Is It Summer Yet?

Jörg Guido Hülsmann shows how inflation helps keep the rich up and the poor down.

In his review of Lew Rockwell’s new book Against the State, David Gordon notes that limited government is a vain hope. (Buy the book.)

Jacob Hornberger says that what is needed is an enlightened citizenry that values liberty.

Aaron Dykes wonders if the drug war is worth having a Constitution-free border.

Justin Raimondo says that it’s another U.S. government war on Iraq, unless Americans rise up and say “No!” as they did with Syria.

Lenore Skenazy responds to a kid who was made to attend Summer school for receiving an A- (Ooooh.)

And Heather Callaghan writes about how the ruling neanderthals of Leawood, Kansas don’t like reading and libraries.

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