The Latest Informative and Enlightening Articles

John Whitehead ( Watchlisted: You’re Probably Already on a Government Extremism List

Joseph Mercola ( Will Disease X Be Leaked in 2025?

John-Michael Dumais ( 70% of Embalmers Report Finding Strange Blood Clots Beginning in Mid-2021

Laurence Vance ( America Has a Uniparty System

Tom Woods ( All Eyes Are on Texas

Andrew Napolitano ( Government by Experts

Jim Davies ( “Defund Police, Abolish Prisons”

Jacob Hornberger ( America’s Military Empire

Tyler Curtis ( Government Banks Would Be a Dangerous Tool for Progressive Ideologues

James Bovard ( Davos Demolition Derby for World Freedom

George Ford Smith ( Climate Deniers Deny Socialism. That’s Why the Regime Hates Them.

Daniel McAdams ( Neocon Freak-Out as Biden Contemplates Iraq/Syria Withdrawal

Matthew Hoh ( Americans Are Paying a Massive Price To Maintain the Empire

Peter McCullough ( Are COVID-19 Vaccine Babies Toddling and Babbling Normally?

Thomas Knapp  ( Do We Need Terms of Service for Porch Pirates?

Dave DeCamp ( U.S. Launches More Airstrikes in Iraq as Tensions Soar

Kyle Anzalone ( UN Chief Blasts Israel’s War in Gaza for ‘Killing Civilians on Unprecedented Scale’

Wanjiru Njoya ( Legacies of Injustice and Racial Inequality

J.B. Shurk ( The World Economic Forum’s Marie Antoinettes

The Daily Caller ( FBI Hired Barely Literate Candidates, Urged Fat Applicant to Continue Process, Report Alleges

The Federalist ( Two-Thirds of Elites Say There’s Too Much Freedom in America

More News and Commentary (Not from Corporate Regime Media)

Per Bylund ( Social Media Should Not Be Blamed for the Consequences of Democracy

Jacob Hornberger ( Abolish the FBI

Ron Paul ( Don’t Tax the Rich. End the Fed!

Michael Nevradakis ( Widow of 36-Year-Old Believes Covid Hospital Protocols Killed Her Husband

Laurence Vance ( Raw Milk, Marijuana, Tobacco, and Alcohol

John Whitehead ( Digital Kill Switches: How Tyrannical Governments Stifle Political Dissent

Norman Solomon ( How the Gaza War Can Be Big News and Invisible at the Same Time

James Bovard ( Will TSA Steal Your Mug?

Mike Masnick ( Florida Has Yet Another Unconstitutional Social Media Bill; Wants to Ban Kids from Social Media

Alex Berenson ( Giving mRNA Covid Vaccines to Pregnant Rats Caused Brain Changes and Autism-Like Behavior in Their Young, a New Study Shows

James Howard Kunstler ( The J6 Pipe-Bomb Caper

Cara Castronuova ( Violent Jan 6 Police Officer Lila Morris Who Beat a Dying Rosanne Boyland 4 Times with Her Stick Takes the Stand Then Whisked Out of Courtroom Via Secret Exit by Fed Agent Entourage

Richard Ebeling ( Franklin Roosevelt’s Bogus Economic Bill of Rights

Alex Gutentag ( U.S. And Chinese Scientists Made Plans To Engineer Coronaviruses Like SARS-CoV-2, New Documents Show

Another Covid “Vaccine” Update

It’s been a while since I have written about the Covid mRNA “vaccine” that’s not a vaccine. Or Covid in general. But, here we are. The mRNA is still out there, it hasn’t been pulled, and people have still not been arrested and charged with fraud, crimes against humanity, etc.

Steve Kirsch is a vaccine skeptic and activist who suggests, in his article, New Medicare Data Makes It Clear That the Covid Vaccines Have Killed Millions of People Worldwide, that the Covid mRNA “vaccines” have killed a lot of people. He includes a lot of important data there. And Joseph Mercola asks, Most Lethal Drug Ever, Why Won’t the FDA Stop It?

