Peggy Hall on Biden’s 100-Day Mask Diktat: Presidents Can’t Make a Law

Peggy Hall of The Healthy American discusses the unconstitutional Biden executive orders, and demonstrates why a President can’t make a law, and that executive orders are not laws. Only the legislative branch of government can make laws. She cites the U.S. Constitution, which IS the law of the land that Biden is supposed to follow. She also cites the White House’s website and Biden’s unconstitutional orders. The discussion is especially in regards to Biden’s federal “mask mandate,” which isn’t a mandate.

Video page on BitChute

Ron Paul: Government Unhinged, No Constitutional Restraints, Just Executive Orders!

Ron Paul and Chris Rossini discuss the Cheater-in-Thief Joe Biden’s illegal and unconstitutional executive orders.

From the YouTube page:

In just 9 days, President Biden has signed a record 40 executive orders, actions and directives. This is a far cry from the schoolbook instructions on “How a bill becomes a law.” Is this what “our democracy” has come to mean? The stroke of a pen? Where’s the U.S. Constitution?

News and Commentary

Jon Rappoport: COVID: If There Is No Virus, Why Are People Dying?

Reason Interview of Glenn Greenwald: ‘Journalists Are Authoritarians’

Matthew Ehret: How the FBI Created Domestic Terrorism: 80 Years of Psychological Warfare Revealed.

John Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead: Enemies of the Deep State: The Government’s War on Domestic Terrorism Is a Trap.

Barbara Loe Fisher: Miami Obstetrician Dies After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine

Paul Craig Roberts: In America Truth Is the Hardest Thing to Find.

Becky Akers: The First POWs of the Second American Revolution

Kevin Gosztola: The American Exceptionalism of Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

The Western Standard: Calgary Police Take Traveling Woman into Mandatory Isolation, But Refuse to Tell Family Where She Is.

Tim Cushing: NYPD Still Blowing The Public’s Money To Keep The Public From Seeing The NYPD’s Misconduct Records.

L. Reichard White: What You Can Learn From Uninvited Fact Checkers

Joseph Mercola: Is Wearing Three Masks Better Than One?

PJ Media: How a Bunch of Redditors with $600 Stimulus Checks Outsmarted Wall Street Hedge Fund Managers.

Robert Wenzel: This is Very Sad: Top Names Fail to Understand the Basic Economics of the Stock Market

And The Federalist: The GameStop Saga Isn’t About Finance, It’s Part Of The Ongoing War Between Elites And Populists

News and Commentary

Andrew Napolitano: The Constitution Is Not for Sale.

Becky Akers: Nonsense to Faux-chi is “Common Sense”

Brian Shilhavy: CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors Are Dying After COVID Injections!

Zero Hedge: Conservative Journalist Andy Ngo Flees The Country Over Antifa Death Threats.

Matt Taibbi: The Echo Chamber Era.

Bill Sardi: Horrific Latent Deaths Predicted Among The Elderly By Genetics Professor After Immunization With RNA Vaccines

James Bovard: Testing Positive for COVID-Bootlicking

Jonathan Cook: The ‘Humanitarian’ Left Still Ignores the Lessons of Iraq, Libya and Syria To Cheer On More War.

Laurence Vance: The Right to Refuse Service Should Be Universal and Absolute.

And Glenn Greenwald: Reflecting the Authoritarian Climate, Washington Will Remain Militarized Until At Least March.

News and Commentary

Jim Davies: Thieves, Liars and Killers.

John Manley: Twenty Reasons Mandatory Face Masks Are Unsafe, Ineffective, and Immoral

Ron Paul: When Fascism Comes, It Will Be Wearing a Mask

Paul Sperry: New Evidence Implicates FBI Higher-Ups in Dishonesty of Anti-Trump Lawyer.

Charles Burris: Crucial 911 Information Lost Down The Orwellian Memory Hole

Robert Wenzel: Is It Selfish to Not Wear a Mask?

Ted Snider: The First 100 Minutes: Tiptoeing Through Trump’s Landmines.

James Bovard: In a Paranoid Nation, “Treason” Is Everywhere.

Jon Rappoport: David Rasnick: New Strain of the Coronavirus, Or a Giant Con? How Deep Do the Lies Go?

And Gateway Pundit: Analysis: More Than Half Of Joe Biden’s Twitter Followers Are FAKE and Were Just Created in January.

