News and Commentary

Mike Maharrey: South Dakota House Passes Bill to Create Process to Review and Reject Presidential Executive Orders.

Derrick Broze: As Predicted: Immunity Passports Are No Longer a Fantasy.

Chananya Weissman: 31 Reasons Why I Won’t Take the Vaccine

Joseph Mercola: Public Health Officials Are Lying About Lockdowns

Jean-Michel Grau: Lawyers Promise ‘Nuremberg Trials’ Against All Behind COVID Scam.

Robert Wheeler: Outrageous Gun Control Bills: Family Psych Evals, $800 a Year “Insurance,” a Public Gun Registry, and More.

Biden’s Reckless Syria Bombing Is Not the Diplomacy He Promised.

Caleb Fuller: Minimum Wage, Maximum Discrimination.

Jacob Hornberger: Liberal Hypocrisy on Immigration.

James Ketler: Why the Capitol Riot Terrified the Elite

Trita Parsi: Biden Said ‘Diplomacy Is Back!’ Then He Started Dropping Bombs.

Ted Galen Carpenter: Washington’s Tiny Islands Fetish Could Endanger the American People

Becky Akers: Doomsday Scenario

And Robert Wenzel: Biden’s Chief Economist at the Department of Labor Appears to Have No Understanding as to What Causes High Black Unemployment

Peggy Hall with a Common Sense Approach to Covid Testing

Peggy Hall of The Healthy American describes a common sense alternative to getting swabs shoved up your nostrils to test for Covid. I think those swab tests can cause damage, especially if you have an incompetent medical person administering the test. And we know that the tests have been giving false positives anyway. What the hell is the point?

Here is the video’s BitChute page.

More News and Commentary

Jacob Hornberger: What Insurrection?

Eric Felten: 60 Years After Eisenhower’s Warning, Distinct Signs of a ‘Digital-Intelligence Complex’

Arjun Walia: Fact-Checker Claims No Causal Relationship Between 929 Deaths Reported After COVID Vaccine.

Aaron Maté: In Final Days, Trump Gave Up on Forcing Release of Russiagate Files, Nunes Prober Says.

Anthony Rozmajzl: Almost a Year Later, There’s Still No Evidence Showing Governments Can Control the Spread of Covid-19

Jon Rappoport: Defeating Covid Test Fraud: Memo to Lawyers and Clients.

Ryan McMaken: Why Dominion’s Defamation Lawsuits Are Garbage

Abigail Hall Blanco: Manufacturing Militarism: US Government Propaganda in the War on Terror.

Bonnie Kristian: The Biden Administration Is Taking Steps to Stay in Iraq Forever.

Moon of Alabama: Biden Commits To Forever War On Afghanistan.

Thomas Spain: Why “Stakeholder Capitalism” Is a Disaster for Entrepreneurs

Robert Murphy: When Is Short Selling Fraudulent?

And Robert Wheeler: Scientists Have Created Programmable Robots Made of Living Tissue. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

News and Commentary

Glenn Greenwald: House Democrats, Targeting Right-Wing Cable Outlets, Are Assaulting Core Press Freedoms.

Donald Boudreaux: Why I Believe that Covid Derangement Syndrome Is Real.

Jacob Hornberger: Understanding the Kennedy Assassination.

Thomas DiLorenzo: America’s Stalinist Universities

Phillip Magness: Fauci Was Duplicitous on the AIDS Epidemic Too.

Life Site: Frontline Doctor: FBI ‘Broke Down My Door’ in S.W.A.T. Team Raid of 20 Men.

National File: Gab Banned from Three Banks in Three Weeks Due to Media Smears

John Whitehead: Techno-Censorship: The Slippery Slope from Censoring ‘Disinformation’ to Silencing Truth.

James Bovard: The Lies Aren’t Secret.

And Robert Wenzel: What Bill Gates is Really Up To

Naomi Wolf on the Escalation of Covidiocy Police State

I obviously don’t agree with Tucker Carlson on everything, but here he discusses the lockdown fascism with Naomi Wolf who has been writing on the police state in USSA for many years now, whether it’s the “war on terror,” FBI harassment of Occupy Wall Street, and now the Covid totalitarianism that “liberals” are imposing. The book Carlson mentioned by Naomi Wolf is The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot (2007).

Ron Paul on Gubmint’s Claim of “500,000” Covid Deaths

From the Ron Paul Liberty Report: Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams discuss the latest Covid death numbers of “500,000” in the U.S.

