News and Opinion from Non-Corporate Media Sources

James Bovard ( Truth Has No Chance on Capitol Hill

John Whitehead ( Rule by Criminals: When Dissidents Become Enemies of the State

Kym Robinson ( Collateral Murder 2.0

Jonathan Cook ( Assange’s ‘Reprieve’ Is Another Lie, Hiding the Real Goal of Keeping Him Endlessly Locked Up

Ryan McMaken ( Federal Judges Co-Opted America’s State Constitutions

Gary Barnett ( The Heinous Constitution: An Abominable Curse on the Liberty of All

Paul Craig Roberts ( The Most Astounding Feature of the Assange Case

William Astore ( The Pentagon Ate Our Government: Looking at the New Federal Budget

Ariel Gold ( Israel’s Conscientious Objectors Stand on the Shoulders of Giants

Activist Post ( The Most Censored Subjects on Earth: The Trilateral Commission, Technocracy & Transhumanism

Republicans Agree with Democrats: “Let’s Destroy America”

This is more of a rant than a “formal” article. You have been warned.

Apparently former RNC chair Ronna Romney McDaniel was hired by MSNBC. Who knows why? But when the regime apparatchik propagandists there heard about that, they would have none of it. 

Yes, the sniveling brats including Rachel Maddouch and former Meet the Press host Chuck Tard complained to the NBC bosses who then fired Romney McDaniel immediately.

Romney McDaniel is supposedly suing the low-ratings “news” outlet for “defamation,” although breach of contract is probably more appropriate.

The MSNBC crew were accusing Romney McDaniel of being a Trump “election denier,” even though it is they, the sniveling pinkos who have been election steal deniers and liars, either knowingly or out of ignorance. They are brainwashed by their own propaganda, it seems.

Even George Snuffleupagus, who isn’t on MSNBC but a regime apparatchik nevertheless, repeated a big lie just recently, that Trump “lost all the court cases” (paraphrasing) in Trump’s election-related court cases in 2021. The truth is that most of the judges dismissed those cases without even hearing any of the hundreds of witnesses, who had signed sworn affidavits, that then-RNC chair Ronna Romney McDaniel prepared for those court cases.

The MSNBC Democrat groupies accused Trump and Romney McDaniel of lying and the “Big Lie” that 2020 election was rigged and stolen, which it was.

Those same MSNBC people lied like a rug for years regarding the “Trump-Russia collusions” hoax, thoroughly debunked by the Mueller report and again by the Durham report. They lied about Covid. They lied about the Covid mRNA “vaccine” the clot-shot being “safe and effective,” which was neither safe nor effective.

But that’s not what I wanted to discuss and rant about here.

The problem at hand lies with the Republican Party, which continues to live up to its moniker … the “Stupid Party.” That is what they are.

For example, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Goon is now warning the speaker Mikey Johnson to be more loyal to the “MAGA” movement or she’ll begin the process of ousting him as speaker of the House. Johnson pushed the latest spending heist supposedly to prevent a “government shutdown,” but the 1000+ page bill contained a lot of social cause spending crapola that Goon objects to.

Mikey Johnson isn’t like Mikey on the cereal commercial, “He hates everything!” because when it comes to Big Government spending bills, tax-funded largess for everyone and everything, he is like Mikey in the commercial, “He likes it! Hey, Mikey!”

Is there a Marjorie in those commercials? Last year Marjorie Taylor Goon voted for a bill with then-speaker McCarthy and Democrats to raise the debt ceiling, a move for which ultra'”MAGA” conservative Steve Bannon called for her to be primaried. So, a bit of a hypocrite there, Marge.

But she’s hysterical with the catfights with fellow congresswomanperson Lauren Bimboebert. 

And when Marge calls for a “national divorce,” and “Not Another Penny” for Ukraine. Good.

But any principled statesman or statesperson should oppose ALL foreign aid, don’t you think? Why is it a legitimate thing to steal money from the workers and producers to redistribute it over to any foreigner or foreign interest? 

Actually, doing that is illegitimate, but so is stealing money from the workers and producers to redistribute the loot over to anyone, because it involves stealing, which is what taxation is.

And given the involuntary, contract-less nature of taxation, especially the income tax, then any kind of forced, coerced redistribution of income is illegitimate, and criminal, in fact. No different from a robber pointing a gun at you and demanding your money that way. 