Of course many people including doctors and medical professionals are in denial of this. Kirsch says the government has the data but won’t look at it, doctors are going along with the official narrative, and the media won’t touch the story. Many corporate news media outlets take a lot of money in pharmaceutical advertisements.

If you are skeptical of the assertions, you can read the articles linked above. The mRNA drug injections compromise one’s immune system progressively the more boosters one has. That explains why the more boosters people have the more likely they are to get Covid (or other diseases, including cancer, etc.) (See also this 2022 study, and this recent interview by Tucker Carlson of Brett Weinstein, and these articles: Young People Dying of Cancer at ‘Explosive’ Rates, Are Covid Jab Deaths Being Covered Up?, Autopsies Confirm Covid Jab Hazards in Youth. And see my article on the mRNA “vaccine” that’s not a vaccine.)

Related recent articles:

Sonia Elijah ( Contaminated: We’ve Been Their Lab Rats All Along

Jon Fleetwood ( Ebola Vaccine That ‘Sheds’ Onto/Infects Others 31% of the Time Given to Colorado Healthcare Workers Just Down the Road from New Ebola Bat Lab

Jeffrey Tucker ( The Case of Typhoid Mary

News and Commentary

Brian McGlinchey ( Americans Are Fighting For Control Of Federal Powers That Shouldn’t Exist

Laurence Vance ( What Are Republicans Opposing?

Murray Rothbard ( Taking Money Back (Part 1), Fractional Reserve Banking (Part 2), How to Free Ourselves from Government Money (Part 3)

Coleen Rowley ( Don’t Forget What Dr. King Taught – That Violence Begets Violence

Brad Pearce ( We’re Only Now Seeing the Full Extent of U.S. Failure in Iraq

Jacob Hornberger ( The Thank You System

Joseph Mercola ( The Ever-Expanding Market for Rapid Weight Loss Is a Disaster in the Making

New York Post ( Feds Asked Banks to Search Customer Data for ‘Trump,’ ‘MAGA’ References after Capitol Riot

Kristinn Taylor ( Patient Code of Conduct: Hospital Threatens to Withhold Care Over Offensive Body Language and Tone of Voice

Stephen Green ( I Can’t Believe This Is a Real Science Class at a Real University

James Bovard ( FDR’s Worst Perversion of Freedom: The “Four Freedoms” Speech

Jordan Conradson ( Did Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Play a Role in Alaska Airlines Plane Losing Door Mid-Flight? Is DEI Endangering Lives? Elon Musk Seems to Think So After Seeing Boeing’s Corporate Filings and DEI Incentives

Neenah Payne ( How World War III Targets Your Mind

Aaron Maté ( Biden, Israel’s Accomplice in Gaza, Pretends to Be a Bystander

Kyle Anzalone ( Pentagon Declares ‘We Don’t Think We Are at War’ with Houthis as U.S. Bombs Yemen for 7th Time

Jim Hoft ( Wicked Regime. Biden Regime Adds Charges Against Two Brothers Who Tried to Protect Rosanne Boyland on Jan. 6 from the Police Who Allegedly Killed Her

2024 Presidential Election: Like Democrats, Republicans Will Continue Their Ruinous Wrecking Ball on Our Society

The 2024 Iowa carcasses have now come and gone. The warmongers are all now getting behind Tricky Nikki, Ron DuhSantis says he’s in it for the long haul, and Vifake Romneyswampy has dropped out and endorsed Trump. They’re all the same, these people.

So once again, another election year, Republican vs. Democrat, liberal vs. conservative, left vs. right, “this is our last chance to save the republic,” “this is our last chance to save democracy,” blah, blah, blah.

Sadly, people are still locked in their statist prison in which they’ve been indoctrinated to believe in religiously their whole lives. Slaves of the regime forever, which is something most people seem to like. 

Most people are conditioned to oppose the idea of a society of freedom. God forbid, a free society. OMG!

None of the aforementioned candidates are for a free society. They love government central planning and the police state. They believe the U.S. government must dictate the personal habits of Americans, and must order foreigners around overseas.