Rand Paul Pwns George Stephanopoulos

Sen. Rand Paul educates George Snuffleupagus on how to be a legitimate journalist, and that Paul’s alleging election fraud isn’t “lying about it.” Sen. Paul also clarifies those Trump election fraud cases, but ignorant George didn’t want to hear about it. (In those many cases the judges dismissed the cases on standing, and never actually looked at the evidence or heard any of the hundreds of witnesses who were prepared to testify.)

News and Commentary via Totalitarian USSA

Peter Quinones: So, Tell Me, ‘Do You Hate the State?’

Becky Akers: The USSA Captures More Political Prisoners

Martin Armstrong: There are Many Reports from Around the World of People Becoming Seriously Ill After the Covid Vaccine.

Robert Wenzel: Why Big Pharma Beneficiaries are Behind the Transgender Movement

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr: Eagle Scout Sues Merck, Alleges Gardasil HPV Vaccine Destroyed His Life.

Brett Wilkins: Rights Advocates Alarmed by US Spy Agency’s Purchase of Warrantless Phone Location Data.

Vasko Kohlmayer: When Thieves Seek a Lock on Power: The Democrat Election Fraud Act

Paul Craig Roberts: The Media Destroyed America.

James Bovard: Federal Censorship Protects Leviathan’s Crimes.

Charles Burris: CIA Presstitutes and Regime Stenographers in the Mainstream Media

Big League Politics: MeWe Goes Big Tech Authoritarian, Opts for Political Censorship.

Jeffrey Herbener: Small States, Global Economy: Is Empire Necessary?

And Pete Eyre: Remembering Carl Watner.

News and Commentary

James Bovard: Let’s Abolish Those Presidential Medals of Freedom.

Brian Shilhavy: CDC Stops Reporting on Experimental COVID mRNA Injection Side Effects.

The Last Refuge: Here We Go – 10 Executive Orders To Federally Weaponize COVID Against Us.

Brandon Smith: Biden’s Presidency Will Be A Catalyst For Secession – And Perhaps Civil War.

Bill Sardi: Mass Vaccination Of Healthy Adults Is A Sham

Children’s Health Defense Team: Home Run King Hank Aaron Dies of ‘Undisclosed Cause’ 18 Days After Receiving Moderna Vaccine.

Joe Lauria: Russiagate Ain’t Over.

Ryan McMaken: Biden Can Now Launch the Nukes and Unleash World War III Whenever He Feels Like It.

Andrew Doyle: We Ignore Big Tech Censorship at Our Peril.

Lenore Skenazy: Canadian Mom Fined for Letting Grandparents Babysit Kids While She Went Grocery Shopping.

And Glenn Greenwald: The Moronic Firing of Will Wilkinson Illustrates Why Fear and Bad Faith Mob Demands Reign Supreme.

More News and Commentary

Jacob Hornberger: Immigration Pipe Dream at the Los Angeles Times.

Wendy McElroy: “Victim-Centered” Justice Is a Threat to Due Process.

Tho Bishop: Trump’s Potential Legacy: 50 Million+ Enemies of the State

Charles Burris: ‘Government Becomes God’: Jacobin’s Satirical Cover Literally Idolizing Biden Strikes Nerve

Ryan McMaken: No, the Chinese Won’t Invade America If Secessionists Succeed.

And Veronique De Rugy: Joe Biden’s Plan for Big Government.

My Warning Over a Decade Ago That Tea Party Conservatives “May Need the ACLU Soon”

The authoritarians on the left want to censor more speech that doesn’t bow down to the official narrative or that is critical of corrupt bureaucrats or that questions the legitimacy of the 2020 election outcome.

But worse, the extremists now in control are exploiting the Capitol false flag event of January 6th to greatly expand the post-9/11 “anti-terrorism” police state apparatus, no matter how criminal and unconstitutional such an apparatus is, in order to suppress said critics and suppress opposition to tyranny.

Over a decade ago I wrote this article in June of 2010 on why “Tea Partiers” (and conservatives, libertarians, people who want to “drain the swamp,” and now Trump supporters, etc…) should rethink their support of Bush post-9/11 war and anti-liberty policies (e.g. the “Patriot” Act) given how the Obama regime wanted to abuse such policies for political purposes. Note how Obama and his “national security” minions abused FISA spying to illegally spy on the Trump campaign. Note how Obama’s IRS went after conservatives. And look what the quasi communists are doing now!

So here is my LRC article from over 10 years ago, Tea Partiers May Need the ACLU Soon. (LRC page for the article.) I have replaced or removed links that weren’t working.