Mainstream media is reporting the “grim milestone” of 500,000 Covid deaths. Is the number accurate? Are such headlines meant to keep the fear turned up to 10, or to inform the audience? A Wall Street Journal op-ed over the weekend predicts “herd immunity” soon. Is it wrong? Fauci says maybe mask up till 2022. Is he wrong?

My comments: The numbers are not reliable, especially because the testing to determine a positive Covid result is unreliable. The CDC has said that only 6% of the Covid deaths are of people who died of Covid only, not other illnesses they were already suffering from. I can’t remember if Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams mentioned this, but the CDC had changed their guidelines in March as to what constitutes a Covid death to include non-Covid deaths, and Dr. Deborah Bersirx confirmed that. If someone died of heart disease or kidney disease, for example, if that person tested positive for Covid, the CDC will count that as a “Covid death.” I.e. the whole thing really is a lie and a sham and a scam, in my view.

News and Commentary

Jacob Hornberger: Just Leave Cuba Alone.

Brendan O’Neill: It’s Time to Get Real about Freedom of Speech.

Life Site: Major US Pro-Family Group MassResistance Suddenly Dropped by Bank.

Glenn Greenwald: Congress Escalates Pressure on Tech Giants to Censor More, Threatening the First Amendment.

Jonathan Turley: Want To Prosecute Trump? It Will Require Proof Not Politics For A Viable Case.

Doug Bandow: Robert Kagan Diagnosed America’s Biggest Problem: Americans Who Don’t Want To Run the World.

Gary Barnett: Petitioning Government or Courts Will Never Result in Gaining Freedom: Only Mass Disobedience Can Prevail

Jon Miltimore: Bloomberg: Venezuela Turns to Privatization After Being Bankrupted by Socialism.

Laurence Vance: Three Libertarian Principles for Education.

Brandon Smith: A Question For Leftists: Why Are All The Evil People On Your Side?

And David Martin: CIA Election Meddling

Rush Limbaugh, Dead at 70

The long-time “Doctor of Democracy,” the MahaRushdi, the one with “formerly nicotine-stained fingers,” the “harmless little fuzzball,” El Rushbo, Rush Limbaugh has died of a year-long battle with lung cancer at age 70. He was the most-listened-to radio personality of our time, hosting his mid-day radio talk show since 1988.

I would say that I agreed with Limbaugh on many cultural and social issues, but had many disagreements with him on foreign policy, immigration and the idea of “American Exceptionalism.” More on those below.

But before I get into those things, let me get this out of the way. Some people on the radio have been describing Rush Limbaugh as the “King” or even the “Dean” of talk radio. Nuh-uh. Jerry Williams was the “Dean” of talk radio, from 1957 to 1998 when he retired. So there.

But Rush Limbaugh certainly was one of the great radio broadcasters of all time, right up there with Paul Harvey, Larry King (who also died just recently), Gene Burns, and, dare I say, Bob Steele.

Regarding talk radio, I have been listening to talk radio for decades, since the 1970s when I would listen to the Fitzgeralds on WOR, as well as Arlene Francis and Dr. Meltzer on that station, and Larry Glick on WBZ. During the 1980s Boston’s talk radio WRKO was #1 in the ratings, with the aforementioned Jerry Williams, and his fellow great talk radio personalities Gene Burns, David Brudnoy, and Janet Jeghelian. But getting into the 1990s Jerry was getting reduced air time, that station WRKO stupidly got rid of Janet Jeghelian, and also Gene Burns moved away to another city. WRKO went downhill at that time, in my view. The station then replaced Gene Burns with syndicated  Rush Limbaugh.

So around 1992 was when I first heard Rush Limbaugh. I didn’t really like him then, because his show seemed like mainly just juvenile name-calling and typical conservative-statist stuff. So, I didn’t listen very much then. I did start listening more during the 2000s. At that time Limbaugh seemed to cut down on the name-calling, and the vitriolic rhetoric.

I certainly appreciated hearing Rush Limbaugh more in these past 5-10 years, especially with the information he gave daily on the revelations of RussiaGate, the “Trump-Russia collusions” conspiracy theory, and the illegal FISA spying that FBI and DOJ apparatchiks did in their treasonously going after the 2016 Trump campaign and attempting to frame Trump and some of his associates including Carter Page who is now trying to sue those FBI and DOJ parasites for their crimes. And I appreciated Limbaugh in the early months of the Covid scamdemic in his exposing some of the inconsistencies and irrational fear-mongering that government bureaucrats and fake news media have been giving us.