Well, America, if it ever was a real thing, has been slowly collapsing economically, morally. And in the political world it has mainly been Republicans and Democrats who have destroyed America. 

We have an entire country of sheeple who believe that the two criminal parties, Republican and Democrat, are the only two parties that exist, or should exist. But those are the two parties that continue to impose the police state, the theft of contract-less, involuntary taxation, countless thousands of laws and diktats to enforce the nanny state regarding drugs, food, and other socialist police-state policies, as well as immigration controls.

The American sheeple love their slavery, especially through the income tax which both criminal parties support.

If there were no income tax-thefts, I do not believe there would be many of the schemes and corrupt enterprises that exist today, including the military/security/industrial complex, “defense” contractor welfare and the wars used to redistribute your paychecks over to them, the government-propped medical cartel, the police state, etc. Rational people would not voluntarily pay their hard-earned money to those rackets.

And on taxation see Soak the Poor, Taxation is Robbery, and The Income Tax: Root of All Evil by Frank Chodorov.

The income tax-theft also requires private people to disclose to the government what they do for a living, how much they make, where they work, and many other aspects of their private life. Can you imagine what Thomas Jefferson et al. would say about this racket?

If it’s invasive and criminal for your neighbors to demand that information from you at gunpoint, then it’s invasive and criminal for the government to do the same. Duh.

But both Democrats and Republicans LOVE this stuff! Government bureaucrats are parasites, and that includes each and every member of the U.S. CONgress, the rest of the federal bureaucracy, and state and local bureaucrats as well.

And yes, conservatives and Republicans LOVE government central planning and all the tax-thefts that come with it.

As I wrote in this post,

Laurence Vance has many terrific articles online on tax policy. As Vance says, there is not much difference between most Republicans in Congress and the Bernie Sanders socialists. Vance explains the Republicans’ cluelessness on taxes, their love of government control of healthcare, and their low ranking in the Freedom Index. In 2013 Vance detailed the Republicans’ bloated budgets and their lies.

In 2018 after Republicans lost their majority in the House, Vance discussed what the Republicans could have done when they had majorities. Vance also noted how the Republicans make America socialist again, and tells us who the efficiency experts for the welfare state are: Republicans and conservatives, of course.

Only the Libertarian party would repeal and dismantle the welfare/parasite state including all involuntary contract-less tax-theft schemes, and all the three-letter agencies, the national security state and all the socialist crap being forced on us for a century.

And that is why for 50+ years the “news” media never covered the Libertarians seriously, like the media slobber over the two criminal parties. Oh, “news” media sometimes make references to libertarians, like when slandering and smearing them.

But it’s because of this life-long indoctrination (aided and abetted by the media) that people have in their blind religious faith in government parasites that most people would never consider supporting or voting for non-Democrats or non-Republicans. or consider the idea of abolishing the income tax, the government part of the medical cartel including the CDC, FDA, NIH, HHS, and the national security state apparatus including the FBI, CIA, NSA, and on and on.

And Republicans and conservatives are just as bad as Democrats and liberals in their blind, religious faith in the regime. Being diehard collectivists, Republicans and conservatives believe in the cult of nationalism, “God and Country,” American Exceptionalism. They believe in loyalty oaths like the Pledge of Obedience. Ultimately, they prefer government central planning, like TrumpTrade, over free trade and voluntary contracts. And of course, they believe in “Making America Great Again,” not making America free again.

Yes, I do believe that the nationalism/American Exceptionalism cult is a cult, into which many people are initiated from their earliest days and indoctrinated to believe in, in the same way many people are indoctrinated into the cult of human-caused, fossil fuel-caused Climate Change.

Republicans and conservatives would never agree to the necessity of decentralization, totally abolishing the U.S. government in Washington and at the very least, starting with 50 independent nation-states, and further decentralizing from there. Yet, that is what is needed to restore any kind of civilized society here. 

