The Left and Right Both Lovey-Dovey for Big Government and the Police State

John Whitehead has this important article on the Amerikan police state, citing many different aspects of it and connecting the fascist dots.

Jacob Hornberger on equalizing wealth with traffic fines.

Marjorie Cohn challenges American Exceptionalism. (A more accurate word would be “Supremacism,” however.)

Robert Wenzel discusses Rand Paul’s ducking and weaving on Obama’s recent drone-murders of Americans and others.

Justin Raimondo debunks “The Russians hacked the White House”assertions.

Charles Burris on the White House Presstitutes correspondents dinner.

Joe Wolverton on Montana’s nullifying federalization of law enforcement.

Robert Murphy analyzes the UN’s climate change agenda.

Ron Paul points out the real war on the middle class.

Ryan McMaken on the “living wage” mistake.

Jason Ditz on Obama’s cell phone kill switch agenda.

Laurence Vance is sick of the militarization of everything. (So am I.)

And Walter Williams asks, Will California die of thirst?

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