That means that those who are in the employ of the racket that steals from the people, the gubmint of which Marjorie Taylor Goon is an active agent, are merely criminals like any other robber.

And I’m picking on Goon because she’s criticizing the speaker Mike Johnson for passing another outrageous spending bill, when she votes for many spending tax-theft-funded bills herself.

Another hint that Marjorie Taylor Goon is just another regime swamp creature was that after she called for the release of all the 40,000+ hours of January 6th surveillance videos, she then retreated and joined the police state in its withholding of video evidence that will expose the Fedsurrection for what it was.

And she’s politically clueless, calling for another House speaker ouster, causing more chaos in the GOP. The problem is, they all suck. 

And now after they got rid of TV character actor George Santos, another Republican is leaving before the next elections, Mikey Gallagher, but not soon enough to get a special election to replace him, which it appears he is doing deliberately as though to help Democrats regain the majority.

Are Goon and Gallagher being threatened to do those things? Blackmailed?

I think that the Democrats/FBI gestapo/criminal class have been threatening these clowns to self-destruct to get them to lose the majority in the House, because otherwise a lot of stuff now just doesn’t make any sense.

Another policy that never made any sense but which many Americans stupidly support is the “war on drugs.” Very short-sighted Americans still support the same failed policy for decades and decades.

One of the biggest idiots in this regard is — yup, you guessed it — Marjorie Taylor Goon, who wants to “declare war on the Mexican drug cartels,” and the U.S. military to “strategically strike” and take them out.

Riiiight. I’m sure the Americans on the Texas southern border want an actual military war right where they live. Bombs away, Marge.

Sadly, short-sighted Americans do not understand that government-imposed prohibitions cause the black market to occur, like with drugs. And the black market is what incentivizes the low-lifes to create cartels, and what creates drug traffickers, and drug pushers, and so on.

So repealing ALL drug laws and ending prohibition altogether will eliminate the black market, and when the incentive disappears, the cartels, traffickers and pushers also disappear. Duh.

Anyway, Marjorie Taylor Goon was heckling Biden at the State of the Union, referring to the American who was killed by an “illegal,” and saying, “Say her name,” like the Antifa crowd were doing regarding the victims of police brutality.

As I referenced in an article a few years ago, the U.S. regime in Washington has murdered plenty of innocent civilians overseas, in drone strikes and otherwise, does Marge insist on people saying the names of those victims?

Such as in these articles I linked to:

U.S. airstrike kills family of eight, U.S. drone strike kills three civilians and four “suspects,” US admits Syria airstrike that killed 46 but denies targeting mosque, Panic spreads in Iraq, Syria as record numbers of civilians are reported killed in U.S. strikesU.S. airstrikes kill at least 43 civilians in Syria’s RaqqaU.S. military airstrikes kill many more civilians in just 48 hours, and U.S. military battles Syrian rebels armed by CIA…Western government violence and drones target weddings, funerals, rescuers, and civilian hospitals.

Does Marjorie Taylor Goon ever insist that people say the names of those victims? Probably not.

And Donald Trump is continuing his socialist/fascist trade war crap like he’s been doing for decades. He wants to impose tariffs i.e. taxes i.e. thefts on American consumers for their purchasing decisions. Trump hates China and wants to punish Americans by having the government steal money from Americans for that! That’s how dumb some nationalist-minded politicians are now.

And frankly, that obsession with an “illegal” harming an American as being more bad than Americans being harmed by other Americans or by their own government is another nationalist pathology, in my view. Very narcissistic.

Narcissistic Americans are opposed to the Golden Rule, and big on moral relativism. They approve of their government invading other countries like Iraq and Afghanistan and bombing and murdering innocents overseas, but condemn other countries for doing the same thing, like Russia.

And those conservatives, like the Ditto-Heads on talk radio, they support the Israeli bombing and near-total destruction of the entire Gaza region and slaughtering tens of thousands of innocent civilians there. They support all that!

And what is the point of all this? We know that civilized society in America has been decaying for decades and seems to be collapsing. For whatever reason, Republicans are enabling the collapse. They can’t let go of their love of the enabling income tax-thefts, the welfare-warfare state, and government tax-funded living high off the hog.

And the brainwashed cultist Democrats want the collapse. Democrats and Republicans are the ones who have caused the whole situation in the first place. 