See On the Impossibility of Limited Government and the Prospects for a Second American Revolution (referring more to voluntary secession, not violent revolution) by Hans-Hermann Hoppe, as well as Hoppe’s articles on State or Private Law Society and Political Economy of Monarchy and Democracy, and his books Democracy, the God That Failed, The Private Production of Defense, and The Myth of National Defense: Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production. And see Tom Woods’s book, Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century, and Murray Rothbard’s How and How Not to Desocialize and Rothbard’s books Anatomy of the State and The Ethics of Liberty

And see my article, November, 2010: More Rearranging of Deck Chairs. It applies to all elections. Sorry for that dose of reality there.

But anyway, regarding the Libertarian party, I know, Gary Johnson and Jo Jorgensen were easy to make fun of. Johnson was a one-issue candidate (marijuana legalization, because he’s just a pothead), and Jorgensen was a wokester. But since 2020, the LP has updated their leaders and now are much more sensible.

In the 2020 presidential election, even though Jacob Hornberger won 7 states and roughly 9,000 votes in the primaries, the then-LP went with Jo Jorgensen at the convention despite her only winning 2 states and roughly 5,000 votes. The nearly-74-year-old Hornberger is running again in the 2024 election.

Jacob Hornberger is more of a minarchist or minimal statist rather than a no-statist. Some libertarians argue that there should be no state. At the very least, I would settle for what I stated above, getting rid of the FedGov in Washington. But Hornberger wants to keep it. Still, he wants to get rid of just about all of what exists today as the regime in Washington, most of which is not authorized by the U.S. Constitution to exist.

For example, Hornberger scolds those libertarians who want to keep all the socialist programs but reform them. No, he says, get rid of them completely, including Social Security. Here is a blog he recently wrote discussing and refuting the arguments against scrapping Social Security.

Hornberger is also good on the libertarian view of the immigration issue. (See my post on why conservatives are wrong and misguided on the immigration issue.)

Anyway, Hornberger refers to his debate with other 2024 Libertarian Party presidential candidates in South Carolina. Here is a video of that debate:

I’m not particularly endorsing Hornberger, but he’s right on most issues, that’s for sure.

Now, I know that hoping to convince people to let go of their dependence on the regime and support the freedom way of life is not particularly realistic. But really now, it’s time for a change. 

No more Republicans and Democrats please, because those two parts of the regime have ruined our society to the point that it’s actually collapsing now.

More News and Commentary

Jacob Hornberger ( Why Are There So Many Suicides in America?

Pam Martens and Russ Martens ( JPMorgan and Jeffrey Epstein Explained: Twisted Banking Taps into Sex Fiend’s Network

George Ford Smith ( Are You an Enemy of the State? Most Likely

Richard Abelson ( Gateway Pundit Files FOIA Request: What Did Victoria Nuland and Ambassador Bridget Brink Have to Do with the Death of U.S. YouTuber Gonzalo Lira in Ukraine Prison?

David Stockman ( Why Stalin and Hitler Should Never Have Happened

JR Dunn ( No More J6s

Joseph Mercola ( The Government’s Plan To Criminalize Your Thoughts

No, Anti-Zionism Is Not Anti-Semitism

Here is my latest article on Activist Post, No, Anti-Zionism Is Not Anti-Semitism

January 9, 2024

The ignorant buffoons in the U.S. Congress have passed a bill including a declaration that anti-Zionism equals anti-Semitism, which is absurd. Do they even know or understand what Zionism is?

Well, this is what Zionism is: Unlike Judaism which is a religion, Zionism is not a religion, but a political movement that encourages Jews worldwide to move and relocate to the land of Israel. And it promotes a Jewish State. And that’s it. And thanks to this non-religious secular Jewish individual named Theodor Herzl from the late 19th to early 20th Centuries.

Just because one opposes the ideology of Zionism, that has NOTHING to do with one’s views toward Jewish people or Judaism. Anti-Zionism is NOT anti-Semitism, so the dishonest people in congress really ought to cut it out and stop lying about those who oppose collectivism and statism and who think that a “Jewish State” was not a rational way of helping Jews to find a “safe haven” to live.