I certainly did disagree with him on some things. Limbaugh was a nationalist, a True Believer in “American Exceptionalism,” whatever that is, an America Firster. And he was a warmonger, in his support of George H.W. Bush’s Gulf War a.k.a. Iraq War I in 1990-91, as well as Bush’s son George W. Bush’s Iraq War II in 2003 and the junior Bush’s war in Afghanistan. Both wars seem to be never ending, the 30-year-long Iraq War and the Afghanistan War going on 20 years now.

Well, supposedly Limbaugh supported conservative Pat Buchanan’s candidacy for president in 1992, but then went with the warmonger Bush when Bush beat Buchanan in the primaries. Buchanan was very critical of Bush’s war, but apparently supported the bombing and destruction once it got started.

On the immigration issue, Limbaugh was very strongly opposed to “illegal” immigration, and spent many hours of his show ranting and raving on the issue. Limbaugh was typical of many conservatives and nationalists, in which they seem to believe in some kind of collective ownership of the territory as a whole, with “citizens” as the co-owners. But as I have written a lot before, such a system negates the concepts of private property, free markets and voluntary exchange. It’s a very socialistic system we have regarding immigration, involving government central planning, and involving making employers have to get government bureaucrats’ permission to hire someone, or workers having to get government bureaucrats’ permission to work somewhere. That’s socialism. (But don’t tell Rush Limbaugh I said that.)

Limbaugh was good at going against the Establishment in some ways. At first during the 2020 Covid scamdemic he was very critical of “public health” bureaucrats and moonstream media exaggerating the disease, which they were doing. This Guardian article from February of last year quotes Limbaugh:

“It looks like the coronavirus is being weaponised as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump,” Limbaugh said on his Monday show. “Now, I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus. I’m dead right on this. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks.

“The drive-by media hype of this thing as a pandemic, as the Andromeda strain, as, ‘Oh, my God, if you get it, you’re dead’ … I think the survival rate is 98%. Ninety-eight per cent of people get the coronavirus survive. It’s a respiratory system virus.”

He was criticized for telling the truth. The “fact-checkers” had to “debunk” his truths with their lies and propaganda.  But Limbaugh was exactly right about that on every point there. As I wrote here and here, the Covid survival rate is roughly 99.9%. And the Establishment really did bring down Trump, and they did it by terrorizing the population to beg for mail-in voting, to enable the mail-in fraudsters and cheaters to exploit it for their election steal, which they did.

But sadly Limbaugh seemed to get less and less vocal about exposing the Covid fraud. I’m glad his substitutes over the past few months, Todd Herman and Ken Matthews, have not been afraid to honestly communicate the reality of this Covid scamdemic.

On Limbaugh’s cancer, I think he may have had more of a chance of survival through alternative, non-Establishment medicine treatments and nutritional therapy. In my view it was the drugs that killed him, not the cancer. Sadly, many people have a blind, superstitious faith in Establishment medicine and pharmaceutical drugs, oh, well.

Anyway, Limbaugh was very conservative on cultural and social issues. He believed in traditional marriage, obviously, because he had four of them.

And he often fused his views with his sarcastic sense of humor. Unfortunately, some people took it the wrong way. When a law student named Sandra Fluke was testifying before Congress to promote insurance coverage of birth control, Limbaugh called her a “slut” and a “prostitute,” causing many of his show’s advertisers to jump ship. So, this young “lady” wants to have a promiscuous lifestyle and she wants others to pay for it, was essentially her argument. No, I think that if women want “equality,” they can pay for their own damn birth control, just as they pay for other items in the drug store. That’s reasonable.

So if people didn’t like Limbaugh’s sarcastic sense of humor, they could just turn the dial. Sandra should know that when she appears before a congressional committee for public testimony, she risks being made fun of and called names, just as were Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Zuckerberg, and many others.

Many commentators now have been referring to Limbaugh as a “hate-monger” and a “racist,” which he wasn’t. Obviously those people hadn’t listened to Limbaugh’s show. He wasn’t a “hater.” As far as “racist,” his longtime producer and call-screener, “Mr. Snerdley,” is black. Would a racist hire a black man to be the show’s producer and call-screener? I think not. So please shut up, you idiots out there.

And regarding the racism issue, Limbaugh had been like many other conservatives, critical of what we now have in our society this phenomenon of reverse racism, anti-white racism, and so on. The race-obsessed fanatics have been installing something called “Critical Race Theory” in the government schools, many colleges and universities, and in government agencies and many corporations now. People, and kids in the schools, are being trained i.e. indoctrinated to have to believe and state that white people are inherently racist and are “white supremacists,” which is totally absurd. The indoctrinators are telling white people they are racists because of being white, an assertion which is itself racist!