June 7, 2010

It seems that our representatives in Washington want Americans to know that, instead of studying the ideas of the Founding Fathers on the appropriate way governments should treat people, the DC ignoramuses have taken on the wisdom of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. And, ironically, many people in the Tea Party movement who have been supporting Bush war policies may be the ones regretting such support.

The most recent examples of our leaders rushing to violate our liberty in the name of fighting terrorism or other government-caused problems include Senator Joe Lieberman’s legislation to remove citizenship from suspected terrorists or terrorism abettors, and a proposal from Sen. Lindsay Graham and Sen. Charles Schumer to force all Americans to have a biometric ID card that would include embedded information such as fingerprints, etc. Because of the short-sightedness that has been common in Washington for over a century, the Founders’ belief in the Presumption of Innocence and Due Process now seems to be an anachronism.

This past decade’s war on terrorism has become an unwitting invitation for the government’s camel to completely barge in the tent, as the policies that the Bush Administration put in place can be used by subsequent administrations for dubious purposes, the prevention of which is why the American Founders wrote the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

The Bush war policies have given President Obama too much unchecked power. This includes a perversion of the rule of law that is supposed to restrict the State from curtailing individual rights. Consequently, the artificial notion of “battlefield rules,” in which rights may be curtailed by agents of the State in the name of war, combined with the globalizing of the war on terrorism, in which the battlefield has extended to include all territories, have disintegrated the concept of national sovereignty as well as erased the protection of individuals from State aggression.

For example, the Bush policies including the Patriot Act, warrantless surveillance, denial of due process, assassinations of suspected terrorists including Americans, extraordinary rendition, and indefinite detention, were short-sighted policies and may in fact be used to suppress opposition to the U.S. government, rather than to prevent actual terrorism.

Most worrisome is that so many people in the government and the media have been referring to the apprehension or execution of “terrorists,” when really referring to those our government has accused of engaging in or supporting terrorism, without evidence brought forth. That is troubling because in many cases officials knowingly had apprehended and held totally innocent terrorism suspects, some of whose apprehension and detention were based on false confessions by others as a result of torture or financial payments.

And Lieberman’s proposal to remove citizenship from terrorism suspects would mean an individual’s fate would be in the hands of Obama, CIA agents, career bureaucrats, and foreign governments. But should we really trust the judgment of someone as creepy as President Obama? And do we really want CIA agents to have the power to decide who should live or die, without trial?

200 years after the American Founders wrote a Constitution with rules for what the agents of the State may or may not do, Americans have been supporting policies with too much blind faith in the judgment of government and military officials.

Another problem is the false notion that the inalienable rights of the individual only apply to “American citizens.” The Declaration of Independence, however, is quite clear. It does not mention “only Americans.” Those rights to life and liberty are inherent in all human beings. The rights of each individual to one’s own life and liberty are inherent rights, and include the right to be free from the aggression of others and the right to be presumed innocent and left alone. We just have those rights as human beings, and the Declaration of Independence merely recognizes that.

We must be concerned about these war policies, because the history of the past century has consisted of suppression of individual rights by regimes of fascist and Marxist ideologies, to which Obama clearly subscribes. Such regimes would not tolerate a “Tea Party” movement.

It is ironic that ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis, who stands for the Obama agenda of socialist redistribution of wealth and fascist takeovers of entire industries, as well as one intrusion after another into the private lives of all Americans, expressed her irrational concern of her fellow “young, Democratic socialists” being rounded up into “internment camps.” Lewis is frightened by the Tea Party movement, people who have been peacefully expressing their legitimate protestations of an out-of-control, overreaching and invasive government – people merely trying to protect themselves from the aggression of the State.

Rational Americans should be much more concerned about federal administration officials such as regulatory czar Cass Sunstein, who proposes to “infiltrate” Internet sites and chat rooms as a means of controlling public opinion, and Solicitor General Elena Kagan who has said that freedom of speech “depends upon a categorical balancing of the value of the speech against its societal costs” (i.e. government-approved speech), and who has been supportive of President Obama’s ever-expanding executive powers including detaining or assassinating individuals without trial.

Conservatives and Tea Partiers need to be cautious in supporting policies such as detaining indefinitely or assassinating Americans suspected – not convicted, but suspected – of participating in “terrorist” or other criminal activities, in the name of fighting terrorism or any other societal threat, especially when we have public officials such as Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano and her DHS explicitly declaring “right-wing extremists,” “anti-government” types, and people opposed to ObamaCare as a threat to national security. Beware of people like Speaker Pelosi and others who have referred to Tea Party protesters as acting seditiously against the government. These officials are literally viewing Tea Partiers and conservatives as the “terrorists.”