I don’t want to get too much into the origins of the current state of Israel here. I tried to discuss that stuff in this article in 2010.

The two main problems with the founding of Israel are 1) that it was based on the religious idea that Israel “belongs to Jews” and is “God’s promised land to the Jews” based on Biblical scriptures, and 2) that Israel was founded by way of military conquest, not of voluntary land transfer or trades or contracts.

The belief that Israel “belongs to the Jews” based on Israel being “God’s promised land,” and that “God gave us Israel,” etc., is a religious belief.

Is there legal proof that Israel belongs to the Jews of the world? Are there legal documents of title transfers, or deeds? Since all Jews have this alleged right of ownership, given to them by God, are there deeds on file with the names of all Jews? I know, I’m just pointing out the absurdity of the whole thing.

See Shlomo Sand’s Haaretz article, The Twisted Logic of the Jewish “Historic Right” to Israel.

So, the belief that the land of Israel “belongs to the Jews” because God gave it to them, is a religious, spiritual belief that many people over the centuries have been indoctrinated with, but it is just that: a religious belief.

That religious belief is based on the Bible, or Hebrew Bible, whatever you want to call it. Some people will say, “Well God wrote the Bible, so that is proof enough.” Hmmm, the proof that God wrote the Bible is that the men who wrote the Bible assert that God wrote the Bible. So, we have a document, these Biblical scriptures, that is a religious document, not a legal document, and its assertions in it are not legally binding. This set of beliefs is what Zionism is based on.

Here is a history of the events in the decades leading up to the 1948 founding of Israel. It has a lot to do with Western governments’ power grabs (“on behalf of Jews,” of course), a lot of political conniving and shenanigans, and seizures of lands, in my view. Not by Jews, remember, but by politicians, bureaucrats, lobbyists, NGOs and corporate (especially oil) interests

If Jewish people were the victims of pogroms and oppression in European countries like Poland they didn’t need a whole new “Jewish homeland” or Jewish State to live, they could have just come to the United States of America, which many of them did do, like my grandparents. The U.S. provided a society of freedom, for the most part, to make use of one’s abilities and talents and prosper, and live in a free society. (I don’t know about currently in the U.S., of course.)

The U.S. provided a “safe haven” for people to settle and live their lives. However, the more socialist and fascist the U.S. became in the 20th Century, the less safe from the ravages and tentacles of government intrusions and overreach it became.

And less welcoming for immigrants. For instance, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt turned away Jews escaping from Nazi Germany in the 1930s and ’40s, citing “immigration quotas” having been reached. (And also because FDR was an ignorant anti-Semite as well.)

Anyway, should there really be a “Jewish State”? I say no, just as there shouldn’t be a Christian State, an Islamic State, a Hindu State, or an Atheist State. 

There should just be a free society based on self-ownership and the non-aggression principle, private property rights and voluntary association. And if people want to live in communities mainly of others of the same faith or ethnicity they can do that. But not a State that’s based on a religion.

And the second, perhaps more important, problem with the founding of Israel is that it was founded by way of military conquest, not by voluntary property or land transfer by the people who were already living there.

As Murray Rothbard wrote in his 1967 article, War Guilt in the Middle East,

The one Jewish movement that made no sense was Zionism, a movement which began blended with Jewish Territorialism. But while the Territorialists simply wanted to preserve Jewish-Yiddish identity in a newly developed land of their own, Zionism began to insist on a Jewish land in Palestine alone. The fact that Palestine was not a virgin land, but already occupied by an Arab peasantry, meant nothing to the ideologues of Zionism. Furthermore, the Zionists, far from hoping to preserve ghetto Yiddish culture, wished to bury it and to substitute a new culture and a new language based on an artificial secular expansion of ancient religious Hebrew.

In 1903, the British offered territory in Uganda for Jewish colonization, and the rejection of this offer by the Zionists polarized the Zionist and Territorialist movements, which previously had been fused together. From then on, the Zionists would be committed to the blood-and-soil mystique of Palestine, and Palestine alone, while the Territorialists would seek virgin land elsewhere in the world.

