Some Misc. Items

In my article that’s on today at, The 22-Year Bush War of Aggression on Iraq, I included links to certain books by a few people mentioned in the article. But, I neglected to include a reference to James Bovard’s books, Terrorism and Tyranny: Trampling Freedom, Justice and Peace to Rid the World of Evil, and his newest one, his memoir Public Policy Hooligan. Bovard has also written other noteworthy books, including Attention Deficit Democracy, Freedom in Chains: The Rise of the State and the Demise of the Citizen, and Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty. Here is James Bovard’s blog.

Also regarding my article, and my bringing up the Bush-Kuwait PR campaign to sell the 1991 Gulf War to the American people, an emailer asked what PR firms might the U.S. government have hired to sell war on Iran. My answer is that, since the 1990s, the feds haven’t had to hire any PR firms to sell wars, as the stenographers and zombies of the mainstream media have acted as de facto PR firms for free.


The Obama “food taster” issue: Now, it’s one thing to need a food taster, someone to test the food that’s served to you before you eat it, which is totally paranoid in this case. And we can expect a dictator and tyrant such as Obama to be as paranoid as he apparently is. But it’s another thing to see that all the other people at that luncheon are eating the same exact food, and as Sen. Susan Collins noted, none of them had “keeled over,” so, he must be, like, really paranoid.

Related: The federal government has been arming up and stocking up on hundreds of millions of rounds of ammo, and weaponry, for the DHS and other domestic agencies. That’s domestic, not military. At the same time, they are drooling to totally disarm the civilian population. But there are those in the media who are saying that, if you point out those two things, and that it gives the appearance that the feds are preparing for something, they call you “paranoid” and “conspiracy theorists.” I think that we know who is really “paranoid,” don’t we.

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