The Obama Left may use such Bush-imposed policies based on presumption of guilt and without due process to serve their own political agenda, which could result in very negative consequences for members of the Tea Party movement, and all Americans. And if there will be an economic crisis even worse than the Great Depression as some people predict, and if the Obama Administration calls for martial law, then you will see greater abuse of government and police power, especially if law enforcement duties are shared by members of AmeriCorps, ACORN, S.E.I.U. and other pro-Obama unions and flunkies.

The Bush anti-terrorism policies were policies of short-sightedness and expediency that did not take into account their long-term consequential effects on liberty. Given monopolistic control over protecting the country from terrorism, officials do not have a competitive incentive to provide actual quality service of protection. Because of this, decisions are political, rather than practical and moral. Americans need to recognize this, and see how the compulsory nature of having to use this one government-run service is impractical and dangerous. It would be wise to reject the Big Government socialism and internationalism of our current Homeland Security police and military bureaucracy and consider more practical alternatives that don’t violate liberty, and that would be accountable to law and to markets rather than to political interests.

Eventually, thanks to the Bush Administration and the Obama extremists, we may discover how a more severe threat to our liberty and our security is not Islamic terrorism, but our own government.

Americans may very well learn the hard way that the Rule of Law is absolute, and applies to all people, private citizens and military personnel, businessmen and public officials, with no exceptions, war or not.

News and Commentary

Zero Hedge: Right On Cue For Biden, WHO Admits High-Cycle PCR Tests Produce COVID False Positives.

Matt Agorist: Media Literally Compares Biden to God, Whitewashing New Face of US Police State & War Machine.

Caitlin Johnstone: Psycho Pompeo Exits With Nary A Scratch Of Media Criticism On Him.

John Whitehead: The Deep State’s Stealthy, Subversive, Silent Coup to Ensure Nothing Changes.

Jacob Hornberger: Woe to the Libertarian Non-Unifiers.

José Niño: Beware the Troop-Withdrawal Bait and Switch.

Robert Wenzel: This is Who Influences the Biden Team

Maryam Henein: The Storming Of The Capitol — Inciting Insurrection Or False Flag Attack?

Dave Lindorff: Time to Trash the Terrorist Watch List, a Police-State Frankenstein Gone Off the Rails.

Wendy McElroy: The Gold Clause: A Free-Market Gold Standard.

Ethan Yang: The Case for Decentralizing Monetary Policy.

And Alan Dershowitz: Congress Broke Two Records on Impeachment of Donald Trump.

News and Commentary from the Totalitarian USSA Banana Republic

Glenn Greenwald: The New Domestic War on Terror is Coming.

Breitbart: Left Calls for an “Army of Citizen Detective” Stasi to Monitor and Report Trump Supporters.

Barry Brownstein: A Soviet Dissident Explains American Censorship.

Kevin Gosztola: No Pardons For Edward Snowden Or Julian Assange.

Thomas Knapp: The No-Fly List: More Dangerous Than the Capitol Rioters.

Charles Burris: “Political Identity Theft”

Laurence Vance: Will Women Have to Register for the Draft in 2021?

And Doug Bandow: As Joe Biden Takes Over, Washington Is in Desperate Need of a Little Foreign Policy Humility.

COVERT-19 Face Masks Child Abuse (And Adult Abuse, Too!)

Here is a video that is an example of the institutionalized, State-forced child abuse going on now as governments are giving young people (and older people as well) emotional and physical health problems and social problems that are being caused by wearing those masks over their mouth and nose. Just look at what the kids are made to live through, and for no good reason. Just look at the propaganda aspect of this video, promoting the “New Normal” of the sick masks. This is child abuse!

The masks do not prevent the transmission of viruses, including the alleged Covid-19, except for possibly the N95 masks, and that’s questionable. (See #5 on my article on Covid science, that I will quote from below.)

Also, here is Peggy Hall again on the “Menacing M@$K SKAM,” in which she demonstrates how media are trying to brainwash the people to make masks acceptable, and even cool. “They’re trying to normalize these SKAMS, these identity stealing, identity concealing self-suffocation devices.”