Because of the Arabs resident in Palestine, Zionism had to become in practice an ideology of conquest.

The bureaucrats of the Western governments including the U.S. and its NGO supporters and the British Empire acted on behalf of Zionist organizations to take the land of Israel, and because many of the people who were already living there didn’t want to leave, it became a campaign of expulsion and “ethnic cleansing,” and in some cases “extermination” of mainly Arabs. See Plan Dalet

So this new “Jewish State” was so important to implement the Biblical dreams and desires of the Zionists that military conquest was the way to do it. That is how statists do things. They believe in the power of the State and its compulsion, aggression and force. Statists aren’t big on voluntary trade, peace and freedom.

The modern state of Israel was formed by forcibly placing an artificial Western country and population in the middle of a somewhat primitive region and culture, the Middle-East, and surrounded by Arabs and Muslims. Hmmm.

So, we can criticize the idea of Zionism and the current State of Israel, and that has nothing to do with saying anything about Jewish people or the religion of Judaism.

I can’t believe how so many prominent people are ignorant of the facts of Israel’s founding, or they are just dishonest about it. Such as the conservative talk radio personalities I listen to, including “Clay and Buck,” Howie Carr and Glenn Beck. They are in LOCKSTEP with Israel. I think these people are deathly afraid of being called anti-Semitic, so they go overboard in making sure that we know just how “pro-Jewish” they are, in my view.

And the ignoramuses in Congress are doing that as well in their equating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism.

During the 1980s, much of the anti-Semitism I heard was coming from the right, from “conservatives,” such as when President Reagan would have the Christian televangelists visit him in the White House, including the “Rev.” Jerry Falwell, Sr. 

On talk radio, liberal Jerry Williams read various anti-Semitic quotes from those televangelists from articles and from their sermons and speeches.

Falwell was a typical “Christian Zionist,” who staunchly supported Israel but mainly out of hope that Jews, who he described as “spiritually blind,” would convert to Christianity when the “End Times” and the “Rapture” would occur. Mike Pompeo is a strong believer in those things, and George W. Bush can’t wait for the Jews to convert as well, by the way. 

So, the way I see it, these “Christians” aren’t such supporters of Jews and Israel as much because they care for Jews, but more because they hope to see Jews convert to Christianity.

But I digress.

Now, given how the Israeli military has been extreme in retaliation for the October 7th Hamas attacks, destroying entire villages and many civilian buildings and infrastructure and murdering thousands and thousands of innocent people especially children, I am not surprised that the aforementioned conservative talk radio personalities and other Americans continue to approve of the slaughter and destruction.

Many Americans have a strong belief in moral relativism. Many of these true believers in American Exceptionalism and militarism supported U.S. wars and bombing campaigns in Iraq for 30+ years, and Afghanistan, drone strikes slaughtering innocents in the Middle-East, and the bombings and mass murders of civilians in Vietnam, Korea, Japan and Germany.

But, it is always immoral, and criminal, to kill innocents. War is no excuse, as Connor O’Keeffe wrote at the Mises Institute. And see Murray Rothbard in his War, Peace and the State

For some, “war” is their rationalization to murder innocents. But it is not “defense” to murder an innocent human being.

Dehumanizing the enemy or “the other” makes it easier for militarists and statists to rationalize the targeting of innocents and civilians with violence and destruction. The truth is, while Hamas is a racist, Jew-hating terrorist organization, the Israelis also have their racists and haters, as I wrote in this recent article.

In Israel, as I wrote in this 2014 article, Israeli soldiers beating Palestinian children is the norm, as acknowledged by Breaking the Silence, a group of Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) veterans.

Regarding Israel’s 2009 war on Gaza, according to Breaking the Silence, “testimonies describe use of … white phosphorus ammunition in densely inhabited neighborhoods, massive destruction of buildings unrelated to any direct threat to Israeli forces, and permissive rules of engagement that led to the killing of innocents … and … harsh statements made by junior and senior officers that attest to the ongoing moral deterioration of the society and the army.”

