandate and other horrible rulings against the rights of the people and their property. In the end, with few exceptions such as the aforementioned police-marauder drug case, Ginsburg was just another pinko commie bureaucrat. Oh, well.

News and Commentary

Joseph Mercola: Why Are Moderna Executives Dumping Their Stock?

Caitlin Johnstone: Exposing War Crimes Should Always Be Legal. Committing And Hiding Them Should Not.

Ron Paul: The War on Assange is a War on Truth

Jacob Hornberger: Why Don’t Libertarians Call for Restoring a Republic?

Laurence Vance: I Have Never Served in the Military

Ryan McMaken: Military Generals Are Just Another Group of Self-Interested Technocrats.

Zachary Yost: What’s with the Rich Kid Revolutionaries?

Matt Agorist: 6 Officers Admit to Sexually Abusing Multiple Women—NO Charges, Retired with Benefits.

And Gregory Morin: Unmasked.

News and Commentary about Amerika

Finn Andreen: Why They Want to Destroy Julian Assange.

Craig Murray: Testimony on US War Crimes Heard at Assange Extradition Hearing.

David S. D’Amato: Edward Snowden Deserves a Pardon

Matthew Ehret: Will a Military Coup Undo the November Elections, Donald Trump and the Republic Itself?

Just the News: Growing Research Indicates Many COVID-19 Cases Might Not Be Infectious at All.

Allan Stevo: Shift the Face Mask Focus Off of You and Onto the Downtrodden Employees

Laurence Vance: Should Social Security Be Expanded?

Thorsten Polleit: Inflation as a Tool of the Radical Left

Thomas DiLorenzo: The Political Business Cycle in Reverse

Jacob Hornberger: The CIA’s Assassination of Rene Schneider.

Whitney Webb: “Bipartisan” Washington Insiders Reveal Their Plan for Chaos if Trump Wins the Election.

Wendy McElroy: The Gender Feminist–New Left–Marxist Axis Attacks All Civil Society.

And Jason Ditz: Israel-UAE Deal Requires New US-Funded Arms Race.

News and Commentary

Becky Akers: Given That Marxists Murdered Hundreds of Millions, Why Is Humanity Marxist?

Caitlin Johnstone: From Ego To Empire, All Our Problems Stem From The Impulse To Control.

Jonathan Turley: Dershowitz Sues CNN For $300,000,000 In Defamation Action.

Karen Selick: Here’s Why I Wouldn’t Take the Vaccine

Lawrence McQuillan: Immigration, Migration, and the Naiveté of Nativism.

Mandy Smithberger: Trump Was Right to Call Out Defense Industry Influence on the Pentagon.

Moon of Alabama: Fake News About Iran, Russia, China Is U.S. Journalism’s Daily Bread.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: The Meaning of an Oath.

Michael Rozeff: Antifa Is An Organization

And Nils Nilsen: 12 Steps to Create Your Own Pandemic.

KGB Defector Explains in 1985 the Four Stages of Marxist Revolution, Going on Now in USSA

Robert Wenzel writes:

I have often stated that it is Marxists-Leninists, skilled in power strategy and tactics, that are behind the curtains of the current unrest in America.

Here is remarkable detail of what that strategy looks like.

This video clip is G. Edward Griffin’s 1985 interview with KGB defector, Yuri Bezmenov, who explains the four stages of the Marxist-Leninist strategy for taking over a country from within.

Got that, this interview took place 35 years ago? You will be amazed and what he says and how it parallels what is currently going on in the United States.

And he comments:

You can also see why I warn that those who side with BLM, etc. will not see things turn out for them in a positive fashion in the end. We are in the midst of a major league power game and those without deep knowledge of what is going on are dupes that will be dispensed with when they are no longer needed.

I hasten to add I doubt Russia is behind it. It is the Marxist-Lenninst brew perhaps with some techniques picked up from the old USSR. But it is homemade Marxist-Leninists who were able to take over key sectors of the US structure, in particular government-funded education, with help from the Frankfurt school and postmodernists. But they are on the advance now. The world is a complex place and it can not be known for sure how things will play out. It is not an easy game they are playing especially in a major complex country like the US where resistance and counterrevolution can sprout up from many different directions. That said, it is remarkable what the Marxist-Leninists have accomplished so far in America.

Toward the end of the interview in the video, Bezmenov notes that the Marxist academics, the college professors who promote Marxism to help advance the “Revolution,” the media propagandists and useful idiot intellectuals, are no longer needed after the heist of the society is successful and they will be “lined up against the wall and shot.” (Those are Bezmenov’s words, not mine.)