The American Revolutionaries and founders never would have wanted a tax-thieving criminal enterprise in Washington ruling over the people. It needs to be ended, not reformed, to save the civilized society.

News and Opinion (Not from Regime Media)

John Whitehead ( The Language of Force: How the Police State Muzzles Our Right to Speak Truth to Power

Andrew Napolitano ( Can Congress Ban TikTok?

Jacob Hornberger ( CIA Secrecy on JFK Points to Criminal Culpability

David Brady, Jr ( A Tale of Two Bureaucracies

Norman Solomon ( Apologists for Israel’s Mass Murder in Gaza Fall Back on ‘Antisemitism’ Claims

James Howard Kunstler ( Wake-up Call

Pierre Kory ( The FDA Settled With Us Because They Knew They Were Going to Lose

Emerald Robinson ( Could the Clot Shots Unleash Prion Disease?

Alex Berenson ( Leukemia Deaths Jumped in Japan in 2022 after the mRNA Jabs, Reversing Years of Declines

Wanjiru Njoya ( Self-Ownership and the Right to Self-Defense

Laurence Vance ( Army Values

Michael Snyder ( Why Is the National Guard Being Deployed During the Great American Eclipse on April 8th?

Joseph Mercola ( Goodbye Google

Jeremy Hammond ( U.S. Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Is a Cynical PR Ploy

The New House Speaker Must Force the Release of ALL January 6th Videos

I am extremely glad that the ultra swamp creature Kevin McCarthy was ousted as House speaker. But the one who initiated the ouster, Congressman Matt Gaetz, the one with the high forehead, should have had some plan in place as far as who should replace McCarthy as speaker.

So far, Congressman Steve Scalise has dropped out of the race, and Congressman Jim Jordan, the squeaky teenage boy-sounding congressman from Ohio, has struck out by having been voted down three times. How about an outsider? The speaker need not be a sitting U.S. congressman. How about Ron Paul?

In any event, whoever is to be the next speaker of the House, that individual must promise to release ALL 40,000+ hours of the January 6th 2021 surveillance video footage at the U.S. Capitol, of the riots and trespassers, a.k.a. the “Insurrectionists” (or as Upchuck Schumer would call them, “The Erectionists”), and of the police voluntarily and willfully opening up gates and doors to let the crowds in the Capitol.

Bureaucrats and the media have been lying about January 6th. And that includes the January 6th Committee with their video editing and splicing and false testimonies. The videos will show that. 

That’s surveillance video of the common areas in the Capitol building. The videos are in the public domain, so We The People own the videos. The FBI, Secret service, or Capitol Police, whoever it is that’s holding back the surveillance videos, must release ALL 40,000+ hours of that video, put it ALL online, like on YouTube or Rumble, and let the chips fall where they may.

Anyone with those agencies or in CONgress who is suppressing those videos should be issued subpoenas or warrants to force them to release those videos. The new House speaker should make that happen. We have a right to know the truth. Otherwise, those officials suppressing the videos should be indicted and charged with obstruction of justice, false imprisonment of all the innocent people being held indefinitely in prison and solitary confinement without trial.

Already, the small bit of surveillance video that Tucker Carlson did show had resulted in providing exculpatory evidence and in exonerating the so-called “Shaman” Jacob Chansley. The rest of the videos will probably exonerate the other hundreds of detainees who are being held indefinitely who committed NO violent crimes or rioting. The FBI gestapo went after them for political reasons and are holding them as political prisoners.

Are they afraid that the federal agents might be identified? Those feds who infiltrated the crowd of Trump supporters, maybe hundreds of infiltrators, who were urging Trump supporters to go into the Capitol building, federal agents who were inciting riotous behavior? 

Well, they SHOULD be identified!! Those feds doing those things are CRIMINALS, entrappers of innocent citizens, inciters to rioting and violence, urging Trump supporters to invade the Capitol, while many of the Trump supporters were saying, “Fed! Fed! Fed!…”

See Tucker Carlson: Government agents may have helped organize the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, Steve McCann: So Much Evidence that January 6, 2021 was a Calculated Set-Up, Jim Hoft: Now There is Evidence the FBI Planned the January 6 Operation and Planted Documents Days Earlier That Were Later Used Against Innocent Americans, Jazz Shaw: The FBI had more people in the Proud Boys than the Proud Boys, and Glenn Greenwald: FBI Using the Same Fear Tactic From the First War on Terror: Orchestrating its Own Terrorism Plots

So, the next House speaker has to force the release of the entire January 6th surveillance videos, because we have a right to know the truth about that day.