During the 2008-09 war between Israel and Hamas, the IDF destroyed much of Gaza’s civilian water and sewage treatment centers, forcing the Gazan civilian population to have to use untreated water and deal with sewage flowing in residential areas. And again in 2014 Israel repeated such aggressions against civilian infrastructure in Gaza.

In 2014 Human Rights Watch documented the Israelis’ many strikes against alleged military targets yet killing mostly civilians, and how Israeli spokesmen claimed to be targeting “terrorists” but gave no evidence to support such claims. And even the Israeli claim of Hamas using civilians as “human shields” is questionable.

But as we can see from Israel’s almost complete destruction of Gaza and mass murders of thousands and thousands of innocents now in 2023-24, the government and military’s lack of moral scruples shows an extreme zeal in preserving the Zionist dream of a Jewish-only State.

Let’s hope the fanatical militant Netanyahu doesn’t go with the Samson Option, which could involve nuking the entire Middle East and polluting the world with radioactive fallout.

More News and Commentary

Andrew Napolitano ( Milk and the Police State

Brownstone Institute ( The First Amendment, Brought to You by Pfizer

Joseph Mercola ( The Scandalous Truth Behind the Antidepressant Trials

Jeffrey Tucker ( Are There U.S. Quarantine Camps Right Now?

Caitlin Johnstone ( Westerners Have an Absolutely Psychotic View of Airstrikes

Jacob Hornberger ( Two More U.S. Murders

Derrick Broze ( As WEF Prepares for 54th Annual Meeting, International Activist Movements Offer Alternative Vision of 2030

John Kiriakou ( An Ex-CIA Agent Looks Back at 22 Years of Torture at Guantánamo Bay

Leo Hohmann ( Doctors ‘Baffled’ by Unprecedented Surge in Cancers among Young People under 50

Gary Barnett ( Holiday Time Is Over, Brutal Cold, and a World in Chaos

Bryan Caplan ( The Economic Illiteracy of High School History

Gareth Porter ( South Africa’s Proof of Israel’s Genocide in Gaza

TJ Marinell ( What the Constitution Means by “Declare War”

Ted Snider ( Wall Street Journal Sets Standard for Irresponsible Journalism in Ukraine

Jim Hoft ( Metro DC Police Officer Identified who Fired Stinger Ball Munitions into Crowd of Trump Supporters on Jan. 6 Without Warning – Igniting a Riot

Wendy McElroy ( Unheralded Resisters in Nazi Germany: The Edelweiss Pirates, Part 1

Dave DeCamp ( Poland Resists Cooperation with Nord Stream Sabotage Investigation

Kyle Anzalone ( DeSantis Doesn’t Oppose Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza

More News and Commentary (Not from Regime Corporate Media)

Jeffrey Sachs ( U.S. Foreign Policy Is a Scam Built on Corruption

Laurence Vance ( Why Would Anyone Join Today’s Military?

Cristina Laila ( Rep. Higgins Tells Tucker All About Undercover Agents Involved in J6, and  DC US Attorney Matthew Graves Says DOJ is Now Going to Target THOUSANDS of Americans Who Were Around the Capitol on Jan 6 – But Did Not Enter the Building

Jordan Conradson ( Justice Department Hides Ray Epps’ J6 Case and Plea Deal from Public View

Mel Gurtov ( Bombing Gaza – Disturbing Comparisons with Vietnam

Ryan McMaken ( Why More Secession Means Lower Taxes and More Trade

Thomas Knapp ( In The New Year, Thank You For Your Service

Mike Capuzzo ( Canada Reports 300% Increase in ‘Unspecified Causes’ of Death, Sparking Calls for Investigation

John Leake ( Stunning 2019 Investigative Report on Pharma Mafia Resurfaces

Cassandra MacDonald ( DeSantis Kicks Laura Loomer Out of Event, Calls Police on Her — Hours After Nikki Haley Did the Same

David Gordon ( FDR against the Bill of Rights

Middle East Eye ( War on Gaza: Survivors Recount Harrowing Israeli Field Executions

Michael Snyder ( Artificial Intelligence Is Allowing Them To Construct A Global Surveillance Prison From Which No Escape Is Possible

“Dr.” Claudine Gay Harvard Resignation, Racism, the Civil War and Secession, and Bureaucrats Denying Due Process on Mere Accusation

“Dr.” Claudine Gay has resigned from her post as President of Harvard University. She was caught plagiarizing in her past writings now at least 50 times, but the board or trustees at Hahvud all stuck by her, even though she has overseen the suspension or expulsion of students charged with plagiarism. 