And in this other video, this doctor tells us of a 4-year-old little kid who was rushed to the hospital with a bacterial infection that was caused by prolonged MASK wearing! And he wonders, just as I have been suggesting, how many people are having this problem and going to the hospital thinking they have COVID!! (And then the incompetent medical personnel at the hospitals put the people on ventilators to make them worse off, and in some cases kill them.) In other words, the damn masks are causing people health problems!!

So I’ll conclude by quoting from the relevant part of my article on Covid science:

(From #5 on the face masks)

Dr. Mike Ryan of the World Health Organization stated in March, “There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit. In fact, there’s some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly.

At the same press conference, WHO epidemiologist Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove said, “In the community, we do not recommend the use of wearing masks unless you yourself are sick and as a measure to prevent onward spread from you if you are ill…The masks that we recommend are for people who are at home and who are sick and for those individuals who are caring for those people who are home that are sick.”

And also, most masks that are not N95 masks do not prevent the transmission of the virus, because the virus is too small and still gets through.

The Guardian:

A properly fitted N95 respirator will block 95% of tiny air particles – down to 0.3 micron in diameter, which are the hardest to catch – from reaching the wearer’s face. But surgical masks, designed to protect patients from a surgeon’s respiratory droplets, aren’t effective at blocking particles smaller than 100 microns, according to the mask maker 3M. A Covid-19 particle is smaller than 0.1 micron, according to South Korean researchers, and can pass through a surgical mask.

Research from other nations hit hard by the virus confirms the concern. A report published earlier this month examined data from two hospitals in South Korea, and found that surgical masks “seem to be ineffective in preventing the dissemination” of coronavirus particles. A 2013 Chinese study found that twice as many health workers, 17%, contracted a respiratory illness if they wore only a surgical mask while treating sick patients, compared with 7% who continuously used an N95, per a study in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

Could these masks be harmful? Such as causing oxygen deprivation? See this study published at NIH, which states,

This study was undertaken to evaluate whether the surgeons’ oxygen saturation of hemoglobin was affected by the surgical mask or not during major operations…Our study revealed a decrease in the oxygen saturation of arterial pulsations (SpO2) and a slight increase in pulse rates compared to preoperative values in all surgeon groups. The decrease was more prominent in the surgeons aged over 35.

Stanford University:

N95 masks are estimated to reduce oxygen intake by anywhere from 5 percent to 20 percent. That’s significant, even for a healthy person. It can cause dizziness and lightheadedness. For healthy people, these side effects are temporary and usually not an issue. But if you are severely ill and are continuously wearing an N95 mask for several hours at a time, it can damage the lungs.

Oxygen deprivation or hypoxia can harm cognitive functioning. Not good.

According to Harvard Medical School doctors and nurses,

We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.

So why the mask fetish from our undeservedly respected public officials?

Target Liberty discussed the real psy-op aspect of the mask phenomenon in the WHO’s “Advice on the use of masks in the context of COVID-19.”

There, the WHO mentions “reduced stigmatization”… “Making people feel they can play a role”…”public acceptance” …”psychological acceptance,” etc. The masks are a psy-op, folks.

So really, it’s a psy-op by the bureaucrats and their obedient media stenographers, for control, for submission from us serfs.

More News and Commentary

Ron Paul: The Unwelcome Return of the Real Purveyors of Violence

Jeffrey Tucker: The Economic Policy Failures of the Trump Administration.

James Bovard: Our Mail-In Elective Dictator.

Matt Agorist: If Martin Luther King Jr. Were Alive Today, Big Tech Would’ve Already Banned Him.

Mary Theroux: Free Speech Is Hard. Its Alternative Is Worse.

Becky Akers: Gunning for Patriots

Robert Bridge: Big Tech and the Democratic Party Are Leading America to a Fascist Future.

Washington Times:  FBI, Justice Department Knew There Was No Russia Collusion by Spring of 2017.

And BizPacReview: Hundreds of Rioters Destroyed Property, Set Fires During Trump’s 2017 Inauguration, and Charges Were Dropped.

News and Commentary

James Bovard: Pandemic Security Theater.

Richard Ebeling: Collectivism Breeds Indifference to the Loss of Liberty.

Phillip Nelson: How J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI Murdered Martin Luther King Jr.

Kit Knightly: MSM Calls for “New Definition of Free Speech”

Matt Agorist: Parents Shocked as Armed Cops Show Up at Their Homes to Talk About Kids’ Grades.

Lawrence Reed: 11 of the Most Memorable Acts of Civil Disobedience in History.

David Stockman: Free Lunches for One and All

And Pepe Escobar: Afghanistan and the CIA Heroin Ratline

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