But sadly we have all these crazy people in CONgress, the high-forehead guy, the squeaky teenage boy-sounding congressman… And this wacky broad Marjorie Taylor Greene who was for releasing all those surveillance videos before she was against it.

The House Republicans, whose party is known as the “Stupid Party,” cannot decide on who should be the next House speaker. But maybe no one should be. Is it finally time to begin the decentralization process? I think so.

On the Covid Deaths from Hospital Protocol, Remdesivir, and Ventilators

Besides the mRNA “vaccine” that’s not a vaccine that’s been causing trouble, “brought to you by “Pfizer,” i.e. Pfraudzer and Murderna, there have been other horrible things being caused by the medical establishment. Thanks to the Covid era, the establishment doctors and hospitals have shown that yes, you must “do your own research,” and get alternative treatments if you can. Nutritional medicine is very important, as I have mentioned many times.

But the way that the hospitals and their Doctors Mengele and Nurse Racheds effected in murdering innocent people certainly more than a virus did during the Covid scam, was those horrible people’s Covid “protocols,” as I mentioned in this article.

A new article is on American Thinker by Stella Paul, who writes about the hospitals’ insistence on forcing their murderous protocols on people, including involuntarily administering remdesivir and ventilators, and violating patients right to informed consent in very coercive, manipulative and sneaky, underhanded ways.

Did you go through the nightmares as described?

More News, Opinion, and the Truth (Not from MSM)

Murray Rothbard ( Taking Money Back (Classic article)

Ryan McMaken ( To Fight the State, Build Alternatives to the State

Caitlin Johnstone ( It’s Immoral To Serve In An Immoral Military: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

William Hartung ( Congress Has Been Captured by the Arms Industry

Binoy Kampmark ( Criminals at Large: The Iraq War Twenty Years On

James Bovard ( Was the Iraq War the Biggest Con of the 21st Century?

Jacob Hornberger ( Is Putin Copying Woodrow Wilson?

Dave DeCamp ( Zelensky to Clear Out Orthodox Monastery With Police

Lipton Matthews ( Politics Is Turning Us into Idiots

Igor Chudov ( Europe Abandons All-Electric Car Mandate

Norman Solomon ( We Don’t Have To Choose Between Nuclear Madmen

Jim Hoft ( James O’Keefe Strikes Again! O’Keefe Media Group Exposes MASSIVE Democrat Party Money Laundering Scheme in US Elections

J.Robert Smith ( Fat, Stupid, and Diverse

Ted Noel ( Rand Paul’s NIAID Bill is Much Too Timid

Andy Roth ( Your RINO State Rep May Be Voting to Take Away Your Financial Freedom

And Jordan Conradson ( FLASHBACK: Hanoi Jane Fonda Calls For “Murder” of Christians/Pro-Lifers on The View Just WEEKS Before Nashville Christian School Shooting

What Must Be Done?

What should we do with the Federal Reserve, and monetary policy?

Informative News and Opinion

Hans-Hermann Hoppe ( Why the State Demands Control of Money (classic article)

Ron Paul ( House Democrats Attack Messengers in ‘Politicization of Government’ Hearing

Tho Bishop ( A Bank Crisis Was Predictable. Was the Fed Lying or Blind?

Jacob Hornberger ( A Cruddy and Dangerous Monetary System

Chris Hedges ( Ukraine’s Death by Proxy

David Swanson ( How U.S. Military Spending Works

Joseph Mercola ( Health Officials Caught Deploying Fear and Staging Coverup

Joe Wolverton ( Pentagon Developing Deepfakes to Deceive the Public

Dave DeCamp ( Former Trump Official Says U.S. Would Destroy Taiwan’s Semiconductor Factories if China Invades

And Caleb Fuller ( Our Economic Illiteracy

The Fed Has Got to Go

Silicon Valley Bank is collapsing, and Treasury Sec. Janet Yellen says don’t worry. People fear that this will cause a domino effect and other banks will follow, especially local banks who tend to be the ones lending to small businesses. It’s the high interest rates that can be blamed for contributing to the local banks collapsing, if they do collapse, because of their dependence on small businesses.