She also was the one at a congressional hearing who wouldn’t say whether crowds on campus shouting for the genocide of Jews constitutes bullying or threats that goes against the university’s policies against bullying and threatening behaviors. She couldn’t acknowledge that. Duh, Claudine.

But now in her resignation letter Gay blames racism for her leaving! Donors are withdrawing their donations and others are calling for her resignation because they are RACISTS! I am not. Making. This. Up. And the Rev. Al Shrapnel is leading the way to protest the racists who are driving “Dr.” Claudine Gay out of Hahvud University. 

I think these people are nuts. Besides “Dr.” Gay, Harvard hired a whiter-than-white woman who claimed to be a native American or American Indian (whatever phrase that was used) who lied about her race or ethnicity to get the law professor job at Harvard: Elizabeth Warren, known affectionately as the “Fake Indian.”

The real racists are the ones who hire people because of what their race or skin color is (and who turn others down for what their race or skin color is), not for their qualifications.

Another controversy recently is former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley who answered the question about the cause of the American Civil War but forgetting to include the part about slavery.

Well, the real cause of the American Civil War was southern states having seceded from the union. The U.S. government led by centralist Abraham Lincoln, and the northern states who joined them, didn’t like that so they waged a war against the seceding states. Lincoln and his army forced the people of the seceding states back into the “Union” by way of violence and destruction. So the real slavery henceforth was the U.S. government under Lincoln forcing people to be a part of a “Union” involuntarily that they didn’t want to be a part of. Sadly, most people just don’t get that part of it.

But Tricky Nikki’s word salad answer was like something Kamala Harris would say, so I’m sure that qualifies Nikki for V.P.

The real problem with Nikki Haley is her warmongering and wanting the U.S. involved in the Ukraine-Russia war so that we would then have a war between U.S. and Russia that would then lead to nuclear war. Duh, Nikki.

And the other issue in the news is this Maine secretary of state Shenna Bellows who took Donald Trump’s name off the Maine Republican presidential primary ballot. I hope she’s not related to Dr. Bellows on I Dream of Jeannie. (If there’s anyone to vote for, it’s Jeannie. She would zap the Republicrat statists off to Siberia, where they belong, in my view.)

So, Bellows took Trump off the ballot because of the U.S. Constitution’s 14th Amendment clause against “inciting an insurrection.” 

First of all, there was no insurrection. No one violently overthrew the government in Washington and took over power. Trump was not “trying to overturn the election.” He was trying to exercise his Constitutional right to contest the election, the same thing Democrats did especially in 2000, 2004 and 2016.

And on January 6th Trump told his followers to walk “peacefully” to the Capitol and make their voices heard, totally protected by the First Amendment. Later that day of January 6th, 2021, when he was informed that people were being violent, Trump tweeted to his followers to “remain peaceful. No violence!” So, Trump discouraged violence that day!

And I’m not a Trump supporter! I just think that the truth is important, and people should stop lying about others, including about Trump.

Further, the Maine secretary of state Bellows taking Trump off the ballot because of “inciting an insurrection” is based on accusations, not any conviction in a court of law. In fact, in the second Trump impeachment, Trump was charged by the U.S. House with “incitement of insurrection,” and that was brought to the U.S. Senate which acquitted Trump of that charge! 

So, Trump was actually acquitted of inciting an insurrection, but the Maine secretary of state Shenna Bellows takes Trump’s name off the ballot based on inciting an insurrection, when there wasn’t even an insurrection! Duh, Shenna.

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