Here is a comprehensive article from Wikipedia on mass killings under communist regimes.

And when you don’t conform, obey and comply with the Regime, and if you criticize the Regime and express any signs of independent thinking whatsoever, if they don’t kill you they will declare you insane and throw you into psychiatric prison.

More News and Commentary

Robert Bridge: A Tale of Two Mass Gatherings: Sturgis ‘Super Spreader’ Bike Rally vs. Black Lives Matter ‘Fiery but Mostly Peaceful’ Protests.

Jon Rappoport: COVID Update: The Grand Ohio Legal Case for Our Time, and Overturning COVID Restrictions and States of Emergency.

John Whitehead: Virtual School Dangers: The Hazards of a Police State Education During COVID-19.

Jacob Hornberger: The Siren Song of Social Security and Socialism.

J.D. Tuccille: The Julian Assange Case Threatens All Journalists Who Scrutinize Government Conduct.

John Solomon: Democrats Had Extensive Contact with Ukrainian They Now Use for “Red Scare” Attack on GOP.

Peter van Buren: Election Meddlers Find a Scapegoat.

Gareth Porter: Dark Web Voter Database Report Casts New Doubts on Russian Election Hack Narrative.

Patrick Cockburn: America’s War on Terror Is the True Cause of Europe’s Refugee Crisis.

Doug Bandow: Trump Is Right To Be Antiwar

Laurence Vance: Foreign Aid Folly.

Richard Ebeling: Disaggregating Keynes Demonstrates Macro Delusions.

And Big League Politics: Over 600 Jewish Groups Declare Their Support for Black Lives Matter Terror Uprising. (For more background on why this endorsement is absurd, see this, this, and this.)

Ron Paul on Unconstitutional Lockdowns and Trump “Downplaying” COVID-19

Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams discuss the recent ruling in Pennsylvania calling the governor’s COVID hysteria shutdown “unconstitutional.”

On the YouTube page:

A federal judge in Pennsylvania yesterday blew the top off of the massive authoritarian over-reach by governors throughout the country, ruling that Pennsylvania’s governor and state health official violated the US Constitution in exercising what it claimed were “emergency powers” in response to the coronavirus outbreak. Will the judge’s ruling begin to break down the wall of authoritarianism in the US? Also today, the state of Texas has employed shockingly inaccurate and shoddy testing and reporting methods, resulting in policy decisions being made without accurate information. As even the New York Times has noticed deep problems in Texas, state health authorities are rushing to clean up the mess they’ve made of things. With new and more accurate numbers showing far fewer infections, will the governor finally lift his tyrannical restrictions on Texans?

And they also discuss the CIA asset Bob Woodward’s recent revelation that Trump “downplayed” the seriousness of the COVID-19, for which Trump is being criticized by the brain-dead news media commentariat.

From the YouTube page:

Last week’s bombshell that President Trump told WaPo writer Bob Woodward he was trying to “downplay” the coronavirus so as to not panic the population resulted in the usual hysteria from the president’s critics. Was it an incredibly reckless and dangerous approach…or did it make good sense? Plus in today’s Liberty Report: New poll shows America is sick of Fauci – is it a surprise? Also, panic over the “casedemic” continues as US hospitals empty for lack of Covid patients. Still the scaremongering continues in the media.

More News and Commentary

Jon Miltimore and Dan Sanchez: The New York Times Reported ‘the Mainstreaming of Marxism in US Colleges’ 30 Years Ago. Today, We See the Results.

Jon Rappoport: COVID: Major Case Filed Against Ohio Governor and the State of Ohio for Restricting Freedom Without Legitimate Justification

Brian Shilhavy: September DOJ Report Lists 200 Vaccine Injuries and 1 Vaccine Death Compensated During 6 Month Period – And that’s Without a Fast-Tracked COVID Vaccine.

University of Chicago Study: Vitamin D Deficiency Raises Risk of COVID Infection.

Jeff Tucker: In a War on Restaurants, Media Tout the Lockdown Narrative.

Belen Fernandez: Israel-UAE Deal: The Two-(Police)-State Solution.

Joseph Mercola: An Interview with Dr. Peter Breggin on Toxic Psychiatry.

Sohrab Ahmari: That Atlantic Trump-‘Exposer’ Also Helped Misreport America’s Way into Iraq War.

Ryan McMaken: It’s Far Too Late to Think Lockdowns Can Make Covid-19 Go Away.

Laurence Vance: Libertarian Positions

Kofi Yeboah: African Union Turns to Biosurveillance Tech to Curb COVID-19.

And Robert Murphy: Hayek’s Plan for Private Money.

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