So really I think we can blame Fed chair Jay Powell who keeps raising the interest rates. But why does this one central bank control interest rates? We should decentralize the setting of interest rates and let local banks and lenders set their own interest rates.

We should get rid of the Federal Reserve, which has wreaked havoc ever since it was created. Central banking controls and government regulatory interferences such as Herbert Hoover’s intrusions are what contributed a great deal to the stock market crash and Great Depression. In fact, if there weren’t Fed intrusions and bureaucratic interferences would the stock market have crashed as severely in 1929?

And worse now, we have banksters and corporations CEOs and management who are more concerned about “diversity,” “equity” and climate change than they are concerned about serving their clients and customers’ needs. Many of these banking and business big cheeses are brainwashed with that cultural Marxist crapola and the climate stuff. They need to be deprogrammed.

To get a good idea of what might be going on, read America’s Great Depression by Murray Rothbard. Here is Chapter 7 on the Mises Institute: Herbert Hoover’s attack on Laissez-Faire i.e. the free market.

Also, Rothbard’s The Origins of the Federal Reserve, his The Case Against the Fed (.pdf), and What Has Government Done to Our Money? (.pdf)

Ron Paul’s End the Fed is also helpful.

And Ludwig von Mises’s The Theory of Money and Credit (.pdf) as well.

Train Derailments, Toxic Mess, Spy Balloons, Drugs Side Effects, Kids on Social Media in the News…

After Richard Nixon’s EPA wants to take our gas stoves away, for no good reason (which is the same reason for anything the EPA does), it is then saying that East Palestine, Ohio residents are safe to return to their homes following a train derailment that caused toxic chemicals including vinyl chloride released into the air, water and soil there.

At a town meeting recently, concerned residents were asking WTF? and some were calling for secretary of transportation Pete Baddabing-Baddaboom to do something about the train wreck (no, not the Biden admin train wreck), and others were describing their physical reactions and symptoms from the toxic poison that’s being dumped on them.

There have been other train derailments in the past two weeks as well, in Texas, South Carolina, and now in Michigan. “WTF” is right.

So what’s going on? Is it a purposeful sabotage? We know that there are many climate crusaders who are brainwashed to believe that “there are too many people on the planet” and that they want to get rid of about 90% of the excess people (preferably the conservatives and “Maga Republicans” of course), but is this a rational conclusion? The fact that there have been several train derailments in two weeks is not suspicious. Nothing to see here, move along now.

Alexandra Bruce gives a lot of important information on the train derailment and toxic mess that the “mainstream” media are not covering.

And the China spy balloon, looks like I was right and that the U.S. government bureaucrats knew exactly when China regime launched the balloon and U.S. bureaucrats were tracking it all the way over the Pacific and to Alaska. They chose not to shoot it down until it got through the entire U.S. and off the coast of South Carolina. Hmmm. Maybe the “right-wing talk radio” personalities were right that Biden is bought and paid for by China.

I was originally concluding that the 3 subsequent “unidentified objects” flying or floating across and above the U.S. did not exist and that Biden’s “national security” bureaucrats were making all that up. But now I am hearing that a group of children and their parents and friends are saying their tiny balloon that they had up there and were tracking was possibly one of the objects that were shot down. Who knows. Obviously, this crap is a distraction from the Biden admin’s “alleged” destruction of Nord Stream pipelines.

What is going on with Biden and his crazed administration?

Speaking of crazed politicians, we’re hearing that Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman a.k.a. Uncle Festerman is re-entering the hospital to be treated for depression. I wonder if he’s already been taking pharma drugs since his stroke last May, maybe including anti-anxiety meds? Whatever drugs he might be taking, there’s a good chance they have terrible side effects, including causing depression.

And we know that anti-anxiety drugs such as xanax and valium and antidepressants such as zoloft have been shown to actually worsen anxiety or depression, or cause depression in someone who isn’t already suffering from depression. So, I’m only asking about that because we don’t want to be hearing about Uncle Festerman doing something harmful to himself or others.

And on the other side of the statist aisle, fascist Sen. Josh Hawley now has a bill banning kids under 16 from having social media accounts. A federal law, no less.

So, what he is saying is that he believes that the government should control kids’ digital usage, not their parents. Nanny state much, Senator? (I enjoy pointing out Republican hypocrisy as we see noted in many of Laurence Vance’s articles including his recent one on Republican Déjà Vu.)

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