The obsession of the people on the left with race and skin color is literally like a brainwashed cult. Add this race cultishness to the obsession the same kinds of people have with sex and sexual perversions. Yech.

Many of the same people, you see them on CNN, MSNBC, the White House Press corps, they call anyone who disagrees with them on any issue, “racists,” even if the issue has nothing to do with race. They do not seem to argue facts, in the “racism” accusation, or in “climate change,” and other hot-button issues.

So it is those people on the left who are the name-callers and haters, certainly much more than Rush Limbaugh was. Limbaugh supported traditional marriage and family values. And THAT is why they call him a “racist” and a “hater,” which is quite irrational, given that favoring traditional family values has nothing to do with racism or “hating” others. If you want your non-traditional lifestyles (and perversions, etc.) you can have them, but how about leaving others alone who don’t agree with you?

Many of the cultists on the left have said that they want to jail the haters, and the “deniers,” that they are now referring to as “domestic terrorists,” and jailing people without due process of course, and they want to put people in concentration camps a.k.a. “re-education camps.” They have been using very dangerous rhetoric and we can hear them and how brainwashed and ignorant the cultists are. These are very frightening times. Can you imagine conservatives saying we should “jail progressives,” calling them “domestic terrorists” to justify such policies? No, I have never heard conservatives suggest any such thing in all my years.

Too bad so many people are calling Rush Limbaugh a “hater” or a “racist,” in the critics’ news items and articles about him and his death. If only they had listened to his show.

And finally, I think the suggestion that Donald Trump replace Limbaugh on that mid-day show is a great idea. That would really bother the real haters out there, those little pricks, and guarantee continued high ratings for that show.

News and Commentary

Jacob Hornberger: The Anti-Terrorism Screws Tighten on the American People.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr: Critics Must Be Silenced for Billionaires to Keep Profiting From Pandemic.

Robert Wenzel: How Did a Cold Freeze Result in Texas Becoming the Venezuela of Supplying Energy to Local Customers?

Laurence Vance: A Note on the Second Amendment

Ted Galen Carpenter: Washington’s Foreign ‘Democratic’ Clients Become an Embarrassment Again.

James Bovard: Teachers Unions Have Always Been Terrible.

Jon Rappoport: “They Didn’t Isolate the Virus” and Covid: Predatory Testing Labs Are Complicit in the Crime.

Alan Macleod: Facebook Hires NATO Press Officer Ben Nimmo as Intelligence Chief

Kit Knightly: 5 Questions to Ask Your Friends Who Plan to Get the Covid Vaccine.

Michael Snyder: America’s Out Of Control Teens Are On A Historic Crime Spree

Jeff Groom: SecDef Austin’s Safety Stand Down.

And Doug Bandow: Washington Should Put the American People First: No One Has the Right To Be a US Ally.

News and Commentary

Jim Davies: Things Trump Didn’t Do.

Ron Paul: Trump Acquitted (Again), But Trump Hatred Continues

Chris Menahan: Republicans Backed Impeachment to Keep Trump from Pardoning Julian Assange.

Jeffrey Tucker: Minimum Wages Had a Eugenic Intent.

Adam Dick: While State Governments are Ending Their Mask Mandates, President Biden Is Going Full Mask Tyrant

James Bovard: Sovereignty Still Rests with the People, Not Congress.

Martin Armstrong: No Scientific Evidence that Masks do Anything! Sweden Banning Masks.

Jonathan Turley: New Comey Email Raises Additional Questions About His Use and Defense of The Steele Dossier.

Life Site: 46 Residents in Spanish Nursing Home Die after Receiving Covid Vaccine.

Veronique de Rugy: The Trouble With Mitt Romney’s Family Security Act.

Richard Ebeling: The Bankruptcy of Conservative Political Paternalism.

Becky Akers: Nullifying Nullification

Edward Curtin: Opening the CIA’s Can of Worms.

And Steve Watson: GOOD NEWS: ‘Woke’ Universities To Be Fined For Limiting Free Speech.

News and Commentary from Soviet Amerika

Daisy Luther: The US Ministry of Woke Propaganda Wants to Cancel You, Me, Fox, and Anyone Else Who Disagrees.

Jordan Schachtel: The CDC’s Double Mask Mannequin ‘Study’ Is Lunacy Dressed Up as Science.

Brian Shilhavy: CDC Withholding Information on Deaths Associated with Vaccines.

David D’Amato: No More Wartime Presidents.

The Lancet: Günter Kampf, Martin Kulldorff: Government Lockdowns Cause Substantial Collateral Health Damage.

Philip Schneider: Long-Term Mask Use May Contribute to Advanced Stage Lung Cancer, Study Finds.

Thomas Knapp: Same as the Old Boss, Julian Assange Edition.

Gateway Pundit: US Life Expectancy Grew in 2020 Showing Negligent Effects of China Coronavirus — US Death Rate Shows Lowest Growth in 9 Years Despite COVID Hysteria.

Steve Watson: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Pens Encyclopedic Account Of Bill Gates’ ‘Neo-Feudalism’

Fabrizio Ferrari: State-Mandated Vaccines Are a Moral Minefield

The Post-Millennial: ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ Orders Implemented for Covid-19 Patients with Learning Disabilities in the UK.

Joseph Mercola: Top Dr. Mercola Videos Banned by Google

David Gordon: George Will’s Tepid Defense of Freedom

Jack Elbaum: Why a $15 Federal Minimum Wage Would Be a Terrible Policy

And Glenn Greenwald: The Lincoln Project, Facing Multiple Scandals, is Accused by its Own Co-Founder of Likely Criminality.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Responds to Social Media False Labeling

Instagram is the latest social media to falsely label RFK, Jr. of “false Covid vaccine claims,” and “vaccine misinformation,” whereas these social media and mainstream media ignoramuses are the ones with false claims as they merely repeat the false assertions about Covid and vaccines that lying, corrupt government bureaucrats disseminate.

From the article at Children’s Health Defense:

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman of Children’s Health Defense, said:

“Every statement I put on Instagram was sourced from a government database, from peer-reviewed publications and from carefully confirmed news stories. None of my posts were false. Facebook, the pharmaceutical industry and its captive regulators use the term ‘vaccine misinformation’ as a euphemism for any factual assertion that departs from official pronouncements about vaccine health and safety, whether true or not. This kind of censorship is counterproductive if our objective is a safe and effective vaccine supply.

“The pharmaceutical industry is hastily creating vaccines using taxpayer money and untested technologies. These include a rash of risky new products that are exempt from liability, from long-term safety testing and that have not received FDA approval. Emergency Use Authorization is a mass population scientific experiment. If it has any prayer of working, it will require extraordinary scrutiny from the press and the public.

“Instead, the mainstream media and social media giants are imposing a totalitarian censorship to prevent public health advocates, like myself, from voicing concerns and from engaging in civil informed debate in the public square. They are punishing, shaming, vilifying, gaslighting and abolishing individuals who report their own vaccine injuries.

Mary Holland, President of Children’s Health Defense, said:

“Freedom of expression is the cornerstone of democracy. Children’s Health Defense and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. provide critically needed information on environmental culprits, including vaccines, that are linked to many chronic diseases that now affect 54% of America’s children. Dr. Anthony Fauci has made it clear that young children will be included in COVID-19 vaccination plans even though children have almost zero risk of serious COVID-19 illness. CHD feels strongly that children should not take on 100% risks of vaccine injuries with 0% benefit.

“The sad reality is vaccine injuries can and do happen. The U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database has more than 11,500 COVID-19 vaccine adverse event reports including more than 500 deaths in just six weeks since the vaccination campaign began. Why would Instagram censor Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s platform and call it ‘misinformation’? Why now?

News and Commentary

Sheldon Richman: What Now, Libertarians?

Joseph Mercola: COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines (The Moderna and Pfizer experimental “vaccines” are not vaccines, they are gene therapy. They were not intended or tested to prevent infection or transmission of Covid-19, but merely to reduce symptoms of the disease if someone has it.)

Becky Akers: Hustle On Up for Your Gene Therapy

Children’s Health Defense: Immunologist: Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines Could Cause Long-Term Chronic Illness, and Doctors Link Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines to Life-Threatening Blood Disorder.

Michael Snyder: Big Brother Is Spying On You In Thousands Of Ways, And All Of That Info Now Goes Into Centralized “Fusion Systems”

James Risen: The Biden Administration’s Continued Push for Julian Assange’s Extradition Is Bad News for Journalism.

Jeffrey Tucker: Who Wanted Pandemic Lockdowns?

LifeSite: Pfizer Bails Out of India after Country Demands Safety Testing for Covid Vaccine.

PJ Media: Democrats Present ‘Doctored’ Video of Capitol Riot During Trump Impeachment Trial.

Jacob Hornberger: The Omnipotent Power to Assassinate.

Rick Sterling: Why Victoria Nuland Is Dangerous and Should Not Be Confirmed.

Andrew Bacevich: After 20 Years, the Establishment Is Still in Denial about Afghanistan.

And James Bovard: Troop Deployments in Washington Are a Disaster Waiting to